Recovery Stops loading at 99%

tommyrsmith Member Posts: 5 New User
edited March 2023 in 2014 Archives

 ACER is about 1000% lower on customer service scale. I know Admn's will delete this but the only answer you ever get is to Contact ACER  2nd party PAID support so you can PAY $$$$$ for the answer to the Recovery Software you just PAID for.  I am a Retired IT Person with 20 years experience and know that it just a BIOS issue or a switch (/a) or something like that to fix this problem. So how do we return the Recovery Software that doesn't work?


  • Blayn-Acer
    Blayn-Acer Administrator Posts: 2,355 Community Administrator

    I apologize for the problems you are having. I have sent you a private message requesting additional information, so we can better assist.

  • tommyrsmith
    tommyrsmith Member Posts: 5 New User

    In response to the above please see the thread 



    I am reluctant to post the fix as ACRE has tryed to charge me $149 also but as someone who has done this for over 20 yrs. And I know how hard it is to make a living in the business. Hears how you work around the 99% problem. If you are trying to do a factory restore. 1. Wipe the Hard drive NO Partitions!! 2. Go to you BIOS by Pressing F2 at startup. 3. go to "MAIN" under the BIOS menu. 4. use the arrow keys to go down to "SATA Mode" press entere. 5. Change to "IDE Mode" Press F10 to save and exit. 6. Put the Factory Recovery CD / DVD named "System" in the drive and restart the PC. &. On restart Press F12 to enter boot menu and chose CD / DVD. 10. Follow the instructions. use option 3 factory restore. If it does not finsh the install reaches 99% after an hour or so stop the install by holding down the power button. At this point you will need to go to HIREN's web sight and Download Hiern's Boot CD and burn it to a CD Once you have made the CD boot into it as in No. 8 above and Chooses Partition Magic one in Partition Magic you will need to set the system partition to make it boot able. Restart the computer it should boot in to windows i also went in to the BIOS and reset the HD to "SATA Mode" to make it boot faster. Now having said all that I am more than sure that ACER has found a shorter why to work around this. Like some thing else in the BIOS or a start up switch "/a" "/b" etc. But I refuse to pay them more money to tell me how to install the software I just bought from them. The info should have been included with the CD's But times are hard in the industry and they need more revenue streams..

