Aspire AX3400 won't start

fabster Member Posts: 5 New User
edited March 2023 in 2014 Archives

My Aspire AX3400 has difficulty getting started: often when I press the start button I hear a continuous sound and the computer will not start. The sound continues indefinitely and pressing the button again has no effect. I have to unplug the power cord, wait a while and then try again. Often it tkes 10 - 15 tris to get it to go.

Any help would be appreciated.



  • finlux
    finlux ACE Posts: 1,834 Pathfinder

    Hi fabster!


    What sort of sound does it make? Is it a continuous beep? If so, beeps from the motherboard usually signify a particular problem. I would need more information about your AX3400 (Motherboard model, processor, RAM).


    The beeps signify an error code and are usually short or long beeps in a sequence. The meaning of the beeps is normally found in the motherboard manual.


    Have you recently made any changes to it, IE added a graphics card etc?


    If it is not a beep, but perhaps an high pitched sound, it might be a fan at fault, although, that shouldn't stop it from booting initially.

  • cpfold39
    cpfold39 Member Posts: 1 New User

    I turn on pc an del/ f12    it is a black screen  I do f12 an it comes up cmos intility screen but cannot seem to get pc to do anything more will not open windows 7 

  • finlux
    finlux ACE Posts: 1,834 Pathfinder

    It's entirely possible that the hard drive is making the continual noise, and because it may be failing is why it isn't booting into Windows.


    Take off the panel from the side of your computer, and locate the hard drive. Remove the SATA power cable, then start up your PC. Does it still make a noise? If it doesn't then that will be evidence that the hard drive is the problem, & will need replacing.


    If the noise persists, listen closely to the power supply unit. If it is that, then the PSU will need replacing.


    Let us know how you get on!

  • Fr0st3
    Fr0st3 Member Posts: 12 New User

    I have the same prob with the same desktop, It was working fine this morning turned it off, went out for a while came back home. Decided to turn it on I can here the HD working along with the power supply fan. It just won't turn on it seems to me it is coming from the power button itself. I have tried calling Acer for the part but with no luck.

  • finlux
    finlux ACE Posts: 1,834 Pathfinder

    Hi FrOst3


    I've not heard of a power button making a noise before!


    All you can really do is eliminate certain items, by removing the connecting cable, EG sata cable to hard disk. Once you've identified the problem then you can replace that part....

  • Fr0st3
    Fr0st3 Member Posts: 12 New User

    I'm pretty sure now it is the power button, cause the power supply is giving power to the mother board, I just don't hear any beeps. Can also hear the HD running too. It seems that the prob is the power button it doesn't light up blue like it suppose. I just wish I could find the part no# to it. My model no# Acer AX3400-U3032


  • finlux
    finlux ACE Posts: 1,834 Pathfinder
    It might not necessarily be the switch, although I can see why you think it may be!

    If the HD and fan powers up, but there is no mobo beep or any display, it could either be the PSU or the motherboard itself at fault.

    A trip to your local PC dealer would be worthwhile....
  • Fr0st3
    Fr0st3 Member Posts: 12 New User

    Update I did the HD Test, and Dvd test, got same results. So I know it isn't the PS cause like I stated power goes into the mobo, because I can hear the HD running.

  • finlux
    finlux ACE Posts: 1,834 Pathfinder
    It can still be the PSU. Even when they fail, it still can give a low voltage, just enough for the fan and/or the mobo.

  • Fr0st3
    Fr0st3 Member Posts: 12 New User

    Thanks will keep that in mind, but right now I will try the new power switch.

  • finlux
    finlux ACE Posts: 1,834 Pathfinder
    OK, let us know how you get on!
  • Fr0st3
    Fr0st3 Member Posts: 12 New User

    Ok here is the update, since I'm waiting on the front panel with switch from Acer. Tried a new PSU, new cmos battery, also tried ram test along with pulling out cabels one by one. Still got the same results.

  • finlux
    finlux ACE Posts: 1,834 Pathfinder
    Great, so it is definately the switch then!
  • Fr0st3
    Fr0st3 Member Posts: 12 New User

    I think these switches are cheaply made, have little life to them after several uses. Wish I new this about Acer when i first purchased it.

  • Fr0st3
    Fr0st3 Member Posts: 12 New User

    Here is a update test I did, I first checked the voltage with a Dr. Power heard the 1st beep so I assume every thing is ok, then I checked the P2 plug with the same Tester only this time I left the main plug connected to the mother board and unplugged the p2 plug into the tester, and what do you know the blue light came on while it was plugged into the tester, but when I plugged it back into the mother board where it belonged the blue light didn't turn on. ??



  • mlure
    mlure Member Posts: 8


    I have this same machine and it will not power up. Tried a new PS but that doesnt work, and the old ps powers up another motherboard. I read a review on NewEgg where a user had 3 of 5 machines do this and those were still under warranty.

    Sounds to me like a motherboard issue, but it could be the power button as mentioned. I am not sure what to do next but of course Acer's support for nonwarranty machines does not exist. I was just wondering what you decided to finally do with yours? The board has zero response to power yet the power supply works. I hate to admit this but I think the board is dead. This machine is only 2 1/2 years old. Any advice?


    *****after much reading I have found it to be the POWER BUTTON. I got it started by shorting the pins on the board. The system posted normally. Now I have to figure out how to replace this crappy power button.

  • Fr0st3
    Fr0st3 Member Posts: 12 New User

    Well here is another update, I replaced the power button and still got the same results, I also replaced a new power supplyy and still got the same results as with the new power switch too.

  • mlure
    mlure Member Posts: 8


    Well that stinks. I was hoping replacing the power switch/button might solve it. I can move the cables from the power button to the motherboard around and sometimes it will start up. Sometimes it starts up but soon as I remove pressure from the button it turns itself off. Sometimes it continues to run even when I lift pressure from the button and sometimes nothing happens. Too bad we spent money buying new power supplies.

    This will be my last Acer purchase. I repair computers as a hobby and every single Acer in need of repair has been a major headache getting the proper drivers for oddball hardware Windows 7 does not automatically support, or for parts. My own Acer desktop is 5 years old with NO problems but all 6 or so of the Acer machines I have worked on were problems.  I will never advise anyone to purchase Gateway, Emachines, or Acer from this point forward because they do not support out of warranty.  The major two (D&H) offer email support for out of warranty machines. Acer/Gateway/Emachines has nothing for us without us buying a 15minute phone call for 99$. Poor service beyond the one year.

    Thank you for your latest answer. I wont waste time with another power button.

  • mlure
    mlure Member Posts: 8


    I am trying something. Where you press the power button 3 little while pegs come down with pressure. The one immediately under the power button touches the switch which completes the on/off action. The black thing this white peg touches has been partially pulled OUT of it's socket. Or maybe it's supposed to be crooked in there?  So I used toothpicks to push it back in. Now it works normally.

    What I believe happened is when the front door/panel was opened(for some reason??) the owner opened it too far which pulled the wires out of place just a tad; enough to prevent the on/off button from reaching it's contact.

    This appears to be fixed. 

    This is a poorly designed layout, strictly by the manufacturer. If the wires were longer this might not have happend even with the poor design.  

    This solved my machine's problem. If yours is similar I can try to help.