Warranty registration help

missmollieexo Member Posts: 3 New User
edited April 2024 in 2020 Archives

I have thousands of times tried to register my laptop for warranty and your site keeps stating that My serial number isn't valid... 
I've checked over and over I'm not typing it wrong.. I'm within the warranty activation period.. it's literally brand new.. I got it around Xmas time, it never worked properly from the get go (from the first day) and now suddenly just won't even turn on... I've treated it like silk.. i.e. Whatever is wrong with it, it came like that!
i have my proof of purchase etc..
The semester started today! I need this fixed yesterday you know? Ive been to the store but they can't fix it they keep telling me to contact acer and acer keep putting me through to this live chat thing who will then turn around and say 'oh sorry no actually we can't help you you have to just post it here and wait..'  And that's how I got this link! I have a thousand screenshots proving I've been constantly stuffed around and sent in circles. Told one thing by acer told another thing two seconds later.. This is ridiculous!!!
I didnt even know warranties required registration.. Otherwise I would have done this the moment I got it! Probably wouldn't have worked then either.... But yeah someone help me. Please I beg of you.. someone, anyone help me... Please... 
I live on $60 a fortnight after I pay all of my bills, that's $30 a week to pay for everything else.. It's so hard.. I'm so tired.. I can't believe I just wasted five hours AGAIN Trying to activate this stupid warranty. I will forever be paying off a high interest rate personal loan I can't afford for a laptop that doesn't even turn on.. if someone doesn't help me If I keep going in circles I'm going to go insane.. please help me, someone... anyone... anything... I'm going crazy here..  I literally only got out of hospital thismorning for trying to kill myself... I'm not even kidding you... This is just one more thing to add to the list of reasons not to live.

[Topic moved to relevant forum – Acer-Dan]

Best Answer



  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer
    on which nation do you live?
    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • missmollieexo
    missmollieexo Member Posts: 3 New User
    Australia. I'm using all the instructions on how to register my warranty on the piece of paper that came with my computer purchased here in Australia. The leaflet even has a picture of Australia on it. Acer just keeps redirecting me it's so frustrating! I'm going insane
  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer
    Had you try to call the support too?
    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • missmollieexo
    missmollieexo Member Posts: 3 New User
    Yes Ofcourse I have.. I'm going around in circles getting nowhere
  • Sharanji
    Sharanji ACE Posts: 4,601 Pathfinder
    Hi @ missmollieexo

    Sorry to hear your experiencing with product registration.

    Please send a private message to Acer-Manny or Acer-Karp. They will help you fix the issue with warranty registration.

    I hope this helps! If this was useful, please hit 'Yes' or 'Like'! Thanks! 😊

  • Manny-Acer_Retired
    Manny-Acer_Retired Newbie Posts: 4,453 Guru
    Hi missmollieexo,

    I am sorry to hear you having issues registering your product, can you please reply to the PM i have sent you to better assist you?

  • Enz00
    Enz00 Member Posts: 1 New User
    Hi good evening I have the same problem with registering my laptop warranty online, maybe you can help me acer manny/ karp please 
  • Manny-Acer_Retired
    Manny-Acer_Retired Newbie Posts: 4,453 Guru
    Hi Enz00,

    Please send a PM message to Acer-Karp with the screenshot of the error you get when you tried to register your product for follow up.

  • yttara
    yttara Member Posts: 5


    I'm going around in circles getting nowhere :):)  
  • Manny-Acer_Retired
    Manny-Acer_Retired Newbie Posts: 4,453 Guru
    Hi yttara,

    Are you having issues with registering a product in our page? If so, please send a PM message to Acer-Karp with the screenshot of the error you get when you tried to register your product for follow up.  

  • Sangg
    Sangg Member Posts: 1 New User
    Hi, Good afternoon. I also have same problem to register on laptop warranty site. Please help me Acer-Manny
  • Sharanji
    Sharanji ACE Posts: 4,601 Pathfinder
    Sangg said:
    Hi, Good afternoon. I also have same problem to register on laptop warranty site. Please help me Acer-Manny
    Please open the below mentioned weblink and register your device. 

    If unable to register, please send a PM message to Acer-Karp with the screenshot of the error you get when you tried to register your product for follow up.

    You can also contact Acer support in your region and they will be happy to assist you.
    Acer Support US & Canada : https://www.acer.com/ac/en/US/content/service-contact 
    Acer Worldwide : http://www.acer.com/worldwide/support/ 

    Hit 'Like' if you find the answer helpful!   
    Click on 'Yes' if the comment answers your question!

    I hope this helps! If this was useful, please hit 'Yes' or 'Like'! Thanks! 😊

  • Con2
    Con2 Member Posts: 1 New User
    Hi. I did register what i just bought from acer, a swift laptop/netbook, but at the end of a long wait for "connecting" there was a message that i have exceeded 4mb proof of purchase. I DONT GET IT.
  • Manny-Acer_Retired
    Manny-Acer_Retired Newbie Posts: 4,453 Guru
    Hi Con2,

    Sorry to hear you're having issues with the registration process.

    This means that you might have to compress or lower the size of the Picture/Screenshot that you're using for the proof of purchase file as it is exceeding the limited sized allowed. So re-size (lower) the file and try uploading it again. 

  • prettysoldieryhana20
    prettysoldieryhana20 Member Posts: 5


    can anyone help me with warranty registration I encountered attached error while trying to register.

    Thank you
  • Manny-Acer_Retired
    Manny-Acer_Retired Newbie Posts: 4,453 Guru
    Hi prettysoldieryhana20,

    Sorry to see that you're having issues with the registration process.

    Can you please send me a PM with the S/N of your unit so I can look into this for you?




  • kenct123
    kenct123 Member Posts: 1 New User
    Hi! I just bought a Nitro 5 unit but I am having errors when registering for its warranty online. Can anyone help me?
  • yudi11
    yudi11 Member Posts: 1 New User
    @Acer-Manny , @Acer-Karp I'm facing the same issue. Unable to register my new Acer Predator for warranty. Kindly PM me so I can contact you with details.
  • Manny-Acer_Retired
    Manny-Acer_Retired Newbie Posts: 4,453 Guru

    Hello kenct123 and yudi11,


    I'm sorry that you're having issues with registering your product.  Can you please send me a PM with the S/N of your unit so I can look into this for you?




  • Komodo
    Komodo Member Posts: 5


    My experience is that Acer uses an impossible font that makes 5's look like b's. So you better provide a picture of your serial number to the Acer staff.
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