doesn't charge and blue,orange indicators are blinking together. Fix? - Aspire 5 A515-51G-59Z0



  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer
    The charger's AC ripple voltage leakage seems to be a significant fraction of the 15 volt battery pack. This, along with the AC tingling sensation, suggests that it's enough to trigger a breaker to prevent damage to the laptop.  It may be worth trying a new charger. They aren't that expensive online. Google 'your model number' and 'charger' for online vendors near your location.  Jack E/NJ 

    Jack E/NJ

  • anshulsp
    anshulsp Member Posts: 12


    Okay I will buy a new one. But I don't understand. When I tested the charger's pin for voltage output, it was at 19V and later testing laptop across neutral ground gives 4V while plugged in. So isn't charger giving out what it should, those 19V? But then it's not the fault of battery as laptops working fine on battery it's just that its not charging so maybe it's chargers issue.
    I might sound technically absurd here but I mean if you understand my doubt can you just explain that.
    Also in my last update I said that now laptop is not charging even when laptop is in shut down state. 
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer
    4VAC is the charger's AC leakage measured with the multimeter's AC voltmeter function between the laptop and faucet ground.  This AC ripple voltage won't be detected with the multimeter's DC voltmeter function used to measure the charger's 19VDC output at the plug. If however you use the multimeter's AC voltmeter function to measure the AC voltage at the charger's output plug (between the plug's outer barrel and the inner hole) you should again see the 4VAC leakage that you see between the laptop and faucet ground. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • anshulsp
    anshulsp Member Posts: 12


    while getting readings I've set my meter as this and I think this is using DC voltmeter function I was getting both the reading through this setup. Also 4V between Laptop and faucet had a negative sign of that's important.
    Also when I turned it to the ~V side, I saw reading going maximum to 2.2V between laptop and faucet. But I am just unable to get reading for the charger's output plug, idk why it difficult to set the multimeter's pin properly.
    I am messing up this whole meter reading thing, I am extremely sorry for that.

    Now since laptop is not charging at all I went to some local shops none of them have charger, such bad luck 
    But can you help me with this,
    Is the above charger compatible for my Aspire 5 A515-51G-53RP I tried toll free and mail so far no response.
  • aritrasas
    aritrasas Member Posts: 1 New User
    anshulsp said:
    Hasith said:
    JackE said:
    Remove the charger. Press and hold the power button for about 10 seconds. Then insert a paperclip into the battery reset pinhole on the bottom cover for 30 seconds. Wait 15mins. Plug the charger back in. If steady orange charging LED, don't try to turn machine on till steady blue. If still blinking orange LED, battery is likely unrecoverable due to being drained for extended period below critical level (less than about 4%). Jack E/NJ 
    I tried this and after few seconds both lights light up and become steady. I let it be like that for about a min and then turned on the laptop but it started to blink again and wasn't charging.
    I haven't left the battery to drain also. Could this have happened because I left the charger plugged in long after it was fully charged because I was playing games on it? Is there anything else I can do to fix this issue?
    A quick query did this solution work for you.
    I too have Acer Aspire 5 53RP, and i purchased it in 2018. I had this same issue so initially i disabled Nvidia Card from Device Manager. But it didnt actually solve the problem, though helped a bit. But now recently its all the time.
    I just cant charge my laptop while i am working on it. Like even if i open chrome it starts to do this, beep sounds and then continuous blinking. I have to shutdown charge and then use it.
    What can be the reason for this problem. Initially it was while playing games, that too on basic settings but now its all the time.

    P.S. Recently i generated batteryreport and my battery's wear level is 24%. Do i need a battery replacement and will it solve the issue.
    Hi anshulp and JackE,

    I have a laptop, model Aspire E1-572G that has the same problem as anshulp described.
    I bought that in December 2014 so it has some history, If you like to skip that please read from ***.
    After running 2 years I started facing the issue like when playing games charging stopped and the power led(blue) & charging led(orange) started blinking together.
    That time my device was under an extended warranty, so I placed a call to the customer support and got doorstep servicing (though it was only cleaning dust and reinstalled windows). But within a week or two I faced the same problem, so again logged another call.
    This time technician came and replaced the Hard drive. This fix ran only a few months.
    Again started facing the same issue, this time Motherboard was replaced. I thought now the issue is fully resolved. But I got no luck, after running 3-4 months normally again started facing the same issue. And by this time the extended warranty period was over.
    So I used the laptop very carefully as the problem seemed to occur only when playing games. I found a temporary fix that: after plugging & unplugging the power jack 2-3 times the laptop behaved normally and could run games in low graphics. But with time this fix also stopped working. Then onwards faced issue like anshulp "I just can't charge my laptop while i am working on it. Like even if i open chrome it starts to do this, beep sounds, and then continuous blinking. I have to shutdown charge and then use it."
    Last year I bought a new compatible battery but that too only helped to get a better backup time as my old battery was only giving 10 minutes. In the meantime, I upgraded the RAM from 4 to 8 GB by adding another 4 GB chip into the other slot. FYI when the motherboard was replaced the dedicated Graphics chip was also changed which I realized later [AMD Radeon R7 M265 --> AMD Radeon HD 8600/8700M].

