CPU maximum clock(~3.4GHz) with normal actions but base clock(1.6GHz) when gaming or high load



  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    1.6GHz is game's software demand! Obviously not the laptop's max capability  if stress software can take it to over 3GHz. What problem are you having with the games? Jack E/NJ 

    Jack E/NJ

  • Effintro
    Effintro Member Posts: 11


    Hello did you solve this problem? I have the same issue on my Acer aspire 5 A515 51G. Cpu is locked at 1600mhz in games but in stress test it can go over 3000mhz. If nobody solve this problem i will not recommend to buy acer laptops to anyone
    I have solved the problem. If anybody want the laptop cpu to run at full speed all the time or undervolting the cpu, and more, I recommended using ThrottleStop. I solved my problem by using ThrottleStop, I undervolt my I5-8250U to -90.8mV, more will reduce the power of the CPU, it's up to your Laptop and CPU, but you need to try it out, test again and again. ThrottleStop guide I will leave here in this comment, if you guy play games or use apps that need lots of CPU Power, first, ALWAYS open ThrottleStop, then minimize the app, that's it, leave it running, it will control the CPU voltage, power, clock base on your settings. ThrottleStop will try to keep your CPU clock at maximum, but the CPU temperature will really high, that's why the manufacturer limit the TDP when CPU usage is high to keep the laptop cool-which cause CPU to run at base clock. I recommend replace thermal paste for your GPU, CPU with MX-4 or any better thermal paste, I currently use the Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut, which is liquid metal, but you guy need to be really careful when using Conductonaut. Another tip is when you play games, you can open Task Manager and find your game .exe in the Detail tab, then set it Priority to High, then close Task Manager. I hope this comment help you guy solve the problem that I had before. If you guy have any problem when using ThrottleStop, leave comments. Thank you!