Acer Aspire XC-1760 SSD not detected in BIOS after Secure boot partition deletion

ChrisJefferies Member Posts: 6 New User

My Aspire XC-1760 with :-

BIOS R01-B0 05/06/22 (Now updated to R01-B1)

EC Firmware 1.01 12/03/2021

Processor i5-12400

It came with 1TB hard disk but the plan was to install Windows 11 on a SSD instead. I have been installing Windows since before Windows 95 but this is my first with Secure Boot!

All worked well for many months until I was partitioning a USB connected SSD. Part way through I didn’t notice that the USB drive had become disconnected and think I had just deleted the secure boot partition on C:\!

Booting from a Windows 11 install USB drive does not see the SSD drive listed in the BIOS.

Name Total Size Free Space

Disk 0 Unallocated Space 0 B 0 B

Disk 1 Partition 1: ESD-USB 7.2 GB 2.6 GB

I still have the original Windows 11 hard disk that was supplied with the computer and unused since it was replaced by a clean install on a SSD. Booting from the original Windows 11 Hard Disk progresses slowly and displays the Time and Date on a normal blue display screen! If I press the “Return” key my name is displayed but under it the words “Something happened and your PIN isn’t available. Click to set your PIN again”. Underneath the words “Set up my PIN”. I click “Set up my PIN” and eventually a message about requesting a code to enable to create a new password but no code arrived. The next day I repeated everything possibly giving more time for a network connection and a code arrived and I can login and everything works but rather slow!

If I now boot from the USB disk Diskpart still finds Zero disk space as above!


  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,671 Trailblazer
    edited March 19

    I suggest that you do another Clean Install of Win-11 24H2 and all its updates to the latest OS build: 26100.3476, as that will completely format the 1TB M.2 SSD drive, construct and use the Rufus 4.5 bootable USB guide and make sure that you put the TC-1760 IRST Intel® Rapid Storage Technology) Utility version 19.0.1027.0 onto that USB as then you will be able to do a clean install of windows 11, so go that route and see if your desktop perform allot quicker, as and if you didn't have a slow TC-1760 before it could be from the old M.2 SSD drive being corrupted and causing that fault. Do all that and let us know if things worked out, good luck and hope this helps you further.

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  • Larryodie
    Larryodie Member Posts: 1,861 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    Create a new install of WIN 11 per my link, no need to do anything except provide the Blank FLASH USB over 8GB

    Formatting and bootable is automatic.

    Just Boot using F12 after you have made your Bios BOOT ENABLED

    Use this link

    You can create the USB on another computer then stick it into the bad one. NOTE only have one Hard drive connected until you have a clean boot of the primary.

    Updates and drivers should be automatically taken care of.

  • ChrisJefferies
    ChrisJefferies Member Posts: 6 New User

    To me it looks like a hardware fault!

    The original hard disk which came with the computer worked OK and had not been touched since it was removed. When I put it back in the computer a few weeks ago it no longer boots normally.

    Originally I replaced the hard disk with new 480GB Crucial SSD. I downloaded the latest Windows 11 and installed it on a USB drive then installed Windows on the SSD as normal. Windows 11 worked as expected.

    If I do exactly the same thing now with blank 240GB SSD it boots from USB drive to "Select location to install Windows 11"

    Disk 1 is the SSD but is Zero bites. Click on disk1 to show details. "The selected disk is offline"

    I have second USB drive with the IRST driver on.

    At screen "Install driver to show hardware"

    I select the driver on the second USB disk but "No Drivers were found" in any directory!

  • Larryodie
    Larryodie Member Posts: 1,861 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    Go to my link. Probably because that you have a 2nd hard drive connected. ONLY ONE until you get the new boot drive booting then connect your extra drive.

    You were successful doing with one so try disconnecting the 2nd hard drive,

    The drivers have always been installed with the installation from the boot disk. WIN11 should pick up your drivers .

  • Larryodie
    Larryodie Member Posts: 1,861 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    Crucial gave me a link on instructions to initialize a new SSD.

