ACER ASPIRE 5942G-724G50Mn -Problem: it turns on and off continuously by itself



  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    >>>Hello, I set BIOS default values: no results.>>>

    Was the screen still noisy in the BIOS menu? Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Paolo6
    Paolo6 Member Posts: 54


    Yes, always the same
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    >>>I succeeded to enter into Windows safe mode,>>>

    If you still can get safe mode, you should now try to flash the BIOS by running the version 1.05 EXE file. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Paolo6
    Paolo6 Member Posts: 54


    <I recovered factory configuration using recovery disks: Windows does not start any more neither in normal nor in safe mode.>

    When I select normal mode or safe mode, the PC restarts. I cannot access Windows
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Yes, I remember this now as the reason we were trying to use the FN+ESC cold boot flash method.  I think you must now try this as follows.

    See if any BIN, FD, ROM or WPH extension files are in the extracted DOS or Windows sub-directories. You must rename the file to NCQD1_4M.fd
    Then copy this file to the root directory of an MBR FAT32 USB pendrive with an activity LED.

    Plug in USB the pendrive. Press and hold Fn+ESC.  Plug in the charger while stll holding Fn+ESC. The power button should flash one time. Then press the power button to turn the machine on. If the USB LED shows actvity thenyou can release Fn+Esc. When the flash is complete, the system should reboot by itself.  Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Paolo6
    Paolo6 Member Posts: 54


    edited February 2020
    I am in confusion reading page 177/248 of service guide  ( Steps for BIOS Recovery by Crisis Disk   ... How to do?
    What is a   MBR   FAT32 USB disk?

    [Edited by moderation for not following the Community user rules. - Acer-Karp]

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Most USB disks are already MBR partitioned FAT32 formatted by default. You can check it by right clicking on it in FileExplore. Then click properties. It should say it's file system is FAT format. You can also check that it's MBR partitioned in the elevated command prompt by entering 'diskpart'. At the DISKPART > prompt, enter 'list disk'.  If the column label 'Gpt' is empty for the USB drive, it means that it's already MBR partitioned, not GPT partitioned. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Paolo6
    Paolo6 Member Posts: 54


    I have copied NCQD1_4M.fd in a USB MBR pen drive (containing other files too). I selected in F2-BIOS the correct Boot sequence putting first USB. I followed the sequence you indicated. I am waiting for the end. It's already 15 minutes that I see the USB led flashing and then stopping. No restart yet: how much time does it take?
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    No!!!!!! Paolo6!!!! You were to use the FN+ESC cold boot method as described earlier in this thread   Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Paolo6
    Paolo6 Member Posts: 54


    YES. I used the FN ESC cold boot. Since you did not specify I also set BIOS for boot from USB. I put the .fd file into the key where I had other files, but no one with fd, bin, wph or rom estension. The sequence worked exactly as you mentioned. A flash of the power button, then the led flashing in the usb key. I released the Fn+ESC buttons and waited. But the USB key continued to flash and then to stop continuously for about 30 minutes and then the PC stopped.
    Then I tried to switch ON but nothing happened. So I pulled out the PC battery and then put on again, and finally the PC has started as before. Yes, as before. Nothing has changed. I arrive to the black screen for the selection of safe or normal mode and then if I select one option it says that it can't finish to install Windows. Exactly the same screen I see since when I executed the recovery disks.
  • Paolo6
    Paolo6 Member Posts: 54


    Since I was very close to kill the PC, I post the page of the service manual (page 165/177pdf). I note that it is not exactly the same procedure I followed. I started from point 4) (Copy the KAYF0X64.fd BIOS file into USB flash disk root directory. ) Was it right?

    BIOS Recovery by Crisis Disk

    BIOS Recovery Boot Block: 

    BIOS Recovery Boot Block is a special block of BIOS. It is used to boot up the system with minimum BIOS initialization. Users can enable this feature to restore the BIOS firmware to a successful one once the previous BIOS flashing process failed. 

