PO3-650 (i7-13700f & RTX4070) CPU Heat who are more experienced than me: are those Temps "normal"?

Thayn Member Posts: 3 New User
edited November 2023 in Predator Desktops

Dear Users

I really hope someone can help me out. Yesterday, I've bought 2 PO3-650, one for me, one for my wife. After installing Windows and so on, we checked our Temperatures via Predator Sense. There is a difference from about 10-15°C, while "idle" (i know, idle isn't saying that much).

After playing for a short Time (Diablo 4, Dungeons 4) for testing if anything is right, i checked the CPU Temperature of mine - saying it was 96°C. Oh dear, heartattack incoming ;-)

So my question to all of you, who are more experienced than me: are those Temps "normal"? Viable? Should (or can) I buy another CPU-Cooler? I read about the Noctua NH-9S, this should be compatible, is that correct?

I thank to all of you and am hoping for a "Solution". Thanks :-)

[Edited the thread to add issue detail]

Best Answer

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓

    The choice to get a PO3 vs a PO5 or PO7 is often space, the PO3 takes up a lot less desk room, though there is also the price, the bigger models do cost a fair amount more. With either if you are into fairly heavy gaming you will want to upgrade the cooling. The Noctua NH-9S is a good choice for the PO3 models, the NH-12A is a better fit for the PO5. Just ignore Chug on this, he has a PO5 and has tweaked it a lot. :)

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  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    take them back and get the 5000 series, you can upgrade more and its a bigger case with more fans and sometimes costs less depending on what region you are in. the 3000 case and mb limit the user so much its not even worth it.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓

    The choice to get a PO3 vs a PO5 or PO7 is often space, the PO3 takes up a lot less desk room, though there is also the price, the bigger models do cost a fair amount more. With either if you are into fairly heavy gaming you will want to upgrade the cooling. The Noctua NH-9S is a good choice for the PO3 models, the NH-12A is a better fit for the PO5. Just ignore Chug on this, he has a PO5 and has tweaked it a lot. :)

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  • Thayn
    Thayn Member Posts: 3 New User

    Thanks for your response!

    I will check the Noctua - right now, the Temps are in the 70s while gaming. I don't know why all of a sudden. Maybe just got a bad Start with it ;-)

  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    well, I'm just saying if they are returnable, and he can get a 5000 for the same price you would be crazy not to look into it at least. the 3000 series is terrible for upgrading with the mb and PSU limitations with the case. there are 3000 models that cost more than my 5000 look it up.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    According to the current number on Acer's store the PO5 is around $1000 higher than a PO3… So no where near the same price.

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  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    edited November 2023

    well, it all depends on what model they got and where they live. here in my area at BestBuy, they sell 3 models of the 3000 that were more than my 5000 when i bought it. and mine was. 1849.99. i did not understand that. i never looked at the acer store.

    perfect example is here. they have a 5000 with a 13700F-4070 for 1799.99

    then a 3000 for 1999.99 with a 12700F-3070 makes no sense.


  • Thayn
    Thayn Member Posts: 3 New User

    chugzilla, we are living in Switzerland. The 3000 was at a sale for about CHF 1600.-, while the 5000 is about CHF 2500.-. Plus, we need two of them, so that's the reason why we chose the 3000. It's our first prebuilt PC, normally i bought the components and built them myself. But here in Switzerland, the Parts are more expensive than a prebuilt-version right at the moment (since Covid…).

    I know that upgrading the 3000 is more difficult, but we are no more hardcore gamers on PC (preferring Consoles). But there are still some games which are PC "exclusive" we want to play, so…

    But really, I thank the both of you. As I mentioned, the Temps are now on a "okayisch" level.

  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    its all good i wish you guys the best and keep us posted with your upgrades-updates on them.

  • Concorian
    Concorian Member Posts: 2 New User

    I have the same model i713500f and 4070, i know Im probably late to this post. But i noticed that the temp speeds are
    up around 90c right out of box. The problem seems to be the preconfi
    settings for the sense program. The Auto sets your fans so they dont
    seem to peak over 1000rpm, and Gaming setting wacks them full on.

    After some playing around i generally have each fan set manual 1)60% 2)62%
    3)64% 4)60%. Which means at idle im getting CPU temp of around 20-30c
    and on loads around 70-80c.

    I havent manage to to push my general system temp above 28c at all so far. And GPU under load goes to max 76c but thats with cyberpunk ultra with ray tracing on max.

    Best advice try changing your fan speeds on manual, but be aware they can get loud on higher settings.

    Also the type of side panel apparantly matters which is odd. If you leave the normal panel on i.e the black one with ventilation holes. It helps but if you put the Glass panel on i found my temps spiking backup again.

