Attempted to boot brand new acer SFG14-73T-75FA from a USB drive, it refused to recognize the drive.

ExCustomer Member Posts: 10


edited December 2024 in Swift and Spin Series

I attempted to boot a brand new acer swift 14 laptop from a USB drive which is a perfectly standard operation, and yet it refused to recognize the drive. I called their "support" and was told that ONLY DRIVES PURCHASED FROM THEM CAN BE USED. They even offered to send their drive with windows, and that's exactly what I do NOT want.
You think you bought a computer? No. You merely leased it from an erratic control freak.
Fortunately, I could return it and I've learned my lesson - no acer for me EVER!😫

[Edited the thread to add issue detail]


  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,505 Trailblazer
    edited November 2024

    What are you talking about ExCustomer, yes Acer has its Win-11 oem operating system on a pen drive 'which you have to pay for' as its not free and that applies to all manufacturers, so be aware of that, but you are not restricted to their USB drive and/or their version of Win-11!

    Your boot pen drive must have a corrupted boot sector as to be able to use a bootable Win-11 OS from an external drive, you first need to have a workable USB boot sector (use the Rufus 4.5 software) to construct a bootable drive then have a look at this guide here, to see how to construct a workable Win-11 OS that can boot from an external USB or HDD or M.2 drive in a 3.0 or 3.2 USB port or USB-C port, its a very simple process, don't blame Acer if you don't know what you are doing, as that is how things work.

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  • ExCustomer
    ExCustomer Member Posts: 10


    edited November 2024


    I am talking about you forcing me to use your accomplice's windows stuff. I am talking about immoral and - at least in Europe - illegal restrictions. It's MY computer, I PAID FOR IT, and you have no right to tell me what I can and cannot do with it, and yet that's EXACTLY what you do when you disable BIOS settings and restrict USB boot.

    Since you did not comprehend my problem, let me try to explain again: I am not complaining about not having free (or not free) windows 11. I am not interested in anything windows. I refuse to accept your abusive "business practices" and intend to inform as many potential victims as WWW and my persistence allows.

    It's not your prerogative to evaluate my competence, it's not that I don't know - it's that I DO NOT WANT windows, and that's what I am blaming acer for.

    Feel free to read more than once if necessary to comprehend my issue.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,638 Trailblazer

    I believe you are just misinformed… Did you enable the boot menu in the BIOS, then use F12 at boot to see which UEFI environments are there? There is no restriction on USB boot, other than the obvious ones that block malware. You say you have a new Swift 14, but don't tell us which model you have. Your full model number is usually on the same sticker as your serial number, it should look something like SF14-xxx-xxxx. What OS are you trying to install?

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  • ExCustomer
    ExCustomer Member Posts: 10


    Model number I HAD (it's already been returned) was SFG14-73T-75FA.

    Yes, I did enable F12 but - BUT - the perfectly valid USB boot drive was not even detected. I used the very same drive to install OS on another box with no issues. One individual assumed that the drive was corrupt but it was not. If that individual had a clue, he'd know that even if (IF!) the drive were corrupt, it still would've been seen. Yes, installation would've failed but it would've been seen. Many BIOS menu elements are simply disabled.

    And finally, before I gave up and came to the conclusion, I spoke with acer's "support" and was unequivocally told that ONLY USB drive purchased from them and ONLY with win 11 could be used to boot from USB. I had hard time believing this level of abuse so I asked three times paraphrasing the question so that even an individual in China would understand, and every time the response was the same.

    In my 35 years working with computers and 25 of them being a Software Engineer, I have set up numerous machines, and I've never seen this ridiculous violation of consumer rights.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,638 Trailblazer

    Yeah, the "tech" you spoke with at Acer was obviously working from a script, since there isn't an issue with booting from any UEFI environment.

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  • ExCustomer
    ExCustomer Member Posts: 10


    Over the last 35 years, I set up numerous computers. Granted, that's not what I do for a living - I am a Software Engineer, not some best buy tech but (BUT!!!) I have NEVER had a problem booting from a USB drive and installing ANY OS. I have also never seen disabled menus in BIOS until now. No matter how ignorant the clerk I spoke with was, he was correct - acer INTENTIONALLY made it impossible to install an OS from USB drive unless - as they stated, probably (have not tried and am not interested to try) - it's win 11 from their own drive.

    In any case, how is it my problem if acer techs don't know what they are talking about?

    Let me clarify the reason for my outrage. Imagine you bought a car but it will only take you to macdonald's. Unless burger king paid more to the manufacturer in which case, your only destination will be burger king.

