I lost count how many times i tried to do it i reinstalled, eradicate them from control panel. idk what do i need to do.
Hey, when i delete i didnt find them. And predator sense was 524 mb approximately. When i delete all of them from control panel. So okay, after that there were any predator sense files. @AnhEZ28
solve" sorry for typo
So did you manage to sove it ?
Indeed. But we need to discuss about it
THE THING I TRIED ALL WAYS, but i didnt find any name predator or ps
i aint know, cause windows concedes other acer programms like acer service and etc. But it would be appailing if i restart windows cause i encoded some my setting preferences on windows.
so i saw it, but i have predator sense, and i didnt find any ps or something relates with predator sense. So how can i delete it completely ? i deleted it from control panel and any files relating with Predator Sense ? So how can i delete it completely. I mean to delete it once and for all
But is there another solution to delete all leftovers of predator sense on my laptop ?
does it relate somehow ? or what