i have an acer aspire a720z laptop and i have been suffering from two problems.

DakshSingh Member Posts: 49 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
 one of them is that my screen goes completely white when i open my laptop or while i am working on it, and my second problem is that i am unable to connect my microphone even when i have given all permissions regarding apps to allow my microphone. my system is not accepting my voice even when i connect my headphones. i think that these both are hardware problems but there is a lockdown imposed in my area so i am unable to take my pc to a IT shop. i have tried many ways to fix these two problems by various solutions on the internet but it doesn't work out at all. please help.............


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    >>> my screen goes completely white when i open my laptop or while i am working on it,>>>

    This is almost always due to a broken conductor trace in the video ribbon cable. Generally happens  in the hinge area from wear and tear of opening and closing the lid too much. If you can connect to an external monitor, you can check this as the external monitor's screen will be normal while the laptop screen goes completely white. Google 4720z or 5720z and video cable for sellers with convenient shipping to your region. Generally less than $20USD for new replacements.

    For the microphone problem, right click on the speaker icon in the tray. Click recording devices. Make sure desired microphone is checkmarked green. The click on the microphone and click properties level tab. Slide microphone and boost levels to maximum. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • DakshSingh
    DakshSingh Member Posts: 49 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    do we have to use a TSR jack for connecting the recording device with the system and the solution you provided has already been tried by me regarding the microphone about sliding the levels. 
  • DakshSingh
    DakshSingh Member Posts: 49 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    the video cable that you are suggesting, how should I replace it by myself?

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    The keyboard, lcd bezel and lcd screen must be removed to access the lcd and webcam video cable. Google your full model number and disassembly for youtube videos on how to do this. There should be one microphone jack and one speaker jack in the 4720z or 5720z models. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • DakshSingh
    DakshSingh Member Posts: 49 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    about the microphone jack and the speaker jack, i tried to connect by earphones which have a mic to the mic slot, but the system is not accepting my voice. so should i change the TRRS jack of the earphone to TRS jack. plz look at the image belowWhat is the difference between 35 mm jack in mobiles and laptops - Quora
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    The speaker jack takes the TRS headphone stereo plug . The TRRS headset mic won't work in the speaker jack. You must use a separate microphone in the microphone jack. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • DakshSingh
    DakshSingh Member Posts: 49 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    i have been using the TRRS jack for a long time for the speakers and it is working absolutely fine. but the main problem is of the microphone. so i should use the TRS jack for the microphone?

    actually i ordered this on amazon, so will this work?
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Yes that TRRS-2-TRS/TRS adapter should allow a TRRS headset plug to work with your laptop's TRS speaker jack and TRS mic jack. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • DakshSingh
    DakshSingh Member Posts: 49 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    i am looking forward to see how it goes. but you have helped and guided me a lot. usually you don't find people like you. thanks a 100 
  • DakshSingh
    DakshSingh Member Posts: 49 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    and one more thing i wanted to ask, how should i fix these drivers. i tried updating them but windows says you have the best version installed
    the ones which have the small yellow warning sign....
  • DakshSingh
    DakshSingh Member Posts: 49 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    i clicked on the above links and the thing downloaded was a compressed folder. After that what should I do?
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Unzip it and find the setup EXE file . Then right click on the EXE file. Then choose properties. Then click compatibility tab. Then click Compatibility mode and run it in Win7 mode. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • DakshSingh
    DakshSingh Member Posts: 49 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    my computer has blocked that particular folder...... and one more thing. I bought a new battery for the same laptop and it was a 4000mah one. But it drains after 1hr of normal use in battery saver mode and it takes 1.5 hr to recharge....yes the new one. Isn't it astonishing? What should I do?
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    What do you mean by blocked? Do you have a virus scanner running in the background? What folder did you download the zip file to? As for the battery, what does normal use mean? Especially if you have a virus scanner running. Where did you  buy the buy the battery? You can check the battery capacity by going to the elevated command prompt.  Enter 'powercfg /batteryreport'. Then return to the desktop. Open file explorer. Then search for' battery-report.html' in the c:\windows\system32\ sub-folder. Double-click to open it in the browser. Compare design full charge capacity with its remaining full charge capacity. Post screenshot of the first part of the report if possible. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • DakshSingh
    DakshSingh Member Posts: 49 Enthusiast WiFi Icon

    I do not have any virus scanner running in the background but only the microsoft defender antivirus. the folder was automatically downloaded to the DOWNLOADS. Normal use mean surfing on the internet or attending online classes, no other tabs opened. Bought the new battery from amazon, the company is Lapcare. I have attached the pdf of the battery report.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    The battery seems OK. Open Device Manager. Click batteries folder. Right click on each driver you find in this folder and uninstall them. Exit Device Manager without re-installing anything. Then shutdown Windows normally. Turn it back on again.

    As for the setup.exe, simply right  click on it and run it as administrator. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • DakshSingh
    DakshSingh Member Posts: 49 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    I right click on the setup.exe file and did run it as an administrator but the message that I have shown above poped up. And can you please tell how uninstalling battery drivers will help? 
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Go to the elevated command prompt again. Enter 'net user administrator /active:yes'  . Then logout. You should see an administrator login. Login as adminstrator and run the setup.exe again. Uninstalling battery drivers shouldn't have an effect on blocking this setup program. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • DakshSingh
    DakshSingh Member Posts: 49 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    it is the same ...................
    and plz also tell do I have to delete the administrator user account as I don't need it. The setup file ran, was installed completely and this remains the same with the warning icons.