ACER ASPIRE 5942G-724G50Mn -Problem: it turns on and off continuously by itself



  • Paolo6
    Paolo6 Member Posts: 54


    Yes, I disconnected exactly only the circled mainboard connector, but this is the result:

    1) PC remains ON (very good...)
    2) connecting a TV monitor via HDMI and then switching on, you see Windows Operating System messages on the TV monitor but the screen is very noisy (without pressing any key)
    3) connecting a VGA monitor, no image on VGA monitor even if I try to toggle video output with FnF5

    I thought I should see well on the external monitor, but it is not so.
    So I fear something is faulty on the mainboard too, or not?
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    >>>So I fear something is faulty on the mainboard too, or not? >>>

    Yes, I now fear the same thing. Can you access and see DeviceManager using the TV screen? Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Paolo6
    Paolo6 Member Posts: 54


    Now I have connected e PC monitor via HDMI...
    Passing through clear images with vertical lines.... Windows starts...I arrive to device manager (very noisy images).
    What should I do?
  • Paolo6
    Paolo6 Member Posts: 54


    I repeated the sequence:
    1) Windows says that it was closed in a bad way, and proposes to start normally or in safe mode.

    2) if I choose to start normally ... arrive in a blue screen where Windows says: 'A problem was detected....shut prevent damage to the computer'

    3) If I choose to start in Safe mode, I can arrive to Device Manager
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    edited November 2019
    >>>If I choose to start in Safe mode, I can arrive to Device Manager >>>

    I can't see a display or graphics adapter folder anywhere? Do you see a display or graphics adapter folder? Other than the printer/scanner drivers, what red or yellow warnings do you see? Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Paolo6
    Paolo6 Member Posts: 54


    Here it is
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    The driver may be bad. Right click on it. Then uninstall it. Exit DeviceManager without re-installing anything. Then shut down. Then turn the machine back on and see If Windows will automatically re-install a good driver. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Paolo6
    Paolo6 Member Posts: 54


    I right click and uninstall.
    After shut down I turn the PC ON and it says:
    Installing device driver in progress.... Search in the prefigured driver folders in progress...
    Search in Windows Update in progress...
    Driver installation in progress...
    HD5650 have to restart.
    After shut down windows starts but then goes to the blue screen ...error detected. System will be shut down to prevent damage to the computer...display...

    So I decided to do again:
    Start in Safe mode
    right click to uninstall but selecting the check box saying 'Cancel driver software'.
    After shut down I turn the PC ON and it says:
    Installing device driver in progress. Video controller (VGA compatible). Search in the prefigured driver folders in progress...
    Search in Windows Update in progress...
    Driver installation in progress...
    Standard VGA graphics card Installation complete.
    Ready for use.

    After this installation the screen on external monitor remains very noisy (as before) and Audio returns working (it was not working before).

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    >>>Standard VGA graphics card Installation complete>>>

    What happens when you re-connect the laptop LCD cable to the motherboard? Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Paolo6
    Paolo6 Member Posts: 54


    Is it necessary to reconnect the laptop LCD cable to the motherboard (so opening the chassis again) ?
    I expect that it goes in loop ON-OFF again.

    Can I reinstall someway HD5650 and see what happens again before reopen the PC?
    I'd like to see again the noisy blue screen and take a photo, because in few seconds it disappears and is very hard to read.
    Waiting for your reply, many thanks
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    >>>I expect that it goes in loop ON-OFF again.>>>

    I think you should order a new LCD video cable to eliminate it as being the source of the loop. And the possibility that a good LCD cable must be connected for the machine to operate properly in safe mode. The cables are very cheap less than $20 USD. Google part number 'DC02000ZY10'. If a new cable doesn't work, then you won't lose much money and the problem is much more serious. Jack E/NJ 

    Jack E/NJ

  • Paolo6
    Paolo6 Member Posts: 54


    Before buying the cable I'd like to make the external monitor work well, otherwise I think the graphic card is not workin properly.
    Am I wrong?
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    >>>Am I wrong?>>>

    Maybe. As mentioned earlier, there is a possibility that a good LCD cable must be connected for the machine to operate properly in safe mode. We neither have access to detailed video circuit diagrams nor test equipment to test this possibility. If a good cable solves the issue, then  it is money well spent. If it doesn't, then the mainboard's video adapters and circuitry have likely failed and not much more can be done. Still money well spent to find this out. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Paolo6
    Paolo6 Member Posts: 54


    I'm in trouble.
    I uninstalled the VGA video card and restarted the PC.
    It has installed HD5000 series, but now at startup the pc after trying to load windows, goes to the usual blue screen and turns off. At the next reboot it presents me with only two options:
    restore windows and normal boot.
    neither one nor the other works. What can I do?
  • Paolo6
    Paolo6 Member Posts: 54


    no safe mode!
  • Paolo6
    Paolo6 Member Posts: 54


    If useful I attach the circuit diagram found on the internet for rev1.0 (mine is 2.0) and service manual
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    edited November 2019
    What about trying to start it in safe mode instead.? Like in your earlier post    Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Paolo6
    Paolo6 Member Posts: 54


    Unfortunately it isn't possible any more. Only 2 options:
    start windows normally and then crash, or
    automatic recovery but after 1 hour of waiting it says there are not restore points ...

    Any suggestions?

    ...Maybe somewhere I have some CD's for recovery I did when I bought the PC
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    >>>Only 2 options: start windows normally and then crash, or automatic recovery but after 1 hour of waiting it says there are not restore points>>>

    Yes. But  more importantly, do the 2 options shown on the screen still look like the corrupted image below? Or  do the 2 options on the screen look normal? Jack E/NJ


    Jack E/NJ

  • Paolo6
    Paolo6 Member Posts: 54


    All is The same.
    Noisy blue screen before shut down.
    Start of Windows: with fine Image But with vertical lines as before