The first time it happened out of the blue, I was playing Sea of Thieves and all of the sudden my fps went from 140 to anywhere between 15-30. When I tried to launch any other game that uses my dedicated gpu (not integrated) this fps remains the same(gpu usage can be high sometime). I got this fixed by doing what Shinobi12 said in this post (reinstall gpu drivers and update bios)
So I have had this laptop (Nitro AN515-57) for about 8 months now, and it would run games completely fine. Now just about 2 days ago I booted up Genshin Impact and it started lagging like crazy. I have tried many other games and I get the same results. I have reset my computer multiple times since then as well. It's probably something with the GPU because it caps out at 100% constantly whenever I run a game, and it has never done that in the past. The games say they are running on the RTX card, so that's not the issue either. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
(edited the title to add the model name from the content)
But the next day it happened again the same way (playing Sea of Thieves). I did the reinstall gpu drivers again and didnt update them to the newest version but kept them on an old version. Today it happened when I tried to launch a game and Idk what I need to do to fix it.