Privacy Indicators are a special Chrome Flag feature that will show the privacy status of your Chromebook camera and microphone. When the camera, microphone, or screen sharing is active, a green icon will appear on the status bar.
This is allows you to easily see when you are sharing your screen or audio and video with others. Use the instructions below to turn on privacy indicators.
How to turn on privacy indicators on your Chromebook
- Open the Chrome Browser.
- Type chrome://flags#enable-privacy-indicators into your browser search bar and then press Enter.
- Click on the drop-down menu and select Enable to open the Chrome flags settings to enable or disable privacy indicator.
- Hold down the Power button for 3 seconds to turn off your Chromebook.
- Power your Chromebook on again and open Google Meet. There will now be privacy indicators at the bottom right corner by the Quick settings panel.
Note: Privacy indicators are available only on Chromed OS Dev Channel (Version 108.0.5323.0) and above.