    Your experience could be different because you may have an older model purchased before microsoft cut a deal with acer which doesn't invalidate my account.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,638 Trailblazer

    I do have older machines as well as newer ones. I don't have your specific model, but I have heard of no other users who have had issue with booting from a flash drive using a UEFI boot environment and the process we have detailed. There are users who have been running Linux distributions by doing just that. If your drive did not show up, I can only assume it wasn't setup for booting in a UEFI environment. I have no good idea why the tech you spoke to gave that bogus information…

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  • ExCustomer
    ExCustomer Member Posts: 10


    Don't underestimate corp mafia trickery. Here is an example, in this case - lenovo:

    I did research and found that some users report that Linux install hangs but in my case the drive wasn't even detected. To clarify, I used the very same drive to install Kubuntu on my old "scratch" Lenovo Yoga 700 with no issues. Obviously, there is nothing wrong with the drive and everything wrong with acer.

    Apparently, "newer" and "new/the latest" are not necessarily synonyms, and that's exactly my goal - warn potential buyers about acer/ms games. I suggest buying from Costco so that you can return it when run into a problem. I ordered a Lenovo laptop instead, and it arrives today. Will see…

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,638 Trailblazer

    That posting from 2016 obviously didn't happen, since I have seen no laptop models with Linux blocked, Acer or otherwise… I expect their legal departments pointed out the issues with monopolies when that rumor hit.

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  • ExCustomer
    ExCustomer Member Posts: 10


    If you are talking about my post, I am not sure where "2016" part came from - my experience is a week old, and it's November 28, 2024. I maintain my position - acer DOES screw people by restricting perfectly legitimate operations to please its microsoft accomplice. They do have the right to make any lousy product they want AS LONG AS IT'S CLEARLY STATED IN THE DESCRIPTION. Which it's not.

    FYI: I replaced acer masterpiece with Lenovo notebook (thank you, Costco!) and have successfully installed Linux on it using the very same USB drive acer refused to even detect.

    I don't understand the reason people are defending their own abusers. Stockholm Syndrome?

  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,505 Trailblazer

    And I don't know why you ExCustomer keep persisting with your negative posts? There are allot of Acer laptops that run on Linux and boot from a Linux USB drive. Good on you that you found a solution, enjoy your Lenovo and we wish you happy computing!

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  • ExCustomer
    ExCustomer Member Posts: 10


    My negative comments are consistent with acer's questionable business practices. I want EVERYONE to know about it. As far as "alot of acer laptops" go, this is a recent trend, and potential customers have the right to know. You, on the other hand, have the right to ignore. Just keep defending your own abusers.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,638 Trailblazer

    The link you provided, "Microsoft Entering Agreements with Laptop Makers to Block Linux" is an article dated 2016, so eight years old. We have other users here who have asked questions about their SFG14-73(T) models and Linux and they all seem to be able to boot the install flash drives and do the install, albeit with a little hand holding at times to try and get everything working once it's installed. I don't know why you weren't able to do it, since it's really a pretty simple process… It's a moot point now though, since you no longer have your Acer.

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  • ExCustomer
    ExCustomer Member Posts: 10


    Oh, for fks sake! How many times do we need to kick the same dead acer laptop?!?

    I don't know what "others" are dealing with but I do know for a fact that the laptop I (I, not somebody else!!!!) bought had the nasty feature I reported. Let me try this one more time for exceptionally talented:

    1. It was far from the first laptop I [attempted to] installed Linux on
    2. It was the first laptop that refused to recognize a perfectly valid USB drive
    3. The very same USB drive worked just fine on two other laptops - one new and one old AFTER acer refused to accept it
    4. My experience was confirmed and explained by acer's very own tech support

    Read the above as many times as needed to comprehend.

    What else do you need to leave me alone?!? Just ignore my warning and step in the puddle I told you about - that's what smart people do: argue and reject with obvious. LOL

  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,505 Trailblazer

    That is either the laptops DC-in jack port that is lose or faulty or the adapter is faulty, try to wiggle the adapters barrel pug or push the plug into the port completely and see if the battery charges properly, otherwise check the adapter or the last thing that could be wrong is the laptop charging internal rail which needs to be analyzed by a technician and the fault pinpointed exactly where it is. Good luck and hope this helps you out.

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  • ExCustomer
    ExCustomer Member Posts: 10


    What does it have to do with power?!? Seriously - why are you people looking for an explanation of something that has already been explained BY ACER ITSELF?

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,638 Trailblazer

    Steven, it's not worth answering any of his questions, since he no longer has the laptop and didn't follow the directions we gave him at the start. Best to just let the thread die…

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  • ExCustomer
    ExCustomer Member Posts: 10


    My question was to acer: WHAT THE HELL?!?

    It was a rhetorical question, and I most definitely am not interested in stupid answers from people who have no idea what they are talking about. If acer had anything meaningful to say - like proving me wrong - I would take that into consideration but since it didn't, I am proven right, and your recommendation to stop wasting bandwidth seems to be appropriate.