Brightness control not working.

jimmy222 Member Posts: 13



My brightness control does not work. Fn buttons for brightness control don't work as well. I've tried all methods given on the internet such as updating the driver through device manager, changing the startup application etc. Quite frustrating that I cannot change the brightness settings. However, I realise that after I click on 'Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer', it states that I have two of the same display adapters. 








  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer

    I'd suggest removing/deleting them all from device mgr. Then reboot and allow the system to re-install.


    Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • jimmy222
    jimmy222 Member Posts: 13


    Would the system reinstall the drivers itself or would I have to download the drivers? I'm afraid that by doing that, my whole computer wouldn't start...

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer

    I know. Sounds scarey doesn't it. But unless your system and hardware are "unusual" for some reason, the correct drivers should already be on your hard drive and automatically re-installed on re-boot. The fact that there are 3 display drivers listed for presumably one video adapter, suggests something other than factory-installed drivers. Perhaps it might help to let us know what operating system and Acer model you have and about when you first noticed this issue.


    Jack E/NJ  

    Jack E/NJ

  • jimmy222
    jimmy222 Member Posts: 13


    Yes it's scary! I'm using an Acer Aspire E-15. Model E5-522-824N. OS is windows 8.1 single language with bing. It actually started after I was messing around with the buttons Fn+F6; which is to darken the screen. After a few times of testing it out, my brightness control just malfunctioned.


    Nad KB

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer

    I zoomed in on your device mgr screenshot and just noticed that you must've also  right-clicked on the single AMD adapter.  Then chose properties and eventually got to a screen where "3 installation options" were listed. So in fact you only have one driver installed with 3 installation options listed, not 3 installed. The two identical driver options listed simply means they're two copies of the factory-installed driver already on your hard drive.


    So, before going any further, please describe the pictorial symbol that you see on the F6 key. Then describe the pictorial symbols you see on the right and left arrow keys.


    Jack E/NJ  

    Jack E/NJ

  • jimmy222
    jimmy222 Member Posts: 13


    Ahh I see.. Yes you are right. But wouldn't that be the cause of the problem if there are two identical copies of the factory-installed driver? I also tried using the microsoft basic display adapter option as recommended by some users on the internet, but I still can't adjust the brightness.What I mean here is that, funnily enough, I can move the sliders in the brightness option but the screen's brightness itself doesn't change. 


    The F6 key has a screen and a sun in the middle of it with an arrow to its right showing a blacked out screen. My left key is the sun, my run key is a blacked out sun.


    Nad KB.

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer

    >>>But wouldn't that be the cause of the problem if there are two identical copies of the factory-installed driver? >>>


    No. Because only one of the two identical drivers is actually executed and running on your machine when you boot up. Device Mgr shows that only one, not both, of the drivers is running.


    Now, what happens when you press and hold the Fn key while tapping the right arrow key? Do the same for the left arrow key. Report back on what, if anything, happens.


    Jack E/NJ


    Jack E/NJ

  • jimmy222
    jimmy222 Member Posts: 13


    I see.. So I guess we can put that out as a problem then..


    Well, nothing much happens. Only the slider comes up but it doesn't change or affect the slider when i press the buttons. Even when i use my mouse to adjust the slider, the brightness still doesn't change.


    Nad KB.

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer

    Good. The slider coming up suggests that your Fn key is working OK. Are you pressing and holding this Fn key at all times when the slider comes up and you try to adjust the slider with the left mouse button?


    Jack E/NJ




    Jack E/NJ

  • jimmy222
    jimmy222 Member Posts: 13


    Yes I have tried it. Held the Fn key as well as adjusting the slider with my mouse. But the brightness still doesn't change.


    Nad KB

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer

    OK. Next, go to Device Mgr. Click on Display Adapters. Right click AMD Radeon R5. Then click properties. Then driver. What is the driver version number that is listed?


    Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • jimmy222
    jimmy222 Member Posts: 13


    Okay. The driver version number is 14.502.1005.1003.


    Nad KB

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer

    A slightly newer driver is available. Go to


    Select notebooks. Then Aspire. Then your model E5-522. Then choose Windows 8.1 in the dropdown. Then download the AMD video driver file for version 14.502.1005.1004.


    Double click to run the driver installation zip file.


    Report back with results.


    Jack E/NJ



    Jack E/NJ

  • jimmy222
    jimmy222 Member Posts: 13


    I've downloaded the latest driver. Unfortunately, nothing changes... What can be the problem?


    Nad KB.

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer

    First, check that Device Mgr display adapter shows that version 14.502.1005.1004 is running.


    Then, open Control Panel. Search "power" or "brightness". Click on balanced plan and "edit power plan"  With your laptop plugged into AC, adjust slider to maximum brightness and save setting for the balanced plan . Does the screen brightness change to very bright now?


    Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • jimmy222
    jimmy222 Member Posts: 13


    Checked the driver..Yes, version 14.502.1005.1004 is running. 


    I've tried what you recommended to do..The brightness is still the same. Does not turn very bright..


    Nad KB

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer

    >>>Does not turn very bright>>>


    Now, try adjusting the brightness slider to minimum in control panel's balanced plan. Does the screen brightness get noