ACER PREDATOR 5000 PO-625S BIOS - XMP? Resizable bar?

tanktopfarendin Member Posts: 10


So I newly bought this pc with 3080 and I7 11700 CPU.

I am trying to get better RAM. I see other Acer Predator Orion 5000 have a different BIOS then me. Ive updated to the lastest BIOS, but it is so restricted.

Also, Predator Sense is not even supported. Like there are no drivers, no nothing.. Anyways, I wont better RAM then 3200mhz CL22, and belive that XMP is the only option? Is that right? I see Crucial says that their 3200 mhz cl16 with XMP and so on is supported, but is it? Will it work or will it go back to JADEC standard?

Also, Ive enabaled Resizable bar in the BIOS, but Nvidia programs still detect that it is not enabled...

So the question is, is this restricted BIOS the only thing I am getting? Is there a way to get better RAM, and what about resizable bar.

Thanks in advance


  • tanktopfarendin
    tanktopfarendin Member Posts: 10


    edited October 2022

    Here are some screenshots: As you can see, Resizable bar enabled in BIOS, but not detecning. Also, You can see in BIOS that the RAM is getting 1,35 v and not 1.2v when I put some G. skill 3200mhz, cl16 xmps in. Other screenshot of CPU-Z is with the stock 3200mhz cl22

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    I'm not positive, but I believe XMP support was added in one of the BIOS updates and they started shipping with XMP memory installed sometime after that. You might try a CTRL-S in some of the screen to see if XMP enable shows up as an option. It's also possible it automatically detects if all installed memory is XMP enabled and then turns it on automatically. It likely will not support XMP overclocking mode if you have a mix of XMP and JEDEC installed.

    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • tanktopfarendin
    tanktopfarendin Member Posts: 10


    Sorry if I were unclear. The screenshots is of CPU-Z is from when I had the included RAM installed.

    I installed the 3200mhz G.Skill and took out the included Hyper X CL22. CPU-Z then showed that it run in 2133mhz, so no I do not have a mix installed..

    Can it be that XMP does not work because it G.Skill and not Crucial or Kingston/HyperX?

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    Nope, much more likely is they don't support XMP on all the motherboards for that model. They often do tweaks mid-product life that they don't tell us about. Which BIOS version are you running? The 2133MHz is pretty normal for XMP memory installed when the overclocking isn't enabled, and at least initially they didn't support XMP.

    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • tanktopfarendin
    tanktopfarendin Member Posts: 10


    Yeah, I tried a Crucial 3600 mhz and it didn't work. Tried both 3600mhz XMP and the standard jedec, and this also didn't work.

    I have the newest BIOS, R1 A04 in. Ctrl-S didn't work..

    Just don't understand why I'm getting 1.35 volt but it's not enabled. Like it must be just a quick software update to unlock.

    Do you have any thoughts about the resizable bar? This is enabled in bios but does not show as enabled in Nvidia and gpu - z..


  • GotBanned
    GotBanned Member Posts: 654 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    For Resizable Bar to work it has to be supported by the motherboard and the GPU. You'll have to wait until Acer offers a GPU VBIOS that supports ReB for it to work. I wouldn't hold my breath, thou. Acer promised eons ago to provide one for the RTX 3070 (PO3-620), but it never came. Here's a thread about it.

    If you really want ReB, you could try to find an identical card and flash your card with its VBIOS. I do NOT recommend it thou, because you may end up having an expensive paperweight in your hands, but I wouldn't be surprised if people haven't done this already.

  • tanktopfarendin
    tanktopfarendin Member Posts: 10


    Yeah, but the option is there in BIOS and I got it enabled, so I find it weird that it is there but its not working or its not supported...

    Tbh what a disappointing machine, like everything is set for it to be good, the RAM is getting 1,35 volt, the Resizable Bar option is there in bios, like why are they blocking this,.,.

  • GotBanned
    GotBanned Member Posts: 654 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    I hear you. I really do. I was one of many hoping for ReB support for our 3070. It looked like someone over Acer even promised it, but...

    If you have a friend that has a nvidia card with ReB enabled VBIOS/firmware, you could try if it works in your computer. It should work without any problems.

  • tanktopfarendin
    tanktopfarendin Member Posts: 10


    Nah, I dont think that that alone will give me so much boost in FPS that I will do that, but its the result of everything. With XMP and ReB Im sure I would gain 20 fps in Warzone etc.

    Im in thought of changing the motherboard, but read something about that the PSU does not work with standard motherboards, someone talked about an adapter, Was a lot back and foward so I didnt get an clear answer. Do you know if it will work?

  • GotBanned
    GotBanned Member Posts: 654 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    I'm not familiar with your PC, so I can't really say. But with money and some elbow grease almost anything can be done. It's just if it is worth the money and the effort. 20FPS gain is not enough for me, but it might be enough for you.

    Some Predator models use normal PSUs and motherboards. Upgrading them is pretty simple. Those that use new ATX12vo PSU's can be pain in the derriere to upgrade. Nah. They are pain.

    If your system has a normal ATX PSU mobo transplant could be a possibility. I just hope that your current mobo is not similar to what I had in PO3-620 and has front panel USB ports and whatnots integrated to it.

  • tanktopfarendin
    tanktopfarendin Member Posts: 10


    Hmm thanks!

    How can I find out if its normal ATX PSU?

  • GotBanned
    GotBanned Member Posts: 654 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    edited October 2022

    I did some Googling. On a Finnish site someone was upgrading cooling on this system (LINK). It looks to me that your mobo is "normal" and uses "old" ATX PSU.

    Here's a pic I borrowed from online manual p. 20. See the 24-pin connector that provides power to the board? New ATX12vo power supplies have one 10-pin and the other 6-pin connectors. Not sure if all do, but most. Maybe there are some variations.

    Your PC has 120mm watercooler, In my understanding that might be a tad too small and weak to keep your CPU from heating up. Especially if you use glass side panel, which restricts airflow. The only way to be sure is to see if the CPU throttles under heavy stress like Intel Burn Test or something similar. If the CPU throttles because of heat then replacing motherboard will not help.

    ADDITION: Have you seen this THREAD on this forum? It has better pics and schematics.

    Anway, knowing now what I know, I would not replace the motherboard. But if the airflow and cooling is not good enough and holds CPU back (not to forget fan noise) I would see what can be done about that.

  • tanktopfarendin
    tanktopfarendin Member Posts: 10


    Changing the fan for the AOI was the first thing I did. I sat an Noctua 120mm fan, and it massivly improved both cooling and noise. Also I moved the radiator to the front and this also was a big WIN.

    So I have good temps, the GPU is easly getting too 60-70 C, but its okay. For some reason, Acer have put an metal thing on the top where an exhaust fan natruarally will be. I can drill holes in it and put an addinotal fan but I dont think its nesaccary. I also taken mesaurments, and a normal ATX motherboard will fit in this case actually.

    Will think about it. A new case is about 80-90 dollars. New mobo depends, but I can get a good one (b550 or something) for 150 dollars.

    So yeah, and addiontal 250 dollars for 20 fps is a hard price to swallow.

    Does my friend need to have Acer or something. I have a friend with RTX 3090. How is the proscess then? Whats the risk by doing this? If the risk is only the MOBO, I will take it, because I most likley want to change it soon anyways

  • GotBanned
    GotBanned Member Posts: 654 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    edited October 2022

    Good job with the fan and temps!

    Not sure I understood you correctly, but do you want to try your friend's 3090? The possible issues are does it fit in your case and does your PSU provide enough clean power for it. If not, the whole PC will crash while playing some demanding game.

    If I may, if you start swapping GPUs between machines remember to open that plastic PCIE latch. A friend of mine managed to rip the whole PCIE connector off from my old PO3-620. I kid you not! I had to source a new mobo, PSU and case for him because original Acer mobo were difficult to find or ridiculously overpriced. People asked almost 300€ for the most basic mobo I have ever used. :(

  • tanktopfarendin
    tanktopfarendin Member Posts: 10


    Im sorry, I dont want to try my friends 3090. Its just that Yousfi wrote "If you have a friend that has a nvidia card with ReB enabled VBIOS/firmware, you could try if it works in your computer. It should work without any problems."

    I dont know how I can do that or why I would do that.

  • GotBanned
    GotBanned Member Posts: 654 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    No worries, mate. My bad. ^^

  • Muhammadyousif
    Muhammadyousif Member Posts: 1 New User

    Sorry, but I'd rather not try my friend's 3090. Just because Yousfi mentioned "You may test if a friend's nvidia card, which has ReB enabled VBIOS/firmware, functions in your PC. It ought to operate without issues."

    I'm not sure how or why I would be able to achieve that.

  • NeoGeo
    NeoGeo Member Posts: 157 Skilled Fixer WiFi Icon

    If you have resizable bar options in the bios then chances are it's the GPU Vbios which needs updating, the way i did mine was using NVFLASH, newer version wouldn't work with my Orion 7000, so used an old build - found compatible vbios for the cards on

    Until Resizable bar was enabled, i'd research it first to make sure you learn the commands and method to update the card.

    As GotBanned stated it's at own risk.

  • tanktopfarendin
    tanktopfarendin Member Posts: 10


    Yes. But how do I know which one is compatible? I have a 3080 card