PO5-640 with an overheating question? My temps are high 90c+



  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    edited January 2023

    well, it looks like the fan is right above the cooler so i assumed another intake blowing cold air onto that would be better and would not disrupt the exhaust flow of the 2 noctua fans out the rear fan ... someone here tried both ways and he said intake was cooler than exhaust is why i said that. well, when i get mine, I'm going to try both ways and see what one keeps the CPU and system cooler.

  • patches0311
    patches0311 Member Posts: 20 Networker

    @Ol_Snapper It comes with a new tube of thermal paste, only thing you will need is the screws. The youtube videos will make it seem more complicated than it is since you can use the OEM backplate. Have faith, you got this!

  • Ol_Snapper
    Ol_Snapper Member Posts: 45 Troubleshooter

    @patches0311 I appreciate the moral support man! Are there any particular YouTube videos that you suggest? I have looked at a few but I am not sure which one would be most relevant to my desktop/motherboard.

    One key question: So I do or do not have to remove all components and motherboard to perform the noctura install?

  • patches0311
    patches0311 Member Posts: 20 Networker

    @Ol_Snapper I used this guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8-o9m-OP3E

    You do not need to remove any major components. I was able to get it installed without removing my GPU. You'll have more space to work with if you do remove the GPU, but it is not necessary.

    MOBO removal not necessary at all, you'll skip straight to the bracket installation on the OEM backplate. This is where the additional M3 screws are going to come in, making everything much easier.

    Spacers over OEM backplate -> brackets screwed on with M3 screws -> thermal paste and cooler tower screwed onto brackets. Best part is you'll come out the other side with a much better understanding of your machine!

  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    i found this article interesting. figured ide share it. heh

    10 Best CPU Air Coolers In 2023 - Ultimate Guide (mostpc.com)

  • Ol_Snapper
    Ol_Snapper Member Posts: 45 Troubleshooter

    So I think I am willing to give this thing a try! Again, I won't be purchasing the Noctura NH-U12A until Black Friday, so I have some time yet. I have a few lingering questions.

    1) Since I will be using the 10mm M3 phillips screws to install the mounting brackets, I will not need or have any use for the nuts that come in the Noctura mounting kit?

    2) When I am removing the stock CPU cooler / heatsink, anything special I need to know? The cpu chip won't rip out of its socket when I yank that sucker out? lol

    3) What do I do with the stock cooler power cable after I unplug it, along with the aRGB cable? Based on the user manual pictures it appears the wire is threaded behind the mobo?

    4) I would like to utilize the extra stock fan as an exhaust and mount it directly above the Noctura (top left). Can anyone help explain how to do this (mounting kit, where to plug in the power cable, etc.)?


  • Ol_Snapper
    Ol_Snapper Member Posts: 45 Troubleshooter

    5) Can you use PredatorSense to control the two Noctura cpu fans speed? Or do you have to download something like MSI Afterburner to manual set a fan curve?

  • patches0311
    patches0311 Member Posts: 20 Networker


    1) You will still need some of the Noctua hardware, the only difference is you'll be using the M3 screws to attach the Noctua mounting bracket to the OEM backplate on the mobo. Everything else is the same (the Noctua cooling tower has captured screws, so its pretty easy to figure out how to get it mounted). Keep all unused hardware as you will use it to install the old Frostblade fan in step 4.

    2) The old cooler/heatsink came right off for me, but you may want to do the install after running your computer for a bit to heat up the thermal paste and prevent any sticking. If you're waiting for Black Friday, you'll probably need to run your computer to heat up the CPU as the paste will be pretty old by this point. Noctua includes new paste with the cooler.

    3) You will need to snip the ziptie holding the power cables together that is running through the slot behind the mobo, and once it is snipped you can disconnect the power/RGB cables from the mobo and gently pull them out. Actually snipping the ziptie may be the hardest part of the entire install (still not too hard), so make sure you have a decent pair of long nose snips.

    4) I used the screws that were mounting the OEM cooler (the screws I replaced with the M3 screws) to mount the top fan. You can use the nuts included with the Noctua as backers and the holes for the fan are already drilled into the top of the case. There are a few extra fan ports on the mobo, and you can plug it into the original RGB port as the Noctua does not have RGB so that slot will still be open.

    5) Predatorsense will still control all your fans and give you accurate readouts of speeds.

  • Ol_Snapper
    Ol_Snapper Member Posts: 45 Troubleshooter

    @patches0311 Thanks a lot! Much appreciated!

  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    edited January 2023

    ok patches one question nobody has asked u that i see is where on the MB did you plug in the noctua fans at? I'm going to be ordering this soon and installing it i notice 3 open fan slots up near the top looking at pics others have provided of our MB what one did you use? and i noticed from your pics you mounted the frost blade fan to the right upper slot and someone else did there's right above the cooler why did you choose the right side instead of the left side over the cooler? and do you think it matters lol and thx for all the help you have been great helping us out who haven't done it yet. ok its ordered and will be here Monday !!@!!

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,638 Trailblazer

    On this diagram the CPU Fan connector is #4:

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  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    edited January 2023

    ok but I'm confused if I'm putting the CPU fan up top for intake or exhaust then were would that plug into? and i assume that's in # 4 now? i guess i can open up my case and look but i was asking patches because he just did this. and i want to know exactly where he plugged both fans into.

  • patches0311
    patches0311 Member Posts: 20 Networker

    @Ol_Snapper 👍️

    @chugzilla I plugged the Noctua into the CPU fan slot that the OEM cooler was in, there were still available fan ports (I think one of the #3 spots on the mobo image above was still unused, not 100% sure but there will be at least one unused port) to plug the extra Frostblade in.

    I have my top case fan set up at the front as exhaust, after trying every config the differences in temps were insignificant (1-3C) and this just seemed the most intuitive for me pulling heat up and out.

    Happy to help!

  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    edited January 2023

    ok cool thx if it comes Monday like amazon says I'll be installing then ill post pictures etc for you all and thx for being so helpful. i guess the only thing i need to make up my mind on is do i put the frost Blade fan to the left over the cooler block or the right side away from it. I'm going to try both and see what one is better. I'm thinking right over it as an intake pulling in cold air on the block that makes more sense to me but I'm going to try every configuration possible lol.

  • Ol_Snapper
    Ol_Snapper Member Posts: 45 Troubleshooter

    @chugzilla In your pictures would you mind including one of the zip tie that you will end up cutting? Thanks!

  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    sure, thing buddy I'll do before and after pics for you tc.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,638 Trailblazer

    If you are moving the CPU fan to the case, it needs to connect as a case fan. You don't want to have the system trying to control the fan speed for a case fan based on CPU temperature, the algorithms for a case fan are quite different than for a CPU fan, since it takes so much longer for any change to take effect. Here's the full legend for that MB image:

    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    edited January 2023

    yeah, billsey i am going to put it up top.... i guess then it's considered a case fan...so where do i plug it in at? i don't see an option to connect another case fan. I'm assuming everyone else just plugged there's into slot 3?

  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    ok I've been studying the above diagram and then the legend text for what each thing is-does the two plugin fan spots for 3 say the same thing as the front two intake fans so I'm just going to plug the extra case fan into one of them and the noctua cooler into slot 4 where the stock cooler was problem solved i do believe lol.

  • Ol_Snapper
    Ol_Snapper Member Posts: 45 Troubleshooter

    @chugzilla That would seem correct to me based on the pictures. I thought I read on here somewhere that you have to uninstall and reinstall PredatorSense to get it to recognize the Noctura dual fans and extra case fan setup..