Acer Aspire A515-43 Will Not Charge. The LED battery light won't come on either.

sleepawakemolly Member Posts: 4 New User
edited November 2022 in Aspire Laptops
I was using my Acer for hours, the power saver mode came on. I continued working then realized I better plug in. Without realizing, it was not charging then it was too late. It powered off. Since the, I have not been able to get it to charge. I have tried ALL of the basic steps: F10 + Power, pinhole on the bottom. Everything. Nothing is working. The LED battery light won't come on either. The only light that has been working (since Tuesday) is the power light. When I click the power button, the LED blue light blinks a few times then stops. Nothing is working. I have only had this since December 6th and the original manufacturing date is 8/62021 so it's not like it's an old computer. Can someone please help me?

[Edited the thread to update issue]


  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    If you see a battery reset pinhole at the base cover, you can try a battery reset, shut down the laptop, disconnect from mains and follow the instructions in the video, leave the laptop to rest for 15-20 Mins, reconnect the AC adaptor and fully charge the battery before start using.
  • sleepawakemolly
    sleepawakemolly Member Posts: 4 New User
    I appreciate your response. As I stated, I did find the pinhole and tried to reset it that way, I tried the ALT + F10 + Power button, I've tried charging via HDMI cord attached to my TV. I've tried everything everyone has told me to do. And there is no need to shut it down. Again, as I stated it completely died as I was working and didn't realize it wasn't charging which is where the problem started. I haven't been able to get it to charge or power on ever since Tuesday. I have tested the cord with the computer I use to work from home and it charges, so I know it's not the cord. And I've also use a tester to be certain it was getting the correct 19V DVA/DVC. I will check out the link you provided. Thanks again.  
  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    My apologies for not reading your post properly, may be it's too early for me 😱 anyway, I would suggest you return it for a refund or replacement to the retailer if it's possible because a new laptop behaving in this manner is very rare, so I suspect it may have come from a bad batch.
  • sleepawakemolly
    sleepawakemolly Member Posts: 4 New User
    I purchased it from a different company who said “we don’t do refunds” as well as Acer saying the same. I have since required them to pay for shipping to and from, honor the warranty no matter what so I’m just wait to hear back. They’ve had it for 7 days as of today. I’m not a happy customer at this point!! I’ve only had it for 32 days before this happened and the original manufacturer date is 8/6/2021. Even if they replace it, I’ll lose all of my legal docs and extremely important documents! Ugh thanks for trying to help. 
  • Easwar
    Easwar Member Posts: 6,727 Guru
    Hi @sleepawakemolly,

    Did you try to charge it with different charger. 
  • sleepawakemolly
    sleepawakemolly Member Posts: 4 New User
    I sent it to Acer for repair. They claim the motherboard was bad! They didn’t remove the old motherboard drivers so that fried it even more. They returned it with the service stickers ripped off leaving the paper behind, 17 gouging scratches and it looks like they slid it across the floor. They removed my BitLocker code, replaced it with their own and refuse to give it to me so the computer is absolutely useless! They logged in and hacked all of my private data, financial records and intellectual property! They forced me to provide ALL passwords to anything and everything and if I didn’t, they refused to repair it. And yes, I have the emails to PROVE that and have ZERO problems providing those! They have disabled the tracking option on the computer and have taken over my Microsoft account which led Microsoft to withdraw my usage license. Microsoft refuses to unlink this Acer from my account, remove MY stored payment option and deleted/deactivate my account! Newegg (which is where my son ordered it from) refuse to issue any help and apparently there is a third party that actually sold him the computer, (I’m guessing kinda like eBay) and he refuses to help. So I’ve disputed this $617 charge with my credit card, filed reports with the FBI, FCC, FTC and my states Attorney General! This was a Christmas gift from my husband who doesn’t know about computers and online transactions etc my son has done a lot of business with Newegg so my husband trusted things would be safe, as did my son. Trust me Acer, Newegg and the third party (for legal reasons I can’t give his name) are in big trouble! They have messed with the wrong person! Even as recent as 9:12p TODAY, Acer logged into that computer and accessed my resume for some reason! Trust me, I’m glad they are! Each login is money in my pocket and more jail time for that person!! They are logging in using an iPhone! So now Apple is involved! Such idiots! I may not know ANYTHING about computers and IT but I DO know A LOT about the laws! Ask me my profession! Haha… I’ll post updates for those interested in the MANY outcomes!! 
  • sgtcoors
    sgtcoors Member Posts: 1 New User

    I had the same excact issue and went through same process, replaced my plug in charging cable and it worked.