PO5-640 with an overheating question? My temps are high 90c+



  • Ol_Snapper
    Ol_Snapper Member Posts: 45 Troubleshooter

    Whew! All is OK now. I removed the 8b hynix stick from the 4th DIMM slot and it booted right up! I guess it just wasn't pushed down all the way or misaligned..who knows lol.

  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    edited December 2022

    yeah, i think when i first put all 4 in mine i noticed a cpl were not seated properly so i took like 15 minutes and made sure all 4 were down and in and the same level before i even turned mine on lol so yeah you should be fine once Ya get it back in the 4th slot if Ya haven't already and that is the hardest one to seat properly because of limited space to work with but it can be done ...i know i just kept pressing the top from left to right of the sticks until they went in all the way and this is my first pc were the left side or bottom on this pc were the ram clicked in didn't have a lock tab like the other side but in my eyes this actually made it easier to install for me and I'm not sure how you are doing it but i had mine laying down flat so it was easier to see and install the ram

  • Ol_Snapper
    Ol_Snapper Member Posts: 45 Troubleshooter

    Yeah I had mine laying flat as well. There's no way I could have done it with the computer standing upright. As of right now I am at 40gb RAM right now which seems to be performing decent. My temps are hovering in the 50s with fans on gaming mode :)

  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    edited December 2022

    well one day when ya have time just toss is back in you will be fine i have faith in ya =]] and remember 4 sticks is better than 3 always run them in 2 or 4 but i did run 3 for a few weeks cuz when i bought my memory i got 1-16 then waited a few weeks then snagged another and it's a good thing acer lets us run these crazy configurations with memory lol keep me posted buddy and tc n happy holidays

  • Ol_Snapper
    Ol_Snapper Member Posts: 45 Troubleshooter

    I sure will, happy holidays to you man!

  • Ol_Snapper
    Ol_Snapper Member Posts: 45 Troubleshooter

    One random thing I just noticed: my predator sense is not displaying my gpu temp for some reason. It shows my cpu and system Temps just fine, but the gpu info is missing. Any ideas?

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,638 Trailblazer

    What is the model number for the Crucial memory you were trying? Did it work with just those two?

    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • Ol_Snapper
    Ol_Snapper Member Posts: 45 Troubleshooter

    Well, it turns out I didn't have the latest Nvidia game ready driver installed. I did a computer restart after it finished downloading and now the gpu temp is appearing :)

  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    yeah those NVidia drivers mess with predator sense Haha one time i was watching the fan speeds after installing and the gpu one went down half of what it normally is and after i rebooted it was back to normal and called both acer and NVidia to confirm if that was normal and it is so that was a relief i think i even contacted Microsoft as well to cover all my bases they said no matter if your pc tells you or not reboot after any driver updates

  • Bricky
    Bricky Member Posts: 18 Troubleshooter
    edited December 2022

    I have a PO3-640,  i7 12700F, stock cooler, 3070, a 1 stick of 16Gb ddr4.

    The very first thing to do is to change the cooler. The stock cooler has round aluminium core and only cover 50% of the chip surface.

    The i7 never pass the 30% of usage but temperatures are always between 70º and 100º

    That concers about not only the health of the chip, but also the health of the mobo, coz the stock cooler blows reballing air all over the surface.

    I bought a cheap tower heat sink, with 4 cooper pipes, that covers all the rectangular chip surface; that solves the heat problem (50º-90º), and throws the hot air to the back fan, out of the case.

    I wonder if a buy another stick of ram (DDR4 16gb DDR4 CL22) will pair sucessfull with the existing ram. Should i buy the same brand? (Adata)

  • Ol_Snapper
    Ol_Snapper Member Posts: 45 Troubleshooter

    @chugzilla it worked! I finally got my last RAM stick in that pesky 4th slot and it booted up just fine. Now I'm rocking 48gb DDR5 RAM. I can already tell a big difference in my fps and Temps coming from the stock 16gb RAM. Thanks a lot for all the tips and info!

    By the way, not sure what kinds of games suit your fancy, or whether you prefer to game solo or play competitive multi-player. But feel free to add me on steam if you like! My steam ID is Ol_Snapper. My gaming library is pretty small right now, but it will grow lol.

