Intense lag when playing any game Predator G3-571

BerryDoe Member Posts: 5


edited May 2022 in Predator Laptops
For some reason on my NHQ28************* Predator games are only running at high fps when I click off of them and anywhere from 5-8 fps when clicked on. For example I can be running apex and it's like a pc horror show until I click off of the window. I did a factory restore on my pc and nothing seems to have changed. I have not made any changes other than a RAM upgrade a few years ago, but the problem is in the past 8 months and seems to have slowly gotten worse until this point. I run all my games on an SSD and only windows is installed on the HDD. I ran a couple malware searches and everything came back clean. This was before the factory reset.

I am pretty much a layman when it comes to PCs so please have patience with me.

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz   2.81 GHz
Intel HD Graphics 630
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060

(Thread was edited to add model name to the title)
