Dual boot with Linux

PatReid Member Posts: 6 New User
edited March 2024 in 2018 Archives
Hello there. Hope all is well. My system is Aspire es 15-33 with the Apollo Lake processor, chipset and south bridge. The main board is Acer Stego_AP, and perhaps most important, the UEFI [BIOS] is Insyde Corp, v1.12.
All pretty standard. I have worked for 3 weeks on this, got plenty of tips and advice. But after all is said and done, I still can't pass the install GRUB portion of Linux install without system locking up solid. I have used lots of different USB sticks, but still nothing seems to work. I would pull all my hair out, but due to the chemo, there isn't enough left to make it satisfying.
I had to reinstall Windows 10 after i borked it, but it's running fine now.
I am unable to modify 'Secure Boot' to any mode escept Custom, even after adding Supervisor [Administrator] password.
So, regarding the info on UEFI, mainboard, chipset and USB sticks I've been using, any suggestions on getting that EUFI to co-operate, or anything that may help complete installation of dual booting?
Hope to here from you soon.
Thanks in advance
