predator triton 500 not charging after fresh start



  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,597 Trailblazer
    So, I'll ignore the battery reset button and the potential case intrusion detect button... I assume you have double and triple checked the connection between the battery and motherboard. Have you also double and triple checked the cable between the motherboard and the charger socket?
    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • dommeking
    dommeking Member Posts: 33 Troubleshooter
    JackE said:
    >>>now it's always orange.>>>

    Your issue isn't the same as the OP. So with the machine turned off, leave it plugged in for about 4 hours. It should turn blue during that time. If not, the battery likely has developed an internal short and should be replaced. Jack E/NJ

    So yesterday I powered it down without the charging cable, let it rest for 5mins and then plugged the charge in. After a minute the LED turned on (orange) and so I left it over night. This morning the LED was still orange and the battery still isn't detected
  • dommeking
    dommeking Member Posts: 33 Troubleshooter
    Unfortunately, the tips of my multimeter are too thick to measure the battery directly, but hwmonitor says 0% wear and about 15V (when plugged in). When I remove the charger it drops to about 14.5V (in energy saving mode)

  • dommeking
    dommeking Member Posts: 33 Troubleshooter
    billsey said:
    So, I'll ignore the battery reset button and the potential case intrusion detect button... I assume you have double and triple checked the connection between the battery and motherboard. Have you also double and triple checked the cable between the motherboard and the charger socket?
    Yes, I've double, triple and quadruple checked all the connections :) Also, since I can use it via the charging cable (not using up battery) I don't think that's the faulty part
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer
    I don't trust hwinfo64 on measuring battery voltage. Use needles or fine wire to access the battery's terminals with the multimeter tips. The open circuit (unloaded) voltage must be at least 15.2v after being taken off the charger. Then periodically check over several hours to see what happens to this unloaded battery voltage. It should remain fairly steady at 15.2volts.    Jack E/NJ 

    Jack E/NJ

  • dommeking
    dommeking Member Posts: 33 Troubleshooter
    Okay, I will check as soon as I find a way to measure the voltage.
    But a new phenomenon has occured, namely that my backlight keeps being in the standard setting of turning off after 30s though I change that every time in the predator sense app
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer
    Like noted earlier just stick pins in the battery connector and touch the pins with the fat multimeter leads. We're only measuring voltage so there's not much current to speak of.

    As for the new phenomenon, may be related to the battery problem. May be not. If ControlPanel power plan is in power saver mode instead of balanced or performance mode, it might explain it. The BIOS KB backlight setting  might've changed. Any number of reasons. Let's try to get this battery situation under control right now before we try to work on other issues. 

    Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • dommeking
    dommeking Member Posts: 33 Troubleshooter
    I tried as you said and took some pins (?) for sewing in the holes of the battery where it plugs in but I wasn't able to measure any voltage (probably the pins didn't touch the contacts in the battery; the pins are conductive, this I checked beforehand)

    I also checked the charging port and couldn't find any faults but now the charger won't be recognized ...
    What do you guys suggest I should do next? I thought of trying a different charger (If I can borrow a compatible one from a friend) or trying a different battery (which will be much harder to find a compatible one). Also reinstalling windows for a chance or reinstalling the bios but for that I would need more juice in the tank. Thanks for all your help btw, I hope I can fix the problem with your assistance ....
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    Since the battery and charger are fairly costly for this model, I would use the needles to puncture the red and black wire insulation to measure their copper core voltages. Again the battery should be at least 15.2V open circuit.

    You should also check the charger output voltage between the plug's center hole conductor and its out ring. It should be about 19V open  circuit.

    Sometimes the charger plug and laptop charger jack need to be manipulated either by pullling plug slightly out or pushing plug slightly to the side to side to make good contact between the center pin and the slider contact as in the image below.

    Jack E/NJ 

    Jack E/NJ

  • dommeking
    dommeking Member Posts: 33 Troubleshooter
    JackE said:

    Since the battery and charger are fairly costly for this model, I would use the needles to puncture the red and black wire insulation to measure their copper core voltages. Again the battery should be at least 15.2V open circuit.

    The battery has three black and three red wires, which ones should I measure? And will the damage caused by this be worth the information gained?
  • dommeking
    dommeking Member Posts: 33 Troubleshooter
    Running the Laptop over the charger is working again. The charger was at 19.9V and I bent the sliders in the charging head quite hard (they almost touched each other) but charging is unfortunately not possible (still orange LED)
    I am still not able to measure the batterys voltage. Shouldn't I be able to measure on the golden contacts that are on the top of the connector?
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer
    That's good If you can reach the gold contacts.  The red & black wires should yield the highest voltage. A small thin pin or needle piercing the insulation won't do any damage. At least not as much damage to your wallet if you buy a new battery and then find out the old one is still good. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • dommeking
    dommeking Member Posts: 33 Troubleshooter
    so when puncturing the cables with (conducting) needles and then measuring the voltage I only get 0.03V
    I don't think that that's the true value, since my laptop is still able to run off of the battery

    Is it possible to check something like the power circuit on the mainboard? Are ther schematics for the predator series available online?
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer
    Try some other pairs on the battery connector itself rather than piercing wires. If you're unable to probe the battery connector, it's unlikely you'll be able to measure anything useful on mainboard. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • dommeking
    dommeking Member Posts: 33 Troubleshooter
    Okay, I for once used my brain instead of blindly trying things and measured the voltage directly at the battery connector on the mainboard when plugged in (where it also should give around 15V, correct?)
    Anyways, I am nowhere near getting 15V, rather something like 0.003V ... really seems like my battery is bad then. How can that be if the battery is still able to power the machine on its own?
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer
    Did you probe other pairs beside the red and black ends? There are many combinations. We're looking for 15.2v. Suggest you put one probe on the 1st terminal on the left BTY1. Then work your way to the right and touch the other probe on each of the other 9 terminals. Then move the one probe to the 2nd terminal from the left and touch the other 8 terminals on the right. And so forth and so on till you get to the last two terminals on the right. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • dommeking
    dommeking Member Posts: 33 Troubleshooter
    I tried all combinations between the pins and also between a usb-hub (as ground) -> only the red ones with 0.004V and the green one with 0.0246V aren't grounded, but I get nowhere near 15.2V
    I tried the same methodology on the charging port and it gave me 19.9V so my measuring technique seems not to be the fault.
    So in conclusion, my battery is broken?
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer
    Something's amiss if the laptop still runs on battery alone. The problem with the measurements may be a safety interlock switch on the mainboard that, when the bottom cover is removed, prevents battery power from reaching the mainboard pins that you're using. It still would be best to completely disconnect the battery from the mainboard and try to measure its connector conductor pairs directly. You're definitely not going to hurt anything on the battery by piercing the wires as close to the backside of the connector as possible with a needle or pin. Jack E/NJ  


    Jack E/NJ

  • mariscann
    mariscann Member Posts: 1 New User
    Great infomation, thank a lot for all!

  • Red-Sand
    Red-Sand ACE Posts: 1,892 Pathfinder
    Check to make sure you didn't bend a pin when reinserting the battery.

    Does the charging LED show up when plugged in?
    Plz describe exactly what happens after the laptop is completely reassembled and you plug in AC > turn on
    - Hotel Hero