    If you're doing a clean install then no need to do this.

    How to Initialize Your SSD for Windows®

    Before you can use your new SSD you have to initialize and partition it. If you are performing a clean installation of your operating system, or cloning to your SSD, it is not neccessary to follow these steps. A clean installation of your operating system or cloning to an SSD will initialize and partition the new SSD.

    Note: if you simply need to format/reformat a drive, only steps 5-9 below will be needed, assuming your SSD has previously been initialized. 

    1. Attach the SSD as a secondary drive and load Windows from your existing drive.
    2. In Windows 7 and earlier, open Disk Management by right clicking on Computer and selecting Manage, then Disk Management.
      In Windows 8 and later, move the mouse to the lower left corner of your desktop and right-click on the Start icon, then select Disk Management.
    3. When Disk Management opens, a pop-up will appear and prompt you to initialize the SSD.
    4. Select GUID partition table (GPT) and click OKMBR (Master Boot Record) is best for certain legacy software compatibility, but GPT is better for modern systems and higher capacity storage devices.
    5. Right-click in the area that says Unallocated and select New Simple Volume...
    6. The New Simple Volume Wizard will open, click Next.
    7. Leave the Specify Volume Size as the maximum (default value) and click Next.
    8. Select a Drive Letter and click Next.
    9. In the Format Partition screen, decide on a Volume label (the name you want to give the drive) and click Next.

    The drive is now formatted and ready for use.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,789 Trailblazer

    You don't want to create a simple volume as stated in that set of steps. That will leave no place for Windows to install. Just tell the installer to use the unallocated space on the disk (which is the whole disk) and it will create all needed partitions for you. Those instructions are for adding a second drive as a data drive, not for the initial install.

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  • Larryodie
    Larryodie Member Posts: 1,861 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    Yes, I shouldn't ever post this, I did post a disclaimer " If you're doing a clean install then no need to do this"

    Actually I think the clean install will create it's own partitions with allocated recovery space.

  • ChrisJefferies
    ChrisJefferies Member Posts: 6 New User

    My computer experience goes back to the 1980s with my first Home Computer some years before the IBM PC. Some years later I was doing support at work for users Windows PC and Linux Servers.

    The Acer is the first complete PC I have ever bought and my first experience with Windows 11, all the rest I have built myself upgrading motherboard, memory or processor over the years.

    The plan when I bought the Acer PC was to replace the hard disk with a SSD. It worked for probably over a year until I accidentally deleted the second partition instead of the one on the USB connected disk which had unfortunately become disconnected! As the SSD no longer booted then replacing it with the original hard disk should work! It does sort of but painfully slowly after eventually creating a new account!

    I suspect the disk controller chipset has failed! At Windows 11 USB boot at the point where zero bytes disk is displayed there is option to add a driver. I have second USB drive with the driver for the Intel chip mentioned earlier but no driver is found!

  • Larryodie
    Larryodie Member Posts: 1,861 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    I'd try again with ONLY one hard drive and ONLY one USB device (the one with the new Windows boot)

    Reload the windows to a new flash drive as it may be corrupt ?? DO NOT INTERRUPT the install operations and DO NOT mess with the partitions.

    Good Luck.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,789 Trailblazer

    Extract the zip file from the IRST install package to your Windows install flash drive. When you get to the point in the install where it asks about location and shows no drive, install the IRST drivers from the extracted zip file. The drive will then show up and you can proceed. If the drive is visible before loading drivers, you don't need to load drivers. If the drive shows up, but has no place the use for the install, take a picture of that for us so we can tell what's going on.

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  • ChrisJefferies
    ChrisJefferies Member Posts: 6 New User

    I have no idea why you think there is a second disk. There was originally a D:drive which held data such as "Documents" "Downloads" "Pictures" etc but that has been on another Windows 11 computer for some months after the Acer failed.

    The original Windows 11 USB install disk must have included driver for the SATA disk controller. I have tried both old and new USB installs with the same results. I have tried different SATA cables in different SATA sockets but the results are the same.

