e recovery stick guidance



  • JHP
    JHP Member Posts: 114 Fixer WiFi Icon
    thanks much to both of you - again I thought sure the e recov stick would work
    Just one more time:
    what do I need to do to have the comp see the USB and the files to work?
    (my bios is password protected) do I kill that - cant see that having any effect on this
    do I just reset the bios to factory defaults and then do just the F12 thing and pray?:)
    Or are there are side settings that need to be tweaked?
    In the legacy settings I get the laptop to display a windows screen (black BGround and teal windows logo) and then after 5 minutes of nothing its the BSOD
  • JHP
    JHP Member Posts: 114 Fixer WiFi Icon
    JHP said:
    as it is - my odyssey is just beginning - the laptop needs to be shipped to texas,,,
    OH BOY!!!
    dont know why the files didnt work (or I couldnt get the right ones from ACER) from the USB ($50 down the drain) but it might have worked - I guess I needed more chicken bones and a witch doctor

    and again the BSOD comes up rather quick (doing the F12 thing) and there are so many settings in the BIOS that can mess with that also

    Like TPM..what is that?
    Secure boot - I know I needed to disable that but there are other settings that can be adjusted and maybe still I am doing something wrong

    and did chat with ACER - nice customer service person...just not good news

    what if I could burn those files from the e stick to DVD?
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer
    Jeff---There are ways to do this with some freeware DVD burning utilities. But most folks go the other way. Besides, if the bootable stick files are corrupt or damaged, they'll also wind up being corrupt or damaged on the DVD made from the stick. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • JHP
    JHP Member Posts: 114 Fixer WiFi Icon
    yeah you're right Will send the laptop to TX - I can see red flags all over this that hornets nest..

    If I could troubleshoot these files on the stick...

    stay tuned


    JackE said:
    Jeff---There are ways to do this with some freeware DVD burning utilities. But most folks go the other way. Besides, if the bootable stick files are corrupt or damaged, they'll also wind up being corrupt or damaged on the DVD made from the stick. Jack E/NJ
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer
    >>>If I could troubleshoot these files on the stick...>>>

    Well, Jeff, I can tell from here in NJ that you're probably up to the challenge. But an even greater challenge might be to try to return the stick for a refund. Afterall, tech support determined that your system failed under warranty. And is headed to TX repairs instead. If you can get a refund, you'll be a hero! 8^) Jack E/NJ  

    Jack E/NJ

  • Sobe
    Sobe Member Posts: 138 Skilled Fixer WiFi Icon

    Looking forward to the update. Hope all is well with getting it fixed. 

    Hopefully what JackE recommended, seeing if you can get a refund- would be great!
  • JHP
    JHP Member Posts: 114 Fixer WiFi Icon
    well whats really strange about the stick that it has a file on it that I can open
    I assume that is some kind of script file?
    here it is:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    - <Os1Image>
    - <RcdList>
    - <LpcdList>
      <PcdList />
    - <Os2Image>
      <RcdList />
      <Scd />
      <LpcdList />
      <PcdList />

    The sticker on the USB shows a number 2-13-171109-05438
    Maybe a stocking number?

    going to the laptop will be sent out this week yet

    thanks to both of you...
    maybe once this is done I can be an answerer instead of a questioner

  • Sobe
    Sobe Member Posts: 138 Skilled Fixer WiFi Icon
    I don't know much about that script. I'm just now learning python.

    But when you check out the Acer usb stick, what are the file name listed? 
  • JHP
    JHP Member Posts: 114 Fixer WiFi Icon
    on the stick there are 5 folders
    data EFI
    System Volume Information

    (with various sub folders)

    then the files that are in the root dir
    AcerUSBRecovery.tag 1 KB size
    bootmgr 378 KB size
    bootmgr.efi 1,142 KB size
    NaooDeploySetting.xml (the file I showed you)
    USBFGPNInfo.ini 0 kb size (which I find really strange)
  • Sobe
    Sobe Member Posts: 138 Skilled Fixer WiFi Icon
    You know what Jeff,

    I've been reading on this and people dealt with the same issue except it's not within Acer brand. Some with custom PC built and what not. 
    Haven't really found a solution to their questions, but if you still have the laptop, perhaps you can try to remove the battery to allow it to discharge- perhaps like unplug it for 1-2 minutes.

    You can also try reseating the RAM stick, or if you have two RAM sticks, perhaps, remove one only.

