I would like to replace the PSU in TC-895-EB11 6 pin power cable/conector

michaelsunzy Member Posts: 2 New User
I would like to replace the PSU in TC-895-EB11, but I found that the motherboard is powered by a 6 pin power cable from the PSU. 
I also found that it is definitely not a PCIe 6 pin cable. It only uses 5 pin instead.

The new psu I have has a 24-pin female.
May I ask where could I get a 24 PIN to 6 PIN cable for this motherboard or does any one have the diagram of the power connector so I can make a cable by myself?


[Edited the thread to add issue detail]


  • ttttt
    ttttt Member Posts: 1,947 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    Are you sure the 24-pin connector to the motherboard from PSU is "Female"? This is the first time that I have heard of that. 
    By the way, have you tried to use these connectors from the new PSU to the PC? This five pin connector still can be used to the PCIe six pin connector on the motherboard, just one pin disabled.

  • michaelsunzy
    michaelsunzy Member Posts: 2 New User
    ttttt said:

    Are you sure the 24-pin connector to the motherboard from PSU is "Female"? This is the first time that I have heard of that. 
    By the way, have you tried to use these connectors from the new PSU to the PC? This five pin connector still can be used to the PCIe six pin connector on the motherboard, just one pin disabled.

    The 24 pin female is on my new psu it’s a fully modular psu.

    I tried the PCIe 6 pin cable. It didn’t work. That’s why I  am looking for the diagram of the connector. 
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,638 Trailblazer
    There are actually two power connectors for the motherboard:

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  • jagger
    jagger Member Posts: 2 New User
    Did you get the new pay to work? I got as far as connecting the new psu, the 4 pin arc-12v seems fine and got an RTX with its power fine. But it is the P1 tax-power that seems to be giving me grief. If I hack it and use the atx power from the old psu with everything else connected to the new psu I can start the computer fine (had to short the new psu to get it to run along side). 

    But Used a 6 pin connector and wired it to match the require pin outs. 

    But the machine won’t start when I click the power button. 

    Anyone have any ideas on next steps? I checked the power, paper clip test works, voltage checked to 12 volts. 

    This is the last step to getting this tc-895 into a gaming box and upgraded with a RTX-2060 super. 
  • jagger
    jagger Member Posts: 2 New User
    To add. On the other side of the 6pin atx power I have it connected to the 24 pin connector. Ps-on to pin 14. Then blacks to com and com. And the yellows to +12v.

    initially I had bought an adapter then realized that it was completely wrong. 

    Here is a picture of the other end. 

    Ignore the messy purple and stray wires. I’ll pull them before closing if I get this to work. 
  • ttttt
    ttttt Member Posts: 1,947 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon
    TC-895 PCs use custom PSU and don't use standard 24-pin connectors to the motherboard. People who want to use standard PSU to it have to be a electrician or technician like @Jaggar getting it to work.
  • Bikramsidhu
    Bikramsidhu Member Posts: 3 New User
    ttttt said:
    TC-895 PCs use custom PSU and don't use standard 24-pin connectors to the motherboard. People who want to use standard PSU to it have to be a electrician or technician like @Jaggar getting it to work.
    Can we use something like this ?
  • vizitor
    vizitor Member Posts: 13


    Can we use something like this ?
    You would still have to reconfigure the 6-pin connector, as the wires don't match proper input to the ATX Power @ the mobo...
  • ttttt
    ttttt Member Posts: 1,947 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon
    The picture attached by you is for HP PCs. I believe the 6-pin connector still won't fit TC-895. It will be a headache for most people to do it right. Let's see @Jagger will get it done later.
  • vizitor
    vizitor Member Posts: 13


    jagger said:

    used a 6 pin connector and wired it to match the require pin outs. 

    But the machine won’t start when I click the power button. 

    Are you getting ~ 5 V to that green wire with your PSU on?
    jagger said:
    had to short the new psu to get it to run along side
    You mean you grounded it to the case?
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    With our original PSU on (in TC-875-UR13), we are getting ~ 5 V through the green wire (to PS_ON) & 12 V through the yellow ones, as expected.

