How do I reset my Chromebook without erasing any data?
ChromeOS M131 introduced a feature called Safety Reset. Safety Reset allows users to restore the settings of their Chromebook without powerwashing or erasing user accounts or data. This feature can be used to troubleshoot and resolve issues with your network and browser.
How to Safety Reset Your Chromebook
- Open the Settings⚙️ application, select the time in the bottom-right corner of the screen to open the quick settings menu, and select the gear icon
- On the left side of the Settings window, select System Preferences
- On the right side, locate and select Safety Reset
- In the window that appears, confirm and select Safety Reset
- Once confirmed, your Chromebook will turn off then turn back on
- When the Safety Reset is complete you'll be prompted to re-enable any extensions or settings that were disabled during the Safety Reset
Note: We recommend slowly re-enabling any extensions or settings to prevent issues from reoccurring.