Wont Boot, Black Screen...please help E5-576g-5762



  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer
    OK. If worse comes to worse, the HDD can certainly be removed and connected to another computer's USB port with a USB-to-HDD cable adapter (less than $10). Your personal stuff can be transferred to the other computer so nothing would be lost. However, it's hard  to tell on this forum from afar exactly what happened to the mainboard when you plugged in the TV. At this point, I'd guess the video ribbon cable from the mainboard to the LCD screen needs to be replaced probably due to conductor trace breaks in the hinge area from wear and tear of opening and closing the lid too much. Replacement cables are relatively inexpensive but somewhat labor intensive to replace. Since the machine is no longer under warranty, I'm gonna suggest that you arrange to take the machine to either Nate's It  or Integral Computers , both highly-rated, reasonably-priced  laptop repair shops in your town for an evaluation and repair estimate. If it's the cable, it probably won't cost too much to have one of the shops do the job for you. I hesitate to recommend doing it yourself because you really have no way of testing the cable other than buying a new replacement to see if it works.  Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • KCsGreat
    KCsGreat Member Posts: 47 Troubleshooter
    You dont happen to have skype or somewhere we could spend 30 mins to figure it all out? I really need to figure out what i did?
  • KCsGreat
    KCsGreat Member Posts: 47 Troubleshooter
    I think I am going to replace the screen. I have a guy that can help with that actually. My issue now is I screwed something up and now it wont boot. In BIOS when i went to exit it said “set to optimal defaults” and i hit that thinking maybe that would fix the touchpad not working. Well i was wrong obviously and caused me a new issue. How can i reverse this? It wont let me go back to a restore point. Not sure how to undo that or fix it. I get a blue error screen when tryin to boot my computer. Can you help me reverse or fix that?  Im sorry. I know you been helping a lot but i cant afford a new one or to pay a repair shop. Im broke. Just had a heart attack. Its been a rough month. Haha. I promise i wont touch anything else without direct directions from you. I need to get it to boot and need to fix the touchpad also. Two things. I have a person for the screen now in town. I am super thankful for all your help. Can you help me with these?
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer
    If you're short on cash, a new video ribbon cable is a lot cheaper than a new screen unless you feel the screen was somehow physically damaged. The BIOS menu can easily be set to factory default values by pressing F9 once you're inside the BIOS menu, followed by F10 to save settings and exit. As for the repair shops, they usually do free estimates/evaluations on the machine that's actually in their hands. A lot more efficient and easier than trying to fix this thing virtually.  Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • KCsGreat
    KCsGreat Member Posts: 47 Troubleshooter
    I have enough for the screen and looking at it it seems to be damaged. As far as the settings in BiOS i am the one that set it to optimal defaults on the exit screen and now it wont boot. I dont want to set it back to default i need to set it back to before when it was actually booting up. I need help with at least that. I can get help with the screen and if i cant fix the touchpad I can use a mouse which i been doing. Just need to get it to boot again and work. Any suggestions? 
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer
    Like I said, F9 sets the BIOS menu back to the way it came from the factory. Then pressing F10 will save that setting and point you to exit. Forget the optimal default screen that you apparently saw. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • KCsGreat
    KCsGreat Member Posts: 47 Troubleshooter
    Ok. Ill give a try. I didnt just see it I actually hit it and changed something. 
  • KCsGreat
    KCsGreat Member Posts: 47 Troubleshooter
    That didnt work. Getting same error. Error says Critical Process Died. It wont let me do a restore point. How do i get it how it was before error?  Obviously the defaults had changed since I got the computer Im guessin. 
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer
    At this point, Windows probably needs to be re-installed from a USB pendrive using Microsoft's media creation tool from this link. I would guess that the system files and data hard drive have somehow been corrupted by whatever changes were previously made in the BIOS menu or whatever option was inadvertently selected. My advice is to is still the same because it is probably the least expensive and least stressful option to try to fix this machine. You should arrange to take the machine to either Nate's It  or Integral Computers for a free evaluation & repair estimate and hope that your personal files can be recovered. Both shops are highly-rated and reasonably-priced.   Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • KCsGreat
    KCsGreat Member Posts: 47 Troubleshooter
    I dont have the money for that and then money for the screen. There has to be a way back to where I was. I understand youve been helping a lot and I appreciate it. If you dont want to continue I understand. I really have no other choice but try to fix it online from other peoples suggestions. I dont want to lose everything. I am sure there is a way back. So. Up to you if you want to continue. Either way. Thank you