XC 603 not booting(Acer XC 603)

drawstop Member Posts: 6 New User
edited March 2024 in 2020 Archives
I have just acquired an Acer XC 603 which will not boot up.
It gets as far as telling me to press delete to get into BIOS but then will do nothing.
I know it is elderly (like me) but I would like to get it working.
Would some one help, please?
Many thanks

Best Answer

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓
    BIOS is not on the HDD, so don't worry, disconnect it and then try to boot and press Del key to enter BIOS.

    i suggest you also a CMOS reset:
    unplug the power cable, open the left panel of your PC case (front view), look inside about a silver rounded battery (like a coin) and take it off
    then press power button twice and wait 5 minutes.
    put everything back and try to boot.
    I'm not an Acer employee.


  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer
    had you disconnect HDD/SSD/DVD and try to access BIOS?
    had you try a CMOS reset?
    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • drawstop
    drawstop Member Posts: 6 New User
    There is no internal DVD drive  - if I disconnect the HDD how do I get into the BIOS
    as it sticks on delete but will not do anything.
    Many thanks for your comment.
  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓
    BIOS is not on the HDD, so don't worry, disconnect it and then try to boot and press Del key to enter BIOS.

    i suggest you also a CMOS reset:
    unplug the power cable, open the left panel of your PC case (front view), look inside about a silver rounded battery (like a coin) and take it off
    then press power button twice and wait 5 minutes.
    put everything back and try to boot.
    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • drawstop
    drawstop Member Posts: 6 New User
    Thanks IronFly

    I will try that tomorrow when I have a little spare time.
  • drawstop
    drawstop Member Posts: 6 New User
    Have done just that and now it will not even power up.
    It is dead.
    Any further comments would be gratefully accepted.
  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer
    double check that you put back the CMOS battery with the correct polarity.
    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • drawstop
    drawstop Member Posts: 6 New User
    Yes - CMOS in OK - I discovered a poor contact on a plug and pushed it right in.
    PC now powers up and I have got into BIOS and set it to read DVD first.
    But it does not do that. It keeps restarting but not booting up.
    I am very loath to give up on it as I like the machine.
    Many thanks for  your help.
  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer
    So you can now reach BIOS but out of it, it keeps rebooting?
    If it has 2 ram sticks, take one off and switch between them to check if it stays stable.
    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • drawstop
    drawstop Member Posts: 6 New User
    Thanks for comment but regret I do not understand.
  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer
    Had you try to boot with just one ram stick/module on the motherboard?
    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • JordanB
    JordanB ACE Posts: 3,729 Pathfinder
    edited November 2017

    1.Please post what operating system that you are trying to install?
    2. Please post what BIOS version is on the computer (check in your BIOS settings for version).
    3. Please check to see if there is an F12 boot menu in your BIOS settings.  If present, please enable it. Please use the F12 boot menu instead of changing the boot order to dvd.
    4. Please post as to whether "Secure Boot" is currently enabled or disabled in the BIOS settings.
    5. Please post as to the condition of "Launch CSM".  Is it set to Never or  Always?
    6.  Please post what operating system came pre-installed on your computer at the factory?  

    Only P11.B2 or newer supports legacy (CSM).  I'm not sure what OS he's trying to install.  He may be trying to boot a Windows 7 DVD that won't boot unless he puts in legacy mode or at least disables secure boot.  But again, if he doesn't have P11.B2 or newer and put BIOS in legacy mode he probably won't be able to boot/install/run Win 7.  Good luck.  :)
    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • enigma757
    enigma757 Member Posts: 3 New User
    IronFly - hope you're still there..
    I've acquired an Aspire X  model  AXC-603-UR10. Trying for days to flash the on-board  P11-B0 BiOS  to P11.B2 and restore CSM. Have read in these forums this model was sold through Costco and the resident UEFI BIOS is "locked" ? Only way I could load anything was creation of W10(64b)  image from M/S using media creation tool to USB, etc.  Attempting BiOS upgrade using WIN method, error returns (not a 64bit file), DOS method seems impossible. Anyway have tried numerous  ACER BiOS's for this model (P11.B4,  P11.B4L  - (yeah, Linux....I know)) and just about every method possible; RUFUS'ing thumb drives (with & without FreeDoS), putting files in various directories; alas nothing.  
    There must be a way to do this - any help you can offer would be appreciated.
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,663 Trailblazer
    Why are you trying to flash the BIOS? What errors are you seeing or problems you are having with the computer? Normally you only flash the BIOS for specific problems the update addresses...
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  • enigma757
    enigma757 Member Posts: 3 New User
    edited February 2019
    thanks Billsey.. the problem is, no access to legacy BiOS.   I'd like to have the option to enable CSM and access to legacy BiOS , thus not be locked into using using GPT formatted HDs.
  • JordanB
    JordanB ACE Posts: 3,729 Pathfinder
    edited February 2019

    I'm going to give you instructions for updating the BIOS (two different methods), but let me give you some other info first in regards to your xc-603 desktop computer.

