Aspire 5 A517-51 keyboard not working. Only the power button is working
Are all the machines the same BIOS version 2.03 with the same datestamp 5/22/2019?
Jack E/NJ
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First laptop isn't here anymore, problem with that one was in november and I updated the bios to the latest version which at that moment also was 2.03 (the problem was present before updating the bios, so it has nothing to do with the bios-update).
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Most likely hardware. My best guess is the KB cable wedge assembly. Maybe warped? The white push wedgies on the sides often break off or otherwise don't apply enough pressure to make good contact with the ends of the ribbon. I've had to tape the cable end or use a mylar film spacer inside the connector on some boards to make good contact. The white line on the ribbon must be parallel to and just kissing the edge of the connector
Jack E/NJ
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I was thinking of this piece too, but then I also would think none of the keys should work instead of just one. I've taken it apart, put it back several times, the line is parallel with the connector (both pieces), I've tried putting it in not completely, put it in a bit crooked but then the powerbutton doesn't work either.
It just makes no sense that only 1 of 100+ keys is working on the same cable. If it was the opposite then I could understand that there was a bit of damage somewhere, but not how it is with this (and definitely not after putting it in standby, not moving the laptop, waking it up and problem occurred).
I think I'm going to tell my customer there are 2 options, using an external keyboard or throwing this thing out of the window. It isn't worth the money replacing the keyboard (with topcover) because it (officially) isn't supported by Windows 11 so in october 2025 it gets no more updates.
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I think I'm going to tell my customer there are 2 options, using an
external keyboard or throwing this thing out of the window. It isn't
worth the money replacing the keyboard (with topcover) because it
(officially) isn't supported by Windows 11 so in october 2025 it gets no
more updates.Agreed. I had one old netbook KB in which all the keys eventually failed within a few weeks. Not all at once. Started with the arrow down key. Then one or two after another. Seem to recall top row Fx keys ere last to go. Replacement KB was only about $8 from Aliexpress. And a whole lot easier to replace than what you're up against. I suspected that the ribbon connector sealed inside the KB was some kind of not-too-well press-or-tape together affair.
Jack E/NJ
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Hey there I have the exact same issue, the keyboard stopped working from nowhere only power button works.
And I am 100% sure it's not the small thing that turns to left and extends the cable, since I tried directly connecting it to the motherboard KB connector and still only power button works.
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I just have the same identical problem with the same model Acer Aspire 5 A517-51-34Q1.
All keys suddenly stopped working, except of power button key - even in BIOS. I can only use it with usb plugged external keyboard.
It looks like there is a latent defect in this model.
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For me it worked like this:
I unconnected the cmos battery that lives under the big battery. This cmos-battery is connected with the motherboard with a small plug. I Just took the plug out for a sec, plugged it in again. I guess this way the Bios and a faulty adjustment has been reset.
Than reassembled the big battery pack, connected it with the motherboard, closed the cover, put in the hand full of screws, turned it on, and happily wrote this text =)1 -
Thank you for that tip!
Just made a quick account to response here. I also had a non working keyboard with this model. Did bios reset to factory settings, but did not help. Than opened the case and disconnected the coms and main battery for about 10 minutes, but still noting. Than try'd about everything else i could think of but still no luck. So planned on ordering a new keyboard and left the laptop with main battery and coms battery disconnected for about 2 weeks. Main battery was empty today and after 5 mins of loading with the power adapter i could power on the Acer. Booted and keyboard was magically working again!
So i can conform that there is more to this keyboard not working story. Its seems that there is a link with corrupted bios memory. I did not update the bios recently, and it was still running v2.03 i think? out of 2019. But the laptop wasn't used for a longer time, so that could be a trigger.
So for everyone that reads this in the future, disconnect your main battery and COMS battery for a longer time like a +week. Short time did NOT work for me, as the previous user wrote.
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You can usually speed BIOS reset by shorting the CMOS coin cell +/- terminals on the mainboard for about 10 seconds. Make sure battery is disconnected along with the coin cell removed when doing this.
Jack E/NJ
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I'm back again.. Aspire A517-51 number 3 with the exact same problem. Customer called me that the keyboard suddenly stopped working, he did nothing weird with it, just shut it down in the evening and in the morning the keyboard wasn't working anymore.
I find it hard to believe this problem is not known to Acer. I'm a small pc-repairshop and I already got 3 of these laptops with the problem. I already tried leaving the battery disconnected and the cmos-battery disconnected for over a day and still no working keyboard. Bios reset to default, reseat the cables, nothing.
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BIOS chips often retain corruption charges for much longer periods than a day. Instead of waiting, short CMOS coin cell mainboard terminals for about 10 seconds.
Jack E/NJ
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If you mean "put a piece of iron between the two pins in the cmos-battery-connector on the mainboard", already did that too (yes, the battery was also removed).
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If KB doesn't work to access BIOS menu with the F2 key or inside the BIOS menu, then its cable probably has to be reseated in the mainboard KB connector a few times to help clean the contacts.
Jack E/NJ
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Like I said in my previous comment, I already did that.
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How many times? I usually do at least a half dozen reseats. If still no joy, then gently rub accessible contacts on the ribbon and connecter with a Q-tip moistened with rubbing alcohol.
Jack E/NJ
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Dozen of times I did that (and yes, also cleaned it with alcohol). But it has nothing to do with bad connection from the ribbon-cable. If that was the case multiple keys should be working and not only the power-button.
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Do you hear any BIOS error beep(s) on startup? Does an external KB work?
Jack E/NJ
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No beeping, external keyboard works just fine.
Just had an idea but unfortunately, in desktop-pc I've seen weird problems when the voltage of the cmos-battery was too low but in this laptop it is 3,20v so that's alright.
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Does tapping F2 at startup on the external KB do anything?
Jack E/NJ