  • B090
    B090 Member Posts: 2 New User
    edited October 2020
    Following this topic closely. I have been wanting to upgrade my TC-895-ua91's power supply... Didn't realize until after I bought the machine, that it used a atx12vo power supply. I'm def not electrically savvy-- how are you defeating the power on signal circut? You can't exactly connect that to the mobo, since its 5volts, and the mobo/original psu uses 12v? Or am I wrong, and not all atx power supplies power on signal 5volts?

    Why I was asking about the 5v is it talks about the power signals using 5v, at this website here.. https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/blog/convert-atx-psu-to-bench-supply.html   -- its not exactly the same, but it is similar in the sense a atx power supply is being modified for use in something that does not natively support it. 

    This is from another post, but its relevant to the issue at hand..
    billsey said:
    The TC-895 uses an ATX12VO power supply with two connectors for the MB power. The six pin connector has two 12V and two GND plus the Power On and Return GND, the eight pin connector has four each 12V and GND. The ATX12VO supplies are new this year, so there are fewer of them on the third party market. Nothing there that affects the GPU though, just be sure that if the GPU requires an extra power connector (or two like the 3090 does) that you have it available.

  • vizitor
    vizitor Member Posts: 13


    B090 said:
    You can't exactly connect that to the mobo, since its 5volts, and the mobo/original psu uses 12v? Or am I wrong, and not all atx power supplies power on signal 5volts?

    vizitor said:

    With our original TC-875-UR13 ATX12V(O?) PSU on, we are getting ~ 5 V through the green wire (to PS_ON)

  • B090
    B090 Member Posts: 2 New User
    vizitor said:
    B090 said:
    You can't exactly connect that to the mobo, since its 5volts, and the mobo/original psu uses 12v? Or am I wrong, and not all atx power supplies power on signal 5volts?

    vizitor said:

    With our original TC-875-UR13 ATX12V(O?) PSU on, we are getting ~ 5 V through the green wire (to PS_ON)

    question is does the tc-875 and the tc-895, share the same psu? 
  • vizitor
    vizitor Member Posts: 13


    billsey said:
    There are actually two power connectors for the motherboard:

    michaelsunzy's 1st pic shows the #4 pin in his ATX 6-pin Power Connector empty - same as in the TC-875-UR13 i am dealing with.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,638 Trailblazer
    Yeah, that wouldn't make a difference as long as the power buttons takes the PSON (Power Supply ON) signal and grounds it.
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  • vizitor
    vizitor Member Posts: 13


    billsey said:
    Yeah, that wouldn't make a difference...
    I appreciate & respect all your help. We're trying to get as much info to work with as we can and don't seem to have access to service guides for some reason. I was just noticing that that PSU chart you posted, although undoubtedly accurate and useful, appears to have come from the service guide for another model.
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,638 Trailblazer
    The one I posted is for the TC-895, the model for this thread...
    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • vizitor
    vizitor Member Posts: 13


    billsey said:
    The one I posted is for the TC-895, the model for this thread...
    sorry, i thought michaelsunzy 's picture was from his TC-895
  • vizitor
    vizitor Member Posts: 13


    B090 said:

    question is does the tc-875 and the tc-895, share the same psu? 

    Kotkoj said:
    I purchased 1 of these [TC-895-EB11} and yes it has a 500w power supply.
    The TC-875-UR13 has a 300w PSU

  • kqian111
    kqian111 Member Posts: 37 Troubleshooter
    More OEMs are going the ATX12VO direction since the standard was published last year. Acer is one of the early adopters. I think it's a futile effort to try to upgrade your aftermarket PSUs with this ATX12VO motherboard. Maybe in a few years when ATX12VO PSUs become more commonplace, it'll be easy to upgrade. Currently, I don't know of any aftermarket PSUs supporting ATX12VO. The biggest issue preventing you from using a 24 pin to 6 pin passive adapter is the green power signal in the aftermarket PSU is 5v whereas in the new ATX12VO mobo, it runs at 12v.

    I ended up downgrading to TC-885 (prior yr model) to circumvent this exact issue that you are facing now.