Acer Predator Helios Neo 16 using unusual power at idle and overheating(Predator PHN16-71)

Himanshu0119 Member Posts: 8


edited February 2024 in Predator Laptops

Hi, i purchased my predator helios neo laptop around 6 months ago it had been running well until i noticed it started overheating(a little too much around 75-85 C) with only things like youtube opened up. i used a software to check its minimum and maximum temperatures and wattages and here is what it shows.

As in the screenshot it is going upto around 75 C consuming 76 watts at idle. For reference here's the task manager view:

I dont believe i'm using anything resource intensive and yes all my startup applications are closed and i have tried restarting a few times now. Please help :/

Edit: Here are the Specs:

Model: (Predator PHN16-71)

CPU: i7 13700HX GPU: RTX 4050 Memory and Storage: 16GB and 1TB

Running Windows 11 23H2 Os Build: 22631.3085

[Edited the thread to add model name to the title]

Best Answer


  • You have to follow my comment from below post

    If you can't do it by yourself then send your laptop to service centre for repasting and cleaning cleaning they might come to your home for this. Get in touch with ACER customer care from below link-

    windows 10/11 optimization guide for gaming 
    Windows 10/11 optimization guide for gaming — Acer Community

    My AN515-43 laptop UserBenchmark-
  • Himanshu0119
    Himanshu0119 Member Posts: 8


    Hello, i appreciate the concern but i dont the the thermal paste or liquid metal used in my laptop needs replacement right now. It would be a totally different case if that were true, the laptop should not go to such wattages(around 70-100) when idle. These power hikes are causing the issue I think but i do not know how to fix them because task manager doesn't show a specific app thats taking some considerable cpu percentage or something. I would still like to hear your advice further, if there's any!

  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,558 Trailblazer

    See if there is anything else consuming more than 10% resources, there should only be Edge, uninstall all 3rd-party browsers and AV programs incl. trial versions, and disable syncing to stop Cloud traffic,

  • Himanshu0119
    Himanshu0119 Member Posts: 8


    This is what it shows:

    System is using 29% of it, is that unusual?

  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,558 Trailblazer

    System should be less than 1% overall usage. how did you manage to uninstall Edge? I recommend Resetting "This PC without losing your files", if that does not help back up your drive and Reset this PC losing all your data. Don't uninstall/disable Edge in Windows11 23H2, and don't use Brave browser, HW Monitor, Battery charge limiting bloatware and other 3rd-party programs you may have installed. Also, trial versions vie for the default position and update/backup constantly to cloud, uninstall all those.

  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,422 Trailblazer

    The temps that you are getting from your Predator PHN16-71 are very normal, this laptop is designed to run at much higher temps. The i7-13700HX cpu is designed by Intel to withstand a maximum temperature at the processor die of 100°C and The below temps are the performance temps that this laptop has been tested by Acer and its listed in this laptops SG as Trip Point (Turbo Mode):

    • CPU TCC Trigger: 100C
    • OS Shut Down: Trigger = 110C
    • EC Shut Down: Trigger = 110C
    • H/W Shut down: Trigger = 95C

    If this answers your question and solved your query please "Click on Yes" or "Click on Like" if you find my answer useful👍

  • Himanshu0119
    Himanshu0119 Member Posts: 8


    No i did not uninstall edge browser i just dont use it. Ill try resetting the system with the options you told and inform you if it works.

  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,558 Trailblazer

    Edge is an integral part of Windows11 23H2, a lot revolves around it, security, AI, e-mail-comms, etc,, etc., try it out IMO Edge is the best browser on the market, not the search engine Bing, I use less biased and much deeper. Yes, try to Reset your system and uninstall some of the apps but use the 3rd-party uninstallers often located in the same OEM program folders. I checked System overall uses on two different 2023 laptops and both show <1% at any time so 23% on idle is too much.

  • Himanshu0119
    Himanshu0119 Member Posts: 8


    Hi, i did reset my pc and i think it made the wattage consumption even worse somehow. It is now going upto 100 watts on idle. I just resetted it(from the keep files setting) and after updating windows it was feeling kinda hot to touch so i installed HWMonitor to check whats going on and its sitting at 90° C idle using upto 100 watts. Im going for full data reset this time hope it helps, ill tell you if it works after the reset.