  • JHP
    JHP Member Posts: 114 Fixer WiFi Icon
    Sobe said:
    You know what Jeff,

    I've been reading on this and people dealt with the same issue except it's not within Acer brand. Some with custom PC built and what not. 
    Haven't really found a solution to their questions, but if you still have the laptop, perhaps you can try to remove the battery to allow it to discharge- perhaps like unplug it for 1-2 minutes.

    You can also try reseating the RAM stick, or if you have two RAM sticks, perhaps, remove one only.

    I kinda want to do this...but Its under warranty and the logical thing is not to open it up and mess with the DDRAM in case I bust something

    But again - I need to get this clear in my head - IF this ever happens again - even with a HD bad the USB stick will at least start the system and attempt to fix the HD?
    Will do the battery thing tho

    (I only got the one DDRAM - so it says in the BIOS)


  • Sobe
    Sobe Member Posts: 138 Skilled Fixer WiFi Icon
    Totally understand.

    That's what I believe. Even if the HD is bad, the USB stick is considered a bootable device. The boot will occur from the USB and when you tell it to install on the HD, sometimes you may get an error during that part. 

    Battery discharge would be a good troubleshooting step. Let us know if you try that. 

    Never asked you, but what make and model is your laptop?
    I have the acer predator helios 300 17.3''
  • JHP
    JHP Member Posts: 114 Fixer WiFi Icon
    I am doing the battery thing as we speak
    I got a E5(E15) 575T model 1TB HD 8 GB ram

    So after the battery is dead - what Are the settings I use for the BIOS?
    There are some I can adj
    TPM - what is that and what should it be? I can clear it but do I?
    Clear the GPT Partition?  - If I try to restore I get a write disk Error in the BIOS
    D2D recover should be disabled?
    Do I do UEFI or legacy?
    Secure boot or not?
    Do I clear the secure boot settings or not?

    I can go out and get a WIN 10 new OS fo $90 - but I think it comes on a USB stick too

  • Sobe
    Sobe Member Posts: 138 Skilled Fixer WiFi Icon
    Didn't mean for you to discharge the battery by letting it die.
    What I meant was to remove the battery from the laptop. 
    I'm not sure how that laptop has if the battery is removable, or if you have to open up the laptop completely and unplug the battery wires and leave it off for 1-2 minutes and then plug it back in.

    after that, just try booting the usb stick again, boot it in legacy and if it doesn't work, boot in secure boot, etc 
  • JHP
    JHP Member Posts: 114 Fixer WiFi Icon
    edited February 2018
    Sobe said:
    Didn't mean for you to discharge the battery by letting it die.
    What I meant was to remove the battery from the laptop. 
    I'm not sure how that laptop has if the battery is removable, or if you have to open up the laptop completely and unplug the battery wires and leave it off for 1-2 minutes and then plug it back in.

    after that, just try booting the usb stick again, boot it in legacy and if it doesn't work, boot in secure boot, etc 

    ok will do
  • JHP
    JHP Member Posts: 114 Fixer WiFi Icon
    what is really strange is that the BIOS says that the stick is "toshiba MSFT NORB"
    now I wonder what that means...
  • JHP
    JHP Member Posts: 114 Fixer WiFi Icon
    did all that and now within boot up time the BSOD comes up in 10-20 seconds again the BIOS sees the stick - dont think its the correct one

    I got 3 USB ports tried them all as instructing the BIOS to have the USB stick as 1st boot option
  • JHP
    JHP Member Posts: 114 Fixer WiFi Icon
    Sobe said:
    Didn't mean for you to discharge the battery by letting it die.
    What I meant was to remove the battery from the laptop. 
    I'm not sure how that laptop has if the battery is removable, or if you have to open up the laptop completely and unplug the battery wires and leave it off for 1-2 minutes and then plug it back in.

    after that, just try booting the usb stick again, boot it in legacy and if it doesn't work, boot in secure boot, etc 

    the battery (main) would need to be taken out with a full back cover removal
  • JHP
    JHP Member Posts: 114 Fixer WiFi Icon
    edited February 2018
    one more observation - when I power down the laptop - press the power button for 3-4 seconds
    I hear a chirp like a clink of glasses when someone toasts

    (I am ready for that right now)
  • Sobe
    Sobe Member Posts: 138 Skilled Fixer WiFi Icon
    interesting.. if you do a google search on "toshiba MSFT NORB" you'll see that it's probably a generic name because I saw a Dell forum page come up.
    You may have to do trial and error like disabling UEFI and do legacy boot or vice versa.

    What happens when you boot to first USB?

    That clink of glasses,, hm... not sure lol. Have you always heard it? 

    I'm assuming it didn't work at all? Or after the battery removal, you notice things are different when booting to USB?