Have you used the usb type 3 port of the SA12 with any other device?
Such a mess! And we have to do the search? What about Acer? I naively bought a usb type 3 to usb3 cable and of course it's completely useless. Have you tried to use the usb type 3 port for anything else, apart from charging?
It's still worse. I have the Switch 12 with its brand new usb type 3 port, which so far is useless for me. I bought a usb type 3 to usb3 cable and it doesn't work at all. What can I use that port for? How do I know what is compatible with it? Another usb3 would've made much more sense for me. Such a pity!
I also have the switch 12 and as I can see you have to be kind of an expert to know how to use the usb type 3 port. I naively bought a usb type 3 to usb3 cable and it's completely useless. I would have preferred another usb3 port instead.