¿Como puedo solucionar conexión WiFi?

JuanE15 Member Publicaciones: 5 New User
editado April 2023 en Archivo del 2020
Mi acer aspire E15 no conecta solo mi red WiFi doméstica, tengo que colocarle una antena inalambrica, los demás dispositivos conectan perfectamente y la máquina conecta con otras redes menos la mia.
Ya probé el solucionador de problemas. 

Mejores respuestas

  • JuanE15
    JuanE15 Member Publicaciones: 5 New User
    Respuesta ✓
    Was the frequency change of 11
  • JuanE15
    JuanE15 Member Publicaciones: 5 New User
    Respuesta ✓
    Ya funciona !! Cambie la frecuencia del router a 11 y funciona! Gracias


  • MaClane
    MaClane ACE Publicaciones: 35,598 Trailblazer
    Good Morning JuanE15 !

    First, this is the forum in English.
    You must post in the native language or publish the forum in Spanish.

    Which EXACT model of your laptop and which router?
    Which operating system?

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    Caso contrario, fico a disposição para tentarmos sanar suas duvidas e resolver seus problemas!
    Atenciosamente:  J. MaClane™

    If my answer was helpful, leave a Like, flag as Fixed and click Promote!
    Otherwise, I am willing to try to heal your doubts and solve your problems!
    Sincerely, J. MaClane ™

    For users of the English, Spanish, French and German Community, I will be using Google Translate!
  • JuanE15
    JuanE15 Member Publicaciones: 5 New User
    The router is ZTE MODEL ZXHN F660 and my laptop IS ASPIRE E 15  E5-522-89W6
  • JuanE15
    JuanE15 Member Publicaciones: 5 New User
    Respuesta ✓
    Was the frequency change of 11
  • MaClane
    MaClane ACE Publicaciones: 35,598 Trailblazer
    JuanE15 said:
    Was the frequency change of 11

    I did not understand

    Se minha resposta foi útil, deixe um Curtir, marque como Solucionado e clique em Promover!
    Caso contrario, fico a disposição para tentarmos sanar suas duvidas e resolver seus problemas!
    Atenciosamente:  J. MaClane™

    If my answer was helpful, leave a Like, flag as Fixed and click Promote!
    Otherwise, I am willing to try to heal your doubts and solve your problems!
    Sincerely, J. MaClane ™

    For users of the English, Spanish, French and German Community, I will be using Google Translate!
  • JuanE15
    JuanE15 Member Publicaciones: 5 New User
    Ya funciona!! Cambie la frecuencia de la laptop a 11 y funciona! Gracias McClane 
  • JuanE15
    JuanE15 Member Publicaciones: 5 New User
    Respuesta ✓
    Ya funciona !! Cambie la frecuencia del router a 11 y funciona! Gracias