Acer S3 ultrabook with 20GB SSD - Can't reload Windows 10 on new drive

DJS1960 Member Posts: 5



INSYDE Aspire S3 V1.25
System Serial Number: 554TH01016

I think this is similar to the Acer Aspire S3-951


I have replaced the 500Gb Seagate with a 240G Sandisk SSD.

When reloading Win 10 (clean install) from a USB bootable memory stick, I get to a point where I have a choice of loading it on either the 240G SSD (DISK-0), or on the bvuilt-in 20GB SSD (Disk-1), which serves as a hybernation partition.

I can delete or create partitions, format, all is fine, but when I instruct Win 10 to load windows on the 240G SDD, I get the following error from windows:

"We could not create a new partition, or locate an existing one"

I deleted both Disk0 and Disk 1 partitions, but can't not lead windows on either partition.

Any ideas on this ? 


[edited for privacy-please do not post personal or unique information such as but not limited to full names, email addresses, phone numbers, full serial numbers, etc.]