  • Larryodie
    Larryodie Member Posts: 1,861 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    I was actually warning to NOT TO CONNECT a 2nd drive until you got the 1st one booted. But maybe I inputted it incorrectly. I'm sorry.

    A cloner /docking station may be a good buy to check and clone the unit and eliminate the motherboard. ?

  • ChrisJefferies
    ChrisJefferies Member Posts: 6 New User

    It seems highly likely that the disk controller chip is faulty although I dont really see how deleting a disk partition would do that!! I did try to clone a Windows 11 boot disk over USB so painfully slow. It didnt work so will try again with different software!

  • Larryodie
    Larryodie Member Posts: 1,861 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    WHY did you attempt to delete a partition ?

    Did you look at the docking stations as that a good way to eliminate your disk controller chip. M Yes everything is SLOW when cloning. I'm posting a particular snops of docking station. Prices are good considering you may need it often and save a lots of guess work…..

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,789 Trailblazer
    edited March 25

    I typically use an external NVMe case to clone the disk, but that's not needed if you are just doing a new Windows install on the SSD. Just do as suggested, extract the IRST zip to a folder on the install flash drive. Boot from the flash drive and install until it asks where the install should go. No drives will likely be shown. Use the tools there to load the IRST driver and the new drive will appear. Choose the full drive, all unallocated space, for the install and everything should complete fine. I don't know how many times I've had to do reinstalls, but that always works unless there are hardware issues… And since you started with deleting a working partition, I expect there aren't hardware issues.

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  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,671 Trailblazer

    To completely format a windows partition boot drive you need to do the following. In the case you don’t have an operational operating system on this drive, do this as you can still access the recovery environment from the Automatic Repair feature.

    To enter Windows Recovery Environment (Advanced Startup Options) from Automatic Repair on Windows 11, use these steps:

    1. Press the power button.
    2. Immediately after the Power-On Self-Test (POST), and you see the blue Windows logo, press the power button again to shut down.
    3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 twice. In the third restart, Windows 11 should enter into the Windows Recovery Environment (Windows RE), where many diagnostics will be performed to fix any booting issues.
    4. Select your Windows 11 account.
    5. Confirm the account password.
    6. Click the Continue button.
    7. Click the Advanced Startup button to continue. 

    Under Advanced startup, click on the below:

    • Pick Advanced options
    • Pick Command Prompt
    • Type diskpart and press enter
    • Type list disk and press enter

    This will show the list of drives currently attached to the PC, which in your case it should be one, make note of the drive number of the drive you want to wipe, if its Disk 0 is the drive you want to clear, then do the following:

    • Type > select Disk 0 and press enter.
    • A message will confirm that Disk 0 is selected
    • Type in Clear and press enter and the drive will be completely erased and the drive will have a simple partition that you can install a clean install of Win-11 onto the drive without the Win-11 partitions.

    Warning: Diskpart will Erase/Clean/Delete permanently all data on the selected drive. Please be certain that you are erasing the correct disk.

    If this answers your question and solved your query please "Click on Yes" or "Click on Like" if you find my answer useful👍

  • ChrisJefferies
    ChrisJefferies Member Posts: 6 New User

    Thanks for the advice but you seem to have missed my point!

    I downloaded the IRST driver but dont see the point as it it is obviously already on the Windows 11 install on the USB drive that I installed Windows 11 on a new SSD a year ago.

    The Windows 11 SSD I installed a year ago which I deleted the 2nd partition accidentally a few weeks ago is of NO interest as all the data was on the D: drive and is now in use on another computer!

    I just want to install Windows 11 on a new SSD. This fails with Zero bite SSD detected. Nothing I do in "Recovery" mode changes this. It looks like a hardware fault!

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,789 Trailblazer

    Likely an issue with the drive itself…

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  • Larryodie
    Larryodie Member Posts: 1,861 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    You can still buy a NVMe case for like $15 to test outside of the motherboard.