You must stay within the external USB device current limits shown below. Otherwise the ports will circuit break. The cooling pad current use alone probably approaches the limit of the port,
AN517-41-R7EK Usb C and usb 3 not working properly
Hello, I just got the model AN517-41-R7EK and I'm trying to power up a usb hub through the usb c port, but it's not working properly. I tried to plug even a cooling pad through it and it's turning it on and off continuously. This is the first problem...
The second problem is about all the other USB 3 ports. I tried all of them and they are unplugging my devices too BUT only when there is a high load transfer ongoing. For example if I try to transfer big files from pc to usb external drives, they get disconnected and connected (almost like the usb c) all the time. With other devices such mouses, cooling pad or small files transfers they work normally.
I formatted the PC three times already, uninstalled and installed the USB drivers but problem persists.
You must stay within the external USB device current limits shown below. Otherwise the ports will circuit break. The cooling pad current use alone probably approaches the limit of the port,
Jack E/NJ
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The tab is showing that all ports are usb 3.2. Why cooling pad is working properly in all the other normal USB ports, but not in the USB c that has same characteristics?
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The cooling pad has 2 5v fans and some leds. The total consuming with all LEDs on and fans at full speed is of 7 watts.
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Do you have to use an adapter to connect the cooling pad to the USBC port?
Jack E/NJ
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I'm using the USB C to USB cable of a 37W quick charger for mobile phones. I tried also an usb to mini usb with USB C adapter but with this option it's not transmitting any signal at all.
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Yes I understand that. But I'm only referring to the cooling pad.
Are you trying to use an adapter to connect the cooling pad to the USBC port? This might not work because the adapter's internal wiring may only be set up for data transmission, not power.
Jack E/NJ
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No, I'm not using any adapter. I'm using a common quickcharge cable of a Xiaomi smartphone that has USB-C in one side and a normal USB in the other.
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>>>I'm using a common quickcharge cable of a Xiaomi smartphone that has USB-C in one side and a normal USB in the other.
OK. I'm really not sure a USBC-2-USBA quickcharge battery charge adapter for a Xiaomi smartphone, is internally configured to properly act as power adapter for the cooling pad! So, for the moment aside from the cooling pad, what problem are you having trying to power up a usb hub through the usb c data-only port. In other words, what on the hub doesn't work?
Jack E/NJ
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Using the same cable to power up a USB hub, it's not powering it at all too. Do you have any idea on what kind of USB c to USB a cable should I purchase to make it work? I checked Amazon, but I don't know exactly what characteristics it should have. I guess even mine should have worked already since it's a cable for charging the phone at 37W.
Also, what about the other problem of the USB 3.2 ports that are disconnecting when trying to transfer big files to the USB drive?
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- What brand and model number hub did you get? A website link to the one you have would be helpful.
- USB flash drives should be NTFS formatted, NOT FAT32 formatted, for copying or transferring large GB level files
Jack E/NJ
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I have no idea about hub, I bought it from AliExpress. I don't have option to format usb drive to ntfs when using windows media creation tool or Rufus to create bootable windows.
By the way, I purchased another USBC to USB A cable and it's not working at all even this one: This is the product i bought:
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>>>don't have option to format usb drive to ntfs when using windows media creation tool or Rufus to create bootable windows.>>>
What do you mean? I'm not referring to the installation USBs. I'm referring to your statement that >>>if I try to transfer big files from pc to usb external drives, they get disconnected and connected (almost like the usb c) all the time. With other devices such mouses, cooling pad or small files transfers they work normally.>>>
Jack E/NJ
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My statement is that I manually formatted drive to ntfs and when transferring big files they get disconnected. Even when formatted to exfat problem persists. I also tried to make a bootable USB through Rufus or media creation tool because I needed a drive with Windows 11, and even in these cases process failed for the same reason that USB disconnects when transferring large files. Small files of few MB don't have any problem.
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Please use only a simple USBCmale-to-USBAfemale adapter cable (NOT hub) to test file transfer of large files to and from an NTFS formatted USB drive.
Jack E/NJ
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I think you didn't understand what I was meaning. I've never used the hub to transfer files: hub is one thing I'm not using at all and I only plugged it to test the USB-C port to check if it was working, since the cooling pad wasn't working too.
About file transfer, as stated before, I've never plugged the USB drives to the hub, I plugged them directly in the USB-A ports of the laptop. I formatted the USB drive to ntfs and tried again to transfer a 5gb file and problem showed up as always. I really don't know what to do. I would like to enter advanced bios settings to check what's going on but it's locked by manufacturer.
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A 5GB file will take a long time to transfer even with superspeed USB. So your power plan and timers must be set so that the laptop NEVER goes to sleep or hibernation mode because it can trigger USB interruptions. Furthermore, screen savers should be disabled as well.
Jack E/NJ
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Yes, I opened the power mode settings already and removed the USB disabling and sleep and hibernation mode, because I was thinking that was the issue, but the problem it's not this one, since the usb gets disconnected after few seconds.
For example:
I plug the USB and transfer a 100MB file: everything goes well
I plug the USB and transfer a 5GB file: USB gets disconnected and connected repeatedly right after I start the process and it fails.
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Do you have at least 5GB free RAM in Task Manager when you start transferring. Because it usually tries to transfer to fast RAM first to quickly relieve the internal drive.
Jack E/NJ
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Mhhh, I should check. Laptop has 8GB of RAM, and windows 11 should be using 4GB already it by itself. I will upgrade RAM and let you know.
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I also wanted to add one more info. I plugged the USB drive not directly to the pc, but through a USB hub and it worked with no issues. It seems the hub to bypass something. I have no idea at all at this point