AN-44-R99Q I need help redownloading acer software

microwave50001 Member Posts: 3 New User
edited July 2023 in Acer Software

I have registered my laptop on a different account but now I forgot the date i bought it and the account in general, I am panicking because I need my acer software back on my laptop.

[Edited the thread to add model name to the title]

Best Answer

  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 10,705 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓

    First, what is your laptops model number, as that is important. Acer puts some apps onto their PCs when new, but the only software that is specific to Acer on a new PC is the Acer Care Centre and if its a Nitro or Predator gaming laptop or desktop, its the Predator or Nitro Sense software's which can be downloaded from the Acer Drivers & Manuals page specific to your PC model. You don't need to register or log into the Acer site, see this pages link to the Drivers & Manuals then type in your PC model which will take you to your PCs page and under Applications you will find the above specific Acer software's.


  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 10,705 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓

    First, what is your laptops model number, as that is important. Acer puts some apps onto their PCs when new, but the only software that is specific to Acer on a new PC is the Acer Care Centre and if its a Nitro or Predator gaming laptop or desktop, its the Predator or Nitro Sense software's which can be downloaded from the Acer Drivers & Manuals page specific to your PC model. You don't need to register or log into the Acer site, see this pages link to the Drivers & Manuals then type in your PC model which will take you to your PCs page and under Applications you will find the above specific Acer software's.

  • microwave50001
    microwave50001 Member Posts: 3 New User

    my laptop model is a AN-44-R99Q I just now finished installing a new SSD card I forgot to add the context. I have reinstalled the acer care before but it was on a different account and I forgot the password and stuff/

  • microwave50001
    microwave50001 Member Posts: 3 New User

    I have figured it out, I didnt really read your post well. But now I fixed it thanks alot!!