aspire xc-885 es13 im planning on upgrading my ssd on my pc.



  • ttttt
    ttttt Member Posts: 1,947 Community Aficionado WiFi Icon

    Your XC-885's stock RAM is exactly the same model as my TC-885's stock RAM.  The V-color RAM stick should be fine now, close to 100% sure!
  • VealSeal_
    VealSeal_ Member Posts: 37 Troubleshooter
    @ttttt allrighty! got that solved, thanks for your time
  • VealSeal_
    VealSeal_ Member Posts: 37 Troubleshooter
    @ttttt anyway if your going to tell me anything gonna be off for a while, im gonna go try and remove my optical drive lol wish me luck.
  • VealSeal_
    VealSeal_ Member Posts: 37 Troubleshooter
    @ttttt while just looking at my pc, where I put my gpu, don’t I have to like put my hdmi into my gpu? how is my gpu going to be accessible with this metal tabs, and I’ve tried taking them out they don’t budge 
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 34,645 Trailblazer
    If you plug a GPU card into that slot, you will first take out the blank plate.
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  • VealSeal_
    VealSeal_ Member Posts: 37 Troubleshooter
    edited February 2022
    @billsey thing is man, i legit cannot, those tabs where the connection to the gpu's are supposed to be, they legit dont budge. they are like welded to the frame
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 34,645 Trailblazer
    The tabs have been punched out in the manufacturing process, all except a couple of spots on the edges. That leaves them in place until you decide to remove them. Use a fairly thin flat bladed screwdriver and just pry them loose.
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  • VealSeal_
    VealSeal_ Member Posts: 37 Troubleshooter
    @billsey ah allright thanks,