    After all these the issue is still there and now charging stops randomly, like when running only chrome or nothing at all and even when turned off. Sometimes windows store games that run on Internal Graphics(Intel HD Graphics 4400) can be played smoothly. But again a moment later the eternal problem arrives. Can not run games on Dedicated Graphics(AMD Radeon HD 8600/8700M) because Charging will be stopped for 100% sure. I talked with many people about this problem but none of them including Acer service persons and other local technicians did not complain about the AC adapter. Even I tested with a multimeter that reads 19.4 Volt.
    I have not much hope left on this device but still, it was my first computer and I still wonder what is the actual cause So, any thoughts/suggestions/fix/experience will be much appreciated. 

    thanks in advance
    Device Specs:
    Acer Aspire E1-572G, i5 4200u, 8GB, 1000GB, Windows 10, AMD Radeon HD 8600/8700M
  • Tulsi
    Tulsi Member Posts: 12


    Hello Acer community. I have Acer Aspire 5742. For considerably long, I have been facing the problem of the blue, orange and power led blinking when I plug in the charger. I have tried all the procedures supposed to fix it found on the internet. I have changed the charger, the battery and even the charging port. Nothing has solved my problem. It seems like most of the Acer owners have this problem. So, why doesn't Acer manufacturer address this? Have they been not able to figure out the solution to this? I am going to resolve to discarding this junk and never ever turning to Acer again. 
  • esmowin
    esmowin Member Posts: 1 New User

    Hellow JackE, and the rest of you. Are you still there?

    I also have an Acer Nitro 5 which is not charging, i have only 71% battery left, and when i plug the charger (i have already tried with THREE chargers) the orange AND blue leds start blinking. Have you find any solution? (When i unplug the charger everything goes normal on the battery, but when the battery discharges i'm afraid the laptop will be kaput, dead.). Of course i also tried resetting the battery, with no results.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you very much in advance.

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer
    Open DeviceManager. Click 'batteries' folder. Right click on each driver you find, then uninstall it. Exit DeviceManager without reinstalling anything. Shut down Windows normally. Then turn the machine back on. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Adem15646
    Adem15646 Member Posts: 1 New User

    I have the same problem on my Acer Aspire E1-572G( i7 4200u, 8GB, 1000GB, Windows 10, AMD Radeon HD 8600/8700M) the problem specially occurs when I'm playing games (exactly as described above by aritrasas), I have my pc since  2014 and I have been struggling with this issue ever's really frustrating and I'm basically unable to play games on my machine as after I open the game the pc stops charging (blue and orange blinking ) and shuts off...And i can't seem to find a fix for it :( 
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    The battery likely is defective and needs to be replaced.  Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • jordi_0xf
    jordi_0xf Member Posts: 3 New User
    JackE said:
    Remove the charger. Press and hold the power button for about 10 seconds. Then insert a paperclip into the battery reset pinhole on the bottom cover for 30 seconds. Wait 15mins. Plug the charger back in. If steady orange charging LED, don't try to turn machine on till steady blue. If still blinking orange LED, battery is likely unrecoverable due to being drained for extended period below critical level (less than about 4%). Jack E/NJ 
    I did this and no lights turn on at all, battery is at 81% and i tried other chargers and still didn't work, please help me.
  • wefsadgsgf
    wefsadgsgf Member Posts: 11


    This is interesting - I am experiencing very simillar issue - mine gets stuck at 79%, says charging, but is it is not, actually... The amber light is flashing... tried many things apart from the last advice here - but it seems there is no point in trying... =/ Going to call the service centre tomorrow... =/ 
  • Avaneesh
    Avaneesh Member Posts: 1 New User
    anshulsp said:
    Also now my laptop is not even charging when it's shutdown. The orange charging light remains stable for 5 seconds after which both orange and blue light start to blink with 6-7sec on 6-7sec off duration.
    I guess I should just give it to some center.
    This laptop has been such a pain I swear.
    Hey Is your problem fixed? 
    I am having the exact same problem with my ACER ASPIRE bought in JAN 2021. It not charging, when I open it, it says Critical Low Battery. And when I put it on charge, first Orange light blinks then both Orange and Blue light start blinking but it's not charging.
  • wefsadgsgf
    wefsadgsgf Member Posts: 11


    Avaneesh said: 

    I needed to call a serviceman in the end. He said the battery was faulty, which is probably your problem as well. It might even be the motherboard, but hopefully, it is just the battery. I was lucky to have an on-site repair, so he even came to my home, replaced the battery in 20 mins and that was it... :-) 
  • Kap
    Kap Member Posts: 2 New User
    Hello, I have the same problem. I tried the solution jackE suggested and I had a steady orange light for around 2 hours and then no lights at all. I have the Acer aspire 3 A315-42-R510. Does anyone have any idea what to do next? Should I just wait till Monday to go to repair enter? 
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer
    >>> had a steady orange light for around 2 hours and then no lights at all.>>>

    Did the charger feel hot just before the steady orange charging LED turned off?

    Jack E/NJ

  • Kap
    Kap Member Posts: 2 New User
    ThankJackE said:
    >>> had a steady orange light for around 2 hours and then no lights at all.>>>

    Did the charger feel hot just before the steady orange charging LED turned off?
    Thanks for the answer. Not sure I wasn't there. I turned it on after that  and it seems to have fully charge but now when I plug in the charger there is no light indicator. 
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer
    Sounds like the charger or its wires. Check the voltage output of the plug's outer ring contact and its center hole contact with a multimeter. Should be between 10 and 20 vdc.

    Jack E/NJ

  • batmon
    batmon Member Posts: 2 New User
    Have anyone found the solution to this? I am too facing similar troubles with my acer.
    A few details:

    * Battery wear level is 20%
    * The charging problem is intermittent and seems random at the times.
    * Usually happens when I am using it for energy extensive tasks (like staying on for long time,  and then playing a game)
    * I have both ssd and hdd connected to laptop.

    If once I've got this problem, there is a high chance that the laptop will simply not react to any charger attached to it and even blinking would stop.  Forcing me to just stop using the device and try again later.

    I have tried using other chargers (though not original ones) but similar results.

    It's very random in my case so can't point finger to anything really.

    I hope someone is facing similar problem like mine, and has found a solution for the same.