Chromebook R11 CB5-132T charging only to 94% after latest update

tasdingo Member Posts: 2 New User
edited November 2023 in 2019 Archives

I have my adapter plugged in and the Chromebook is stuck at 94%. The symbol for charging is still there, but it's not charging any further. The charge indicator light is still orange. It won't turn blue because it won't fully charge.


I had this problem previously when I had the laptop on the beta channel. I switched it back to the stable channel and the problem was resolved. After the latest stable update, this problem returned.



  • PMiner
    PMiner Member Posts: 180 Enthusiast WiFi Icon


    to summarize, Open the Chrome OS Settings, scroll to the very bottom, click on the “Powerwash”

    on the Powerwash page,  on the reset screen, press  <Ctrl> + <Shift> + <Alt> + R simultaneously

    your Chromebook will revert to the previously installed version of Chrome OS


    So, if the problem was caused by the newest version of chrome os, try downgrading.

  • tasdingo
    tasdingo Member Posts: 2 New User

    When my chromebook updated and I couldn't charge it fully I didn't know that you could revert to a previous version, so I tried switching to the beta channel. The problem did not resolve itself in the beta channel. I tried to switching back to stable and it did not resolve itself. I tried switching to the dev channel and that didn't solve the problem. After trying all 3 channels now there is no way for me to use the Powerwash and Revert feature to get back to the old stable version. At least I haven't found a way to get to the old stable version.

    RAWVEEDA Member Posts: 7 New User

    I thought it was just me.  Glad to see I'm not the only one.  I am going to try the powerwash with firmware rollback (what PMiner posted) later.   I also saw another thread with someone saying theirs is not charging past 96%.

    Hopefully this is not a warranty issue.


    Chrome Version 60.0.3112.112


  • PMiner
    PMiner Member Posts: 180 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    In case you didn't read the article, make sure to back up any data that you may have on the Chromebook.
    RAWVEEDA Member Posts: 7 New User

    PMiner, Thank you for the lookout.  I did the roll back & an EC reset for good measure. (running on battery) Set the CB back up, ran it for a while, powered down & plugged it in.  I checked it this morning and I am still at the same place 95-96% battery.  I ran a battery test in crosh.  The battery said it was discharging with 92.47% left & the battery health is 89.40%.  After I closed the shell I looked at the battery level in the lower right corner & it was at 94% with 9:33 left.  I am going to run it a few more days and see if anything improves.  

    RAWVEEDA Member Posts: 7 New User

    I broke down and called support.  The chromebook is under warranty so I have to send it back for a battery replacement.  



    RAWVEEDA Member Posts: 7 New User

    UPDATE:  The CB came back with a new battery today. It now charges all the way.  When I ran the battery check the battery health is 94.84 vs the 89.90 that I had when the CB went back.  The CB came back with v56 of the OS after I hit update it jumped to v59.  I wonder when it will pick up the v60 update.  So far so good.

  • dfondino
    dfondino Member Posts: 2 New User

    Will the Powerwash lose all my current settings and "stuff"?  

  • dfondino
    dfondino Member Posts: 2 New User

    HI. How do you do a battery check?  and.. you had to send in your computer under warranty to receive a new battery?  Thx!

    RAWVEEDA Member Posts: 7 New User

    UPDATE to the UPDATE:  My CB is back at 94% it does not say full. It does not say calculating.  I updated to v60 stable.  I am going to try  the rollback again  changing to the beta channel and see what happens...... This is with acer putting a new battery in the CB.  Anyhoo fingers crossed.



    RAWVEEDA Member Posts: 7 New User

    I am going to safely say this is a software issue.  I got impatient & used the chromebook recovery utility from the webstore.  I punched in my model number and it downloaded a recovery image to my flash drive (4gb empty drive).  I then did a whole system recovery (with the power supply connected).  It set my system back to version 59.  When I looked at the system tray the battery was at 96% with 16 minutes until full...A few minutes later the light turned blue & the system tray said battery full.  My next move is to jump to the beta channel & see if by skipping version 60 & going to straight to 61 bypasses the charging issue.  

    RAWVEEDA Member Posts: 7 New User

    I called tech support today to tell them my findings.  I was instructed to try switching to the beta channel and try version 61.  I tried version 61.0.3163.108 it did not change my charging issue.  I then did a recovery back to 59 and my charge light turned blue & battery full.  I know there is a newer version of the beta as of this afternoon I will keep an eye open.  I suggest to anyone with this problem to go to their settings, click about chrome os & click report an issue.  I am sure sooner or later it will get figured out.  As for now I know the issue is not my hardware. I will keep my recovery flash drive handy if needed. 

  • BigMikeLV
    BigMikeLV Member Posts: 1 New User
    Ive got the same issue with my R11 chrome book. Mines stuck at 87%. Just submitted a problem.
  • beatricegrant
    beatricegrant Member Posts: 1 New User
    my acer chromebook wont charge pass 43% please help its only 7 months old
  • paeon69
    paeon69 Member Posts: 1 New User
    I just purchased my R11 and noticed right away that it would not charge past 87%. I am watching with interest to see if this issue will be resolved soon. Anyone care to speculate if this issue has an impact on the health of the battery long term?
  • texrex
    texrex Member Posts: 2 New User
    Hi all, am having the same thing with my acer, will it effect the battery.
    ive only had it 2 weeks, 
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,546 Trailblazer
    These types of issues are usually caused by a poor or corrupted calibration, they don't reflect battery problems, but rather problems with the calculated values displayed. A few charge cycles and they usually fix themselves, though not always completely.
    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • travisk
    travisk Member Posts: 1 New User
    been having the same problem also. charge indicator is orange battery icon shows charging. doesn't have a time till full and will not go above the 68% that its at.
  • superbuck88
    superbuck88 Member Posts: 1 New User
    Hi ! I am happy to read all your comments. I have the same issue here : charging up to 83%. Went to store and got new one. Same issue. I am on ChromeOS 62 stable. Acer wanted to repair my battery but I will wait a few months before to see how it improves. The weird thing is that the issue seems to be persistant since version 59. My battery_test got good numbers (health 95%) and battery life is 8h or so. See you in a couple of months !
  • ToBeHuman
    ToBeHuman Member Posts: 1 New User
    Purchased a new R11 from Costco and received it yesterday. I'm experiencing the same issue that everyone else is reporting above. Battery does not charge past 94% and am running ChromeOS 62.

    Hoping Acer or Google resolve this soon.