Why do I get the error "Your PC hardware is not supported on this version of Windows" when updating to Windows April Update (1803)?
Some users have reported receiving errors when installing Windows April 2018 Update on devices with Solid State drives. The update may fail during installation or you may receive the error shown below that states your PC hardware version is not supported.

You can check if you have an Intel or Toshiba Solid State Drive in the Acer Care Center application. If you do not have the Acer Care Center application installed, you can download it at https://www.acer.com/ac/en/US/content/software-acer-care-center.
- Type Acer Care Center in the Windows search box and launch the Acer Care Center Application.
- Check the Hard drive that is reported to see if it is an Intel or Toshiba SSD.

Microsoft has released Windows update KB4100403 to resolve this issue. You can check for the latest update using the instructions below, or can directly install the update package from https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=KB4103721.
- Click the Start
menu and select Settings.
- Select Update & Security.
- Click Windows Update and select Check for updates.