Acer TC-885-UR16. Recovery backup I made



  • mikejw
    mikejw Member Posts: 46 Troubleshooter
    Thanks StevenGen,  for the reply.  I tried making a total backup of the hard drive using Macrium Reflect V 7.2.4808.  (Free version). It takes up about 100 Gig on my external USB hard drive. BUT, the computer will NOT boot to it. The only way I got the computer to boot to ANYTHING was when I typed "Create RECOVERY DEVICE" in the Windows search bar. It then goes through a process and it takes about an hour and 20 minutes to do its thing. The space used on the USB hard drive is only about 10 Gig, so it is NOT the entire computer. I then connect the USB to the computer, turn off the computer, wait  a few seconds, and then turn it back on while I am clicking the F12 key. When it starts up, I have two choices, WINDOWS BOOT MANAGER, and the USB drive I created. I never have gone any farther, but at least I SEE the other device instead of only Windows Boot Manager. I guess there is NO way I can copy my entire computer to an external drive, and copy it back to the computer if needed. That is my goal. Thanks,  Mike
  • mikejw
    mikejw Member Posts: 46 Troubleshooter
    Thanks JordanB,  I think this is EXACTLY what I was looking for.  I remember using it in the past, but did not know it was still available. Anyway, I did the backup to my external USB hard drive.  It takes up about 158 Gig. so I assume that is the whole computer. After the backup, I was asked if I wanted to "Create a system recovery disc" . Since my computer still has a DVD device, I said yes, and I created the backup DVD. Now the question....if the computer ever crashes because it is badly infected or whatever, should I boot to the SYSTEM RECOVERY DISC first ??  I assume I should. Then it will probably ask me to connect the other device (USB external hard drive) to install everything.??????  Thanks again for all your help.  Mike
  • JordanB
    JordanB ACE Posts: 3,729 Pathfinder
    edited March 2020

    Yes, when I restore a System Image, I boot a Windows 10 USB drive.  But I create the latest Windows 10 USB installation media from Microsoft's website.  The Windows 10 installation media that you create with Microsoft's Media Creation Tool has the same repair tools as your USB recovery drive and will allow you to recover a system image backup.

    I don't really like pulling that USB recovery drive out because I have been known to make a mistake and mix things up (and accidentally delete stuff).  So I just keep that original USB recovery drive that I made a long time ago right where it's a safe place.

    That's one reason why I recommend getting a cheap SanDisk 16GB USB flash drive and creating a USB recovery drive and then put in envelope and label it and put in a safe place.  Sometimes I have USB drives laying around and I have no idea what's on them.  You're probably more organized than I am and not as dangerous.....because if I see a USB drive laying out somewhere, I consider it fair game to wipe/delete.  So I keep that recovery drive stuff hidden and tucked away out my reach.

    As that article talked about, you have to be really careful and "exclude" any disks that you don't want wiped when you restore/recover a system image.
    I'm not an Acer employee.