  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    i keep all mine on 100% when gaming for maximum cooling. that's the best way to test the system and keep it cool. if the fans are too loud then the only other option is to replace them with quieter ones so you can run them on 100% and not hear them. and put on a better cooler for that setup.

    and yes, glass side panels are known for keeping in heat what i do is take mine off when gaming it doesn't hurt anything and works well.

    ambient room temperatures also matter most don't have your desktop near a heat vent if your heat is on.

    its winter here so i keep mine facing a window i open when gaming and my temps drop so low it's unreal.

    lower than i can get with all panels off in the central air in the summer.

  • boatcapt
    boatcapt Member Posts: 5 New User

    I'm here for the same reason. Yesterday I bought a PO5-650-UB21. Bought it to run a Iracing sim. I got it hooked up and decided to play a few FPS games and the temps are through the roof on the CPU and a little high on the GPU. I start looking around and get conflicting opinions on the 13700's. Some saying 80's and 90's are far to hot. Mine is in the 80's and 90's running FPS's. Others saying it's normal and within specs. Including somewhere where an intel rep says it's perfectly fine. So, is it or not? If not, I'll take the computer back while its new. Thanks in advance.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    Specs call for 80-90C in normal, though heavy, use. Revamping the cooling will bring that down but stock is OK as long as you don't get high enough to start throttling. If you are concerned about the temperature but not willing to spring for the Noctua NH-U9S cooler try switching the fan into gaming mode and perhaps limiting the CPU to just under 100%.

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  • boatcapt
    boatcapt Member Posts: 5 New User

    Billsey, how much can I limit the CPU and not notice a big difference? I put it at 99% and it seemed to just stay in the 80's for the most part. I'm willing to do additional cooling. Just don't want something to be wrong with the computer itself and get to far out of my return window. I

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    Yeah, even a small change from 100% to 99% should be enough to drop the peak temperatures, though changing the fan profiles will make a bigger difference (both in temperatures and noise level). Unless you are seeing stable temperatures over 92C you aren't likely getting any throttling. The fan upgrade is something most of the heavier gamers do and it will often drop 15-20C off those stable numbers. Just repasting the CPU with a decent quality thermal compound will even get you 5C or so… :)

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  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    also, you have a 5000 series before you invest in a new cooler i would suggest adding 2 fans as exhaust on the top rack that may help because ambient room temperatures drive up the GPU-CPU temps a lot.

    i have a 5000 and i installed a Noctua NH-U12A it's the largest cooler that will fit in our 5000 cases.

    i also remove all panels when gaming in the summer-warmer days because it lets all the hot air out and i get minimal dust.

    now that its winter i have all the covers back on but the front. that front glass panel design is terrible and restricts the air flow in a bad way.

    i also have it facing a window i open a few inches when gaming allowing it to suck it that cold air and WOW my temps are so low it's unreal.

    I'm getting 38-43 GPU then 32-38 CPU.

    the picture below is my summer gaming setup i rearranged everything for the winter.

  • boatcapt
    boatcapt Member Posts: 5 New User

    I limited the cpu to 98% and it didn't make much difference. Maybe a little worse. So if I put fans on top, have them exhaust? I put my hand up there and it is as cool as can be. Seems like blowing in would be better, but what do I know.

  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    trust me bringing in more hot air would be a bad thing lol unless you live in an area like me where it's very very very cold outside ha-ha and had it sitting out in that cold, you're always trying to remove the hot air, not bring it in.

    so not many options and so you know all pc manufactures offer subpar cooling on cheap desktops.

    so, if your good at replacing parts put in a new cooler like i have the Noctua NH-U12A.

    i was a total newb when i did mine and i was shaking when i got done, it was very stressful for me but now as u can see from pic above, i have gutted my pc and basically replaced a lot of stuff and removed things blocking the airflow from the front 140mm fans also.

    I'm here if you need any more help, ask away.

  • boatcapt
    boatcapt Member Posts: 5 New User

    Acer says bad hardware, to return it for repair or return to the store. Not sure what to do now. Bought from Bestbuy because not comfortable building my own. Plus, I like the no interest financing.

  • chugzilla
    chugzilla Member Posts: 730 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    yeah, i bought my 5000 from BestBuy also, and don't listen to acer, the support you called don't know anything. trust me on that. you have the same issues we all had with our acer predator gaming pcs, be it a 3000-5000-7000 they all come with subpar cooling and need to be upgraded. and anything in this price range by anyone will have the same issues.

  • boatcapt
    boatcapt Member Posts: 5 New User

    In your opinion, if I did decide to build my own, what would be the best hardware to buy and stay around $2K. Ultimately I want to sim race and run at least 3 2K monitors. With some FPS games mixed in. Maybe I can get most of the components from Bestbuy.