Acer Predator Connect W6 WAN Settings Choices missing LAN/Bridge Option

jzchen Member Posts: 4 New User

Per this article:

Predator Connect W6 Router WAN Setup - Acer Community

there should be four options:

Dynamic IP; Static IP; PPPoE; and Switch WAN port to LAN (switch/bridge mode).

For some reason Switch WAN port to LAN (switch/bridge mode) is not there.

If I go to Quick Internet Setup I can change the mode to bridge mode, BUT it does not allow me to keep Band Steering, hence forces a different SSID among 2.4, 5, and 6 GHz channels.

I was able to enable bridge mode in the past with Band Steering and all 3 channels having the same SSID, but not anymore? Or was that actually a glitch that I got lucky, because I prefer to set it that way. (Apple actually recommends the same SSID for 5 GHz and 6 GHz but no band steering for their 6E capable devices).

Please advise if I need to contact Acer support directly or possibly need to replace the router with a different model?

Thank you for any help/insight you can provide.