    ---To create an Ubuntu or Windows installation USB with an iso, use Rufus with settings UEFI (non-CSM), GPT, FAT32
    ---To install Ubuntu as EFI on your xc-603, probably all you have to do is disable secure boot in the BIOS before you install Ubuntu and ubuntu will work fine....however on some newer (skylake or newer) Acer desktops, you must also manually add the boot entry.

      bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi

    ok, I'm going to give you instructions to update BIOS, but there's really no need to put your xc-603 in to legacy mode, because Ubuntu will (should) work great as I described above.  So to enable "legacy mode" on your xc-603, you go in to BIOS settings and disable secure boot, and also set "launch CSM" to "always"....and then save/exit.  I don't recommend legacy mode for linux or windows or anything. 

    To update the BIOS on your xc-603 (assuming it came pre-installed with Windows 8 or windows 10)

    ----Download P11.B4
    --- Extract/Unzip it
    ---Follow the steps below (they are the instructions in the Appendix folder)

    If those instructions above don't work, then follow my instructions below (assuming the computer came pre-installed with Windows 8 or 10

    1. Download P11.B4
    2.  Extract
    3.  Copy the Win and ROM folders to a USB flash drive
    4. Open an admin command prompt
    5.  If your USB flash drive has a drive letter of F, then you would type

    cd win

    6.  After the processing completes, restart your computer
    7.  When it prompts you, tap the delete << DEL>>key on your keyyboard to get in to BIOS settings
    8.  Load the BIOS defaults (F9) and then save/exit (F10)

    Use my instructions at your own risk.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • enigma757
    enigma757 Member Posts: 3 New User
    Jordan B - Your instructions worked just fine. 
    The first set (from "appendix" did not work - I had tried them initially) However, your second set worked fine.  One thing, I did not execute them with production W10 running (and on the internal HD).

    Since I was still testing the unit and had just downloaded Hiren's x64 PE on another unit, I burned a DVD copy.  Then decided to create a UEFI bootable USB of the Hiren's (using DISKPART) . 

    1) Ran DISKPART to prep a 2GB USB
    2) Manually copied the contents of Hiren's x64 PE DVD to the prepared USB
    3) Booted into the USB on the xc-603 and brought up Hiren's PE ;  a Win10 "lite environment"
    4) Put the WIN and ROM folders from P11.B4 onto another USB and mounted in an open USB slot on the xc-603 
    5) OPEN a CMD window
    6) cd'd to the drive in 4) and then to WIN folder
    7) Ran "flash" - watched the entire cycle complete without any error !
    8) SHUTDOWN, removed all USBs, booted, went into BIOS; confirmed rev. level as P11.B4  (Nice !)
    9) "LAUNCH CSM" now appears at the top of the BOOT OPTION page and can be enabled simply by disabling "SECURE BOOT" on the AUTHENTICATION page

    Worked like a top - and again my thanks.  If you're in the NY (Long Island) area, the beers are on me.  Thank you so much for your patience, detailed instructions and recommendation for Ubuntu. I will be sure to load a release and put it through it's paces .

  • JordanB
    JordanB ACE Posts: 3,729 Pathfinder
    You're welcome!
    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • tfmeier
    tfmeier Member Posts: 18 Troubleshooter
    I'm in a similar situation:

    Have Win10 on an XC-603 and try to install Fedora on another disk

    1. Downloaded Fedora ISO and burned onto DVD
    2. Booted into DVD and installed Fedora
    3. Removed DVD and restarted > can't find any boot media and doesn't let me boot (only boots into the DVD if I put it back) - BIOS set to secure disabled and Launch CSM always

    What BIOS do I need to boot Linux? Understand there is P11.B2 / P11.B2L / P11.B4 / P11.B4L
    What BIOS settings do I need to boot Linux?
    Can I still boot the Win10 disk if I swap the Linux drive with Win10 drive?

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,663 Trailblazer
    The L BIOS versions have the needed extra stuff to handle what several Linux distributions were doing early on for UEFI. You really want to have the UEFI setup for Windows, then add a Linux mount point to that to dual boot. If you go with Linux/GRUB for the UEFI boot it won't give you enough time to choose Windows instead, so only good for Linux only systems.
    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • tfmeier
    tfmeier Member Posts: 18 Troubleshooter
    Sorry I'm not a Linux expert by any stretch...

    I don't intend to run dual boot on that system. I keep the Win10 harddisk not for any particular reasons but probably more because I have an available other disk to install Linux on.

    So with dual boot not a requirement which BIOS would you install and are there any specific settings to install/boot Linux from it?