    BIOS Recovery Hotkey: 

    The system provides a function hotkey: Fn+Esc, for enable BIOS Recovery process when system is powered on during BIOS POST. To use this function, it is strongly recommended to have the AC adapter and Battery present. If this function is enabled, the system will force the BIOS to enter a special BIOS block, called Boot Block.

    Steps for BIOS Recovery by Crisis Disk:

    Before doing this, a Crisis Diskette should be prepared ready in hand. The Crisis Diskette could be made by executing the Crisis Disk program in another system with Windows 7 OS.
    Follow the steps below:
    1. Plug in the USB disk.
    2. Launch the wincris.exe program to create a USB Crisis Disk. Click Start to initiate the process.
    3. Select the Quick Format option to format the disk and click Start. Follow the instructions on the screen to create the disk.
    4. Copy the KAYF0X64.fd BIOS file into USB flash disk root directory.
    NOTE: Do not place any other *.fd file in the USB flash disk root directory.
    To use the Crisis USB key, do the following:
    1. Plug USB storage into USB port.
    2. Press Fn + ESC button then plug in AC power. The Power button flashes orange once.
    3. Press Power button to initiate system CRISIS mode. When CRISIS is complete, the system auto restarts with a workable BIOS.
    4. Update the latest version BIOS for this machine by regular BIOS flashing process.

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    >>>I put the .fd file into the key where I had other files>>>

    NO again!!! The FD file must be the ONLY file in the root directory of a clean format USB drive. No other files should be on the drive.  "NOTE: Do not place any other *.fd file in the USB flash disk root directory. "  Reformat the USB stick again as FAT. Then put only the FD file on it. Then try the FN+ESC method again. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Paolo6
    Paolo6 Member Posts: 54


    ok, I have done quick format of the USB key, FAT32. I have checked that it is MBR. I have copied NCQD1_4M.fd  into the USB key. I have not modified any boot sequence (1 hard disk, 2 CD, 3 USB,...).
    I have p
    lugged in USB the pendrive. I have pressed and held Fn+ESC.  Plugged in the charger while still holding Fn+ESC. The power button flashed one time. Then I pressed the power button to turn the machine on. After few seconds the USB LED has shown actvity: I have released Fn+Esc. it is 15 minutes that pendrive led flashes and then stop in a continuous loop... I hope that it ends like before... I do not touch anything...
  • Paolo6
    Paolo6 Member Posts: 54


    Same thing as before. After about half an hour the PC shuts down (silence). I unplug the battery charger but the round blue light remains ON. No response if I press the power-on button. So I remove the battery for complete stop. The situation is the same as before. If I put on the battery again and switch on, always is the same, it goes to the screen for safe or normal mode selection.

    ...I have one doubt: why the original recovery disks do not succeed in the recovery of the operating system?
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    >>>After about half an hour the PC shuts down (silence)>>>

    Why didn't you leave the charger plugged in? If both the charger blue light and power blue light were on, then all you do is press and hold the power button for 5-10 seconds and  the power blue light should turn off. You should NOT disconnect the battery to make the power blue light turn off!  Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Paolo6
    Paolo6 Member Posts: 54


    This time I have released Fn+ESC after a bit more seconds after the USB key led has start flashing. The situation is now different. There is no loop of led flashing and led off. This time after flashing, led remains steadily on, and nothing happens, fan is on. 15 minutes have passed. What should I do?
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Probably means the latest BIOS was probably installed from your previous attempt. It won't try to install the same version again. So press and hold the power button till the laptop shuts off. Then remove the USB flash drive. Then turn the machine back on. Then try to  get back into the BIOS menu to see what version number is installed now. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Paolo6
    Paolo6 Member Posts: 54


    Unfortunatelly I can't read the BIOS version...

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Sorry Paolo6  Your zoomed image shown below seems to show the original 1.01 firmware version. This means the BIOS update failed. This is common for the FN+ESC method. However, I don't think the current v1.01 firmware is corrupted. I now conclude that your graphics adapter chip soldered to the mainboard either has cracked solder joints or the chip itself has failed. The only possibility of saving the mainboard is to try a solder reflow of the whole mainboard or the graphics chip itself with a heat gun. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