F5-573-37XJ. Battery Signal always blinking even AC adapter is unplugged and if Power is off



  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Try to cycle it more. Run it on battery alone until it reaches about 10%. Then charge it back up again to 95-100%. Then run it again on battery alone. Keep cycling to see if it improves. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • salehakram
    salehakram Member Posts: 73 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    i tried it many times but nothing good happened :( 
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Many times? When? How could you do this so fast????  One cycle takes several hours to complete. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • salehakram
    salehakram Member Posts: 73 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    After buying this battery when i faced that problem again and again. The seller told to do that.  So i tried it many times for solution but nothing fixed😥 
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    I would like to see hwinfo WITHOUTt the charger plugged in. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • salehakram
    salehakram Member Posts: 73 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    this is report:
    Battery #0 ----------------------------------------------------------------

     [General Properties]
      Device Name:                            AS16A5K
      Manufacturer Name:                      PANASONIC
      Serial Number:                          7203
      Unique ID:                              7203PANASONICAS16A5K
      Chemistry:                              Lithium Ion
      Designed Capacity:                      32120 mWh
      Full Charged Capacity:                  24908 mWh
      Wear Level:                             22.5 %
     [Current Power Status]
      Power Status:                           Discharging 
      Current Capacity:                       22980 mWh (92.3 %)
      Current Voltage:                        15.774 V
      Discharge Rate:                         -13563 mW
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    The discharge rate is very high! This has little or nothing to do with the battery. You apparently have way too many background applications or processes running and/or high disk usage that are consuming a lot of CPU and GPU power. Open Task Manager and try to find whatever is consuming so much power. At the discharge rate you posted, the battery will last less than 2 hours. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • salehakram
    salehakram Member Posts: 73 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    So what should i do for my battery blinking problem? can i replace the battery ? if i need to replace battery, where i get good quality battery in Online marketplace?
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    edited January 2020
    The blinking is likely due to the battery's abnormally high discharge rate of more than 13000 mW. This is way too high if it's constantly draining at this rate. This is not normal. Have you checked TaskManager to see what is draining so much power?  If it blinks even when the machine is turned off, there may be almost a short circuit somewhere inside the case.  Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • aphanic
    aphanic Member Posts: 959 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    Chiming in... that doesn't strike me as a really high discharge rate to be honest, specially considering that HWiNFO doesn't refresh such data. It could have been measured right when the program started and and was running in a higher power state (my laptop can get up to -19 mW when on burst haha).

    If you want to check the discharge rate while idling (or otherwise) I'd suggest you use BatteryInfoView for example, it's less fancy, but the default refresh interval is 10 seconds ;).

    Now, the difference in the nominal voltage output of your new battery and the original one is minimal and well withing the 5% tolerance, if I had to guess I'd say it's due to the use of 3.6v cells vs 3.7v cells on the original. It's a tough choice buying 3rd party batteries because not only they use lower quality cells but some sellers overstate their capacity rating. For example, although it reads 2600mAh they may have used 2400mAh or 2200mAh cells inside (and usually impossible to check unless disassembling the battery, which is usually a destructive process on its own too... haha)

    As for the matter at hand, the blinking light, my money would be either on the battery control chip or the amount of amps the cells are able to output at a given time (e.g. being insufficient for normal use), the power regulators in the laptop can cope with certain discrepancies up to a point. And there's no fix I can think of to be honest, other than getting a new (and compliant) battery, but that's a crazy adventure on its own. I'm not going to name any sites, but there's plenty of low quality stuff in business to consumers massive selling websites regarding batteries, specially when one opts for a cheap replacement because the original stuff costs so much more...

    Recommendation, don't deep cycle the battery again, it actually harms it; hings aren't what they used to be and memory effect per se is non-existent in todays chemistries for example. Seeing your screenshots and reports the battery wear went up substantially in the last one, was it the same unit? (in BatteryInfoView it reports the opposite, battery health)

    As an anecdote, for an older laptop of a different brand that also used 18650 cells, after going through a couple of unsatisfactory replacements leading to different kinds of problems (e.g. lower performance on those that weren't able to supply the necessary amount of power, wrong reports in battery levels, etc.) I ended up sourcing quality 18650 cells and making my own using the enclosure, BMS and control chips of the original one. It was expensive (it was a 9 cell battery, the cells alone went for 90€ at the time I think?) and time consuming I must tell you, but everything performed as expected and when I did that there was no way to buy an original one just like you, otherwise I'd have gone that route for sure.

