My Helios 300 restarting itself



  • xapim
    xapim ACE Posts: 7,253 Pathfinder
    After BIOS v1.26 update 
    getting random blue screen of death

    Get bluescreen viewer and check what caused it

    UserBenchmarks: Game 43%, Desk 61%, Work 40%
    CPU: Intel Core i5-7300HQ - 63.5%
    GPU: Nvidia GTX 1050-Ti (Mobile) - 41.9%
    SSD: WDC WDS200T2B0B-00YS70 2TB - 71.4%
    HDD: WD WD10SPZX-00HKTT0 1TB - 93.7%
    RAM: Kingston HyperX DDR4 2666 C15 2x16GB - 76.8%
    MBD: Acer Predator G3-572

    I'm not an Acer employee. (just here to help in the best way i can)
    If my answer fixed you issue please accept it for any other users who search for it would find it quickly thanks :)
    If you want to learn more about undervolting/optimizing windows join the Predator fb group and youtube channel:

    Owner/Admin (HOTEL HERO/Red-Sand/Opoka Opoka)
    Acer support:  

  • OGMike
    OGMike Member Posts: 123 Die Hard WiFi Icon
    Gamed and browsed for 6+ hours and no freezing/black screens! Problem solved? Can’t confirm quite yet, still researching and have found that it is common for some SSD’s to cause this issue, most likely due to it being corrupted. So now I also have to troubleshoot my external SSD to try and fix it, YIKES! It worked fine on my desktop so that’s probably what I will use to fix it.
  • OGMike
    OGMike Member Posts: 123 Die Hard WiFi Icon
    Update, was playing BFV for maybe 20 minutes and laptop crashed again with black screen, so confirmed my issue is not fixed sadly :(
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,226 Trailblazer
    So what have you got plugged into any of the external i/o ports now? If nothing but a mouse, then try charging the battery to near 100% and keeping the charger plugged in BEFORE you start playing BFV to see what happens.  Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • OGMike
    OGMike Member Posts: 123 Die Hard WiFi Icon
    Usually it’s just mouse, keyboard, headset, and cooling pad, but I will try it later when I can.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,226 Trailblazer
    >>>Usually it’s just mouse, keyboard, headset, and cooling pad>>>

    Whoa! How many watts or amps is your charger? Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • OGMike
    OGMike Member Posts: 123 Die Hard WiFi Icon
    edited June 2019
    Take a peep
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,226 Trailblazer
    How many amps or watts is the cooling pad? Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • OGMike
    OGMike Member Posts: 123 Die Hard WiFi Icon
    It says 5v
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,226 Trailblazer
    What's the cooler's manufacturer & model number? We've covered some of this power usage stuff before. But also before we knew how much is actually plugged into the machine besides the USB SSD. The reason I ask is that your laptop draws about 135-150watts while under load assuming nothing else is connected to it except maybe a mouse. So that leaves a cushion of about 30-45 watts for the 180watt charger to charge the battery and run any additional items plugged in. The problem is, once you start getting close to 180watts there might be momentary power usage spikes and accompanying voltage drops that last long enough to cause a restart. Jack E/NJ 

    Jack E/NJ

  • OGMike
    OGMike Member Posts: 123 Die Hard WiFi Icon
    When I have everything plugged into my g3-572 it never has any problems though
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,226 Trailblazer
    Another 10watts minimum for the fans alone not including the LEDs and assuming nothing else is plugged into it. What's the KB model number? Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • OGMike
    OGMike Member Posts: 123 Die Hard WiFi Icon
    edited June 2019
    It’s a Logitech g105, also I plug my keyboard into my cooling pad due to not enough USB ports on the laptop itself 
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,226 Trailblazer
    Another 3 watts. So in theory, assuming no momentary power spikes, nothing else connected except the mouse & headphones for another ~2 watts & ignoring battery charging, it's using about165 watts under heavy gaming load. Means the 180 watt charger, assuming it's healthy, has 15 whole watts to spare to charge the battery and accomodate occasional power spikes. Getting pretty close to the charger's max power output with a lot of assumptions and theory that everything is working just about perfectly together.

    I suggest trying the game without the cooler. If you get thermal throttling without the cooler but cures the restarts, then it's time to re-paste the cpu & gpu to their heat exchangers with a quality interface like ArcticMX4.

    Jack E/NJ       

    Jack E/NJ

  • OGMike
    OGMike Member Posts: 123 Die Hard WiFi Icon
    I’m trying I’m trying it now, using throttlestop to undervolt to keep temps lower as well 
  • OGMike
    OGMike Member Posts: 123 Die Hard WiFi Icon
    So far so good, the only issues I’m having is some heating up, and froze for a little bit due to taking out and taking back in to BFV which caused the game to crash
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,226 Trailblazer
    >>>I’m having is some heating up>>>

    What do you mean by some heating up? Here's what it's supposed to be doing without tweaking. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • OGMike
    OGMike Member Posts: 123 Die Hard WiFi Icon
    Yea it got up to about 96, but also still black screened with no restart, I left it on over night just to see if it would, nothing but Firefox was running so it was under no load basically and I woke up to the screen black (all settings are turned off for sleep) and I tried to wake the screen up with Win Key+Ctrl+Shift+B and the only changes were flickering lines appeared on my screen.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,226 Trailblazer
    Shut it completely off by pressing & holding the power button. Unplug the charger. Then look for a battery reset pinhole on the bottom. Press and hold it with a paperclip for about 10 seconds. Let the battery set for 15 mins. The plug the charger back in. Turn it on. Is Control Panel power plan still set to performance mode? Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • OGMike
    OGMike Member Posts: 123 Die Hard WiFi Icon
    No I created a custom plan and set it to balanced, also I’ve tried the battery reset but I can never get a paper clip to fit in the hole 😕