  • Puraw
    Puraw ACE, Member Posts: 15,558 Trailblazer

    ….and check what the System consumes overall on idle.

  • Himanshu0119
    Himanshu0119 Member Posts: 8


    it is still going upto around 100 watts as you can see totally at idle nothing that can even be considered a medium load is open and i have no third party softwares except HWMonitor to check the temps as i just reinstalled windows. What should i do now?

  • Chandra_Prakashh
    Chandra_Prakashh Member Posts: 11


    Update your bios to the latest version. Older bios version had thermal issues.

    ''Upgrading your system BIOS incorrectly could harm your Acer product. Please proceed with caution.''

  • Veor
    Veor Member Posts: 15 Troubleshooter

    This sounds a lot like the undervolting issue that plagued the predator Helios 300 PH315-52 laptops. In that model, the temperatures would wildly fluctuate when idle and especially when starting up. I’m facing this problem right now. People told me to check fans and Acer’s Authorized dealers told me I needed to downgrade to windows 10. The real reason it turns out is because the laptop came with an undervolt that was undone by a BIOS update. Essentially the laptop is running at a much higher voltage than what the cooling system can handle. I strongly suspect your machine is facing the same issue.The latest Windows 11 update crashed my computer. It’s unusable now. Acer’s repair shop downgraded the computer but it still keeps getting BSOD crashes. If your computer is still under warranty I strongly recommend that you get it replaced. If not, you can try fixes to throttle performance when plugged in. (On battery, you may not see such high temperature spikes). Go to control panel, power options, and change the Processor power usage down to 99 or 90% from 100% when plugged in. There’s also something called Hwinfo You can use to monitor and manage CPU power utilization. I was also told to use third-party tools like Lasso to keep overall power use down. If I were you, I would immediately submit a ticket to Acer and have the bios and power draw checked out. Don’t let the problem persist beyond the warranty. You won’t be able to use the laptop even for menial tasks like wordprocessing if you do.

  • Himanshu0119
    Himanshu0119 Member Posts: 8


    Thank you, I believe i have 1 years warranty on this laptop and its only been less than 6 months since i purchased the laptop. Also how do i submit the ticket to acer, whats the website for that? And any ideas on what i should do after it gets fixed to avoid gettig the same problem again?

  • Veor
    Veor Member Posts: 15 Troubleshooter

    You will need to take the laptop to the shop that services the warranty. Where did you buy the laptop from? Usually the seller services the warranty. You can also email Acer. Go to their support page and scroll down until you see the email support option, then choose your country and then submit a ticket. They usually tell you to contact the nearest Acer service center. Ask the warranty service provider to check the laptop and then you can also mention the undervolting thing so they can check that too just in case. If your laptop is overheating when plugged in, but if the temperatures are lower when on battery, do make sure to mention that.

  • Himanshu0119
    Himanshu0119 Member Posts: 8


    Answer ✓

    I went to the service centre, they reinstalled the operating system and now the wattage consumption is totally normal. I think they first downgraded it to windows 10 then installed windows 11 again, not totally sure but fully reinstalling the operating system might be the only way to solve it.

  • Aakash4910
    Aakash4910 Member Posts: 20 Troubleshooter

    can you share the HWinfo now, as i have facing this issue since day 1 and only way i have managed to control my temps is using throttlestop to limit wattage beyond 60watts

  • Pratham77
    Pratham77 Member Posts: 1 New User

    Bro I need help. I bought the same laptop 7 months ago and from the time I got this laptop, it's overheating like crazy. I tried running games on it and the temperature easily reach 99° like nothing. Even when the laptop is ideal, the temperature is around 75-85°. I don't know what's the problem but Acer rejected my replacement request stating that this is completely normal. The temperature get lower when I disconnect the charger though. Could you please help me with this 🙏

  • deepakthepathak
    deepakthepathak Member Posts: 3 New User

    Let me know how you managed your temperature. Did the issue is solved? If yes, then how?