    PS. There's one interesting bit of info in this thread that not many people know about, when a battery dies not all of its cells may be dead ;). Even though they're balanced by the BMS if one of them dies like what happened here they controller may report a bad battery even if the rest of them are good to use. But since they're all in series here and none in parallel it's normal because the battery can no longer provide the necessary power for the machine to function. OP made a powerbank out of the good cells, nicely done! ^^,
  • salehakram
    salehakram Member Posts: 73 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
     Already told you my laptop battery signal blinks even when the machine is turned off, That's what I posted this topic. And yes it was  same unit. My old battery gives me 6-9 hours backup in same windows version but the new one giving me 2-3 hours backup. and am not using any harmful or draining software. I'm using Just chrome browser and video player. also installed 240 GB SSD. i'm not a gamer or freelancer . am a student and i'm using this laptop for my study purpose only. Opening a laptop regularly is annoying to me.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    >>>My old battery gives me 6-9 hours backup in same windows version but the new one giving me 2-3 hours backup>>>

    If your old battery still gives you 6-9 hours but still blinks when turned off and not plugged in, you probably have a mainboard issue. And If the new battery still only gives you 2-3 hours, then you probably have a bad new battery if the 13000+ mW isn't constant.  Jack E/NJ  

    Jack E/NJ

  • salehakram
    salehakram Member Posts: 73 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    This is my Old battery Cell. And It's written here on cells: 0J4T4B9.  2nd Line: 050641
    what it means? is it 18650 or Or something else? 
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Jack E/NJ LED Indicators

    Jack E/NJ

  • salehakram
    salehakram Member Posts: 73 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    I bought my Laptop at 07-24-2017 and unfortunately my laptop battery damaged in 05-02-2019. During that time i haven’t faced any battery problem(like blinking or not charging up). Then i sent my laptop to Acer care center for changing battery but they told me we have no stock about this model of battery. And then one of seller gave me this battery which i'm using now. Problems since this battery was installed :( When orange signal blinking even machine is turned off, I Have to open the battery every time for resetting this problem. but it's really annoying to me to open internal battery regularly :( 
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    >>>During that time i haven’t faced any battery problem(like blinking or not charging up). Then i sent my laptop to Acer care center for changing battery >>>

    If you had no problem with original battery, why did you send the laptop to ACER for changing it???? Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • salehakram
    salehakram Member Posts: 73 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    Suddenly my laptop battery damaged. my laptop turned off about 8 days and after 8 days when i turned on my laptop, Charging icon showing "No battery Detected,Battery Not present" so i sent it to care center and they told me about 2 month later: my laptop battery damaged. so again i sent it to ACER care center for changing battery. I Posted  here about old damaged battery on may 2019
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    >>>I would like to see hwinfo WITHOUTt the charger plugged in. Jack E/NJ>>>

    I don't think so either @MaClane   I'm still bothered by the battery voltage of 15.8v without being plugged in. This is well over that expected for the as16a5 of 14.8v in a fully charged state. This might mean the battery is being overcharged when it is plugged in. Possibly due to  a faulty charger, a faulty battery control chip or faulty battery monitor. The wear level seems a bit high for a new battery and might be due to overcharging. Overcharging might've killed the old battery. Overcharging may be killing the new battery too. I think the machine should be sent back to the ACER service center for warranty repair before the 2 year warranty expires. The blinking orange LED not only means a low or critical battery charge, but also an abnormal situation other than the battery. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • salehakram
    salehakram Member Posts: 73 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    This is report>>>
    Battery #0 ----------------------------------------------------------------

     [General Properties]
      Device Name:                            AS16A5K
      Manufacturer Name:                      PANASONIC
      Serial Number:                          7203
      Unique ID:                              7203PANASONICAS16A5K
      Chemistry:                              Lithium Ion
      Designed Capacity:                      32120 mWh
      Full Charged Capacity:                  24908 mWh
      Wear Level:                             22.5 %
     [Current Power Status]
      Power Status:                           Discharging 
      Current Capacity:                       17491 mWh (70.2 %)
      Current Voltage:                        15.927 V
      Discharge Rate:                         -6672 mW