SSD Compatibility

sillraim Member Posts: 15 Troubleshooter
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

Hi there,

is LITE-ON 128GB SSD, CV3-8D128 compatible with Samsung 500GB MZ-V6E500 SSD(NVMe 960 Evo)?



  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer


    LITE-ON drive is a M.2 SATA drive and Samsung is a NVMe drive. If you are trying to replace the stock 128GB Lite-On SSD with Samsung NVMe SSD, search this forum for more information about your laptop's compatibility with NVMe drives or post your laptop model and ask.

  • sillraim
    sillraim Member Posts: 15 Troubleshooter

    Hi and thanks,

    my d e s k t o p  model is Predator G3-710.

  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer


    You need to check the Maximum link width of your PCI Express Ports, if they are either 2x or 4x, you can install a NVMe SSD, you can check that by installing HWiNFO64 program, run it and expand Bus, expand PCI Bus, highlight all your PCI Express Root Ports and check the Maximum Link width in the right pane. For more explanation please read the second post here:

  • sillraim
    sillraim Member Posts: 15 Troubleshooter


    thanks a lot for your great support. I will do the actions recommended in the next possible moment and come back with the stament of results.



  • sillraim
    sillraim Member Posts: 15 Troubleshooter

    I installed the HWiNFO64 software. The screenshot attached. 


    The Maximum link in PCI Express X1 Bus #1 and Bus #2 were 1x. The problem is still the connector. I think it is not possible to put the NVMe to the place of M2 because the connectors are not equal. 

    Thanks for reading...


  • sillraim
    sillraim Member Posts: 15 Troubleshooter

    Hi there,

    at last I found the way how to handle the issue when wanted to change LITE-ON 128GB SSD to Samsung 960 Evo 500GB SSD. First I took out the LITE-ON SSD from it's place and put into the DeLock SATA-adapter and put the empty Samsung 960 Evo to it's place. I booted computer normally and used Samsung Data Migration software. Everything seemed to be ok but then I found that for some reason(s) there were two missing or corrupted .dll files. The Acer Predator g3-710 booted normally but due to the mising .dlls it was not functioning as wanted. After that I wanted to repeat the Data Migration but then I met the problem, I didn't found the way how to 1) define to BIOS that I want to boot from the original LITE-ON instead of Samsung or 2) empty Samsung 960 Evo 500GB SSD for repeat the same procedure I did before. Now the situation is that Samsung 960 Evo 500GB SSD is in the mother board, Acer Predator g3-710 is booting normally but due to missing .dlls is is not functioning properly. Please help! Thanks