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I have a brand new 2022 predator helios 300 and like it says above I can not o/c and turbo switch doesnt work. when I try to change modes in predator sense, it is stuck on default and the other modes are grayed out and I cant switch from default and I get a message: mode switching is only available when the ac adapter is plugged in and battery level is 40% or more. i have had the ac adapter plugged in since I got this a few days ago and the battery level is at 100%. Has anyone seen this problem before? I have uninstaalled predator sense and reinstalled the latest version and I have done a clean instsall of latest nvidia driver. HELP! Thanks so much.
[Edited the thread to add model name]
Don't know the exact Helios 300 model that you have (give us the exact model number) also have a look at the Acer “Adjust Gaming Settings on Predator Helios 300”as that is all that you need to do, leave your new Predator Helios 300 at default settings, if you play games set the NVidia gpu in its Control Panel at Program Settings with your games (in the list of Control Panel software that you have) to High NVIDIA processor that need the better gpu and install GeForce Experience software to inform/detect your new NVidia drivers as this software also applies the best NVidia ultimate settings for your gpu and games, if the games that you play is included in the extensive GeForce Experience software games list, don't change anything that aint broke, and keep your laptop at default as it will operate at its best operating your laptop that way.
Uggh, dont know why tech support didnt know what I just discovered, the I7 12700H is a locked processor. My model is ph315 55 70zv
Steven am I correct that a intel i7 H cpu cannot be oc'ed and the turbo switch will not work?
The turbo only works if the battery is connected to the motherboard, with the power adapter connected. Can you send some screenshots of predator sense settings?
uhh, I know that
Does the same problem occur when reinstalling predator sense?
Install this version: Data:2023/01/06 Versão:4.00.1491 Fornecedor:Acer Tamanho:181.91 MB Download
ah you sent me messages I think about turbo ! haha
now that I see your picture, don't use Turbo mode on that tab.. that looks like it would try to overclock your cpu and gpu.
the only thing you want to set highis the “Fan Control”
if you set that “mode” to Extreme or “turbo" it will overclock and make your laptop overheat and just throttle down from heat. It was a terrible idea for Acer to include that Turbo and Extreme option. Laptops are not made to overclock unless you are doing custom thermal paste and have your fans running at 6000rpm 24/7
here is the only thing you should ever use in Predator sense:
I would think those max fan speeds are not good for longevity of the fans. See message I sent on a cooler.
Now I have decided turbo is not working due to the old bios I have (1.05) and there has been several upgrades, added improvments since that one so I am going to bite the bullet and install latest and "greatest
" 1.10 😫
installed bios 1.10 without problems. Still no turbo button function and cannot change mode in predator sense from default mode. The turbo button will light up a few seconds while booting up so it seems the button is connected to mb. I am at a loss as to what the problem is. Have installed win 11 twice.
Have you already checked this connection?
I will check, thanks. Where did you get that PH315-55.pdf file from? I would like to download it.
You already checked the connector. Service tabs are not available to users.
Am guessing your problem has been solved, but I was wondering if you had Razer Cortex downloaded during your modes not switching?
I got to play with it while moving her files over from her old system a Lenovo that originally came with Vista and was still running that high DA backlinks.