  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    edited December 2022

    ok awesome buddy glad Ya got it so happy for you...and yes i play games on steam but only Days Gone and Terminator Resistance now lol there both single player ones i just started gaming like 6 months ago and wait till Ya add 16 more gigs of crucial 2x16 of course and see how it responds ohh and when i put the 4th ones in slot 4 in mine i literally had to bend the stick quite a bit to get it to slide in Haha I'm like holy hell I'm going to snap it but they are a lot stronger than ppl think lol anyways tc

  • JTMoore
    JTMoore Member Posts: 12


    So I was having the same issues with the PO5-640 and my cpu overheating . Hitting 90+ playing warzone 2. Only thing that dropped it would having the fans on full which I didn't want all the time so I ordered the Noctua NH-U12A chromax.black and installed it today. Was a right pain for me! Had to remove all components to take the motherboard out to change the back plate which wouldn't come out easily. Never worked on a pc before this is my first pc, was a nightmare lol. But my god was it worth it! Cpu temps are now sitting at mid 40s without having to run the fans at ridiculous speeds or gaming mode.

  • JTMoore
    JTMoore Member Posts: 12


    How it looks now. Can use the fan from the old cooler as an additional exhaust from the top :)

  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    edited January 2023

    i would almost think it would cool better as an intake.... coming right down on the noctua block.... instead of exhaust.... i can't see how that would help since its all being directed out the back end...... i know that's what I'm doing when mine arrives. ohh and btw i find the pc is not loud at all on gaming mode mines in gaming mode 24-7 maybe I'm used to louder noises we sleep with fans on all year round to block out noise and i have central heat-ac running year-round i actually don't think this pc in gaming mode is loud at all. yet all i hear people complaining about is that gaming mode is too loud Haha and it isn't really. anyways those are my thoughts. tc all n be safe.

  • Ol_Snapper
    Ol_Snapper Member Posts: 45 Troubleshooter

    Awesome stuff! The install of the Noctura looks WAY above my skill level, especially if you have to remove all the components and the motherboard! Would any of you have any solid recommendations for a service or company that would install it for me for a fee?

  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    geek squad is the only place ide trust if i didn't do it myself. but i am and I've never done this before Ol_Snapper either so I'm sure you can watch videos like i have and still do it seems so easy to do. so, when mine gets here I'm going to install it Haha and all we have to do it remove the cooler fan and the cooler. Clean off the paste...put new paste on screw the mounts in place then screw the cooler in place and attach the fans and put the argb frost blade fan up take as an intake seems easy enough lol.

  • JTMoore
    JTMoore Member Posts: 12


    I dont see how thats better? thats where heat builds up at the back? having it there as an intake would just push the hot air back around the system and circulate it. You can even feel the top of the pc case getting warm. You would also void the rear exhaust pushing air past it and not letting it drag out the hot air. All components would run at higher temps with it as an intake. I dont find that it needs to be in gaming mode now at all either with the new cooling block and fan set up. it sits at mid 20s whilst idle and mid 40s while gaming.

  • patches0311
    patches0311 Member Posts: 20 Networker

    @Ol_Snapper the noctua install is very easy, don't get discouraged. Key is having some 10mm m3 screws on hand before the install, you can get those anywhere(I had some RC car screws lying around but you can order on Amazon). It's as simple as removing the old cooler (8 screws), cleaning the chip, add some thermal paste, popping the spacers on the original backplate(no need to remove), and screwing the tower on (4 screws). Before taking it anywhere, watch a YouTube video and see if it's within your skill level. Getting in there and working on your machine will teach you more about it than anything, and the cooling performance is very well worth the trouble! Let me know if there's anything specific holding you back I'll see if I can provide more info for you.

  • Ol_Snapper
    Ol_Snapper Member Posts: 45 Troubleshooter

    @patches0311 I guess I just don't have a lot of confidence in myself and I'm worried I will break something lol. But I will definitely give YouTube a look and see if I can muster up the courage come next black Friday. Does the noctura NH u12a come with thermal paste or do I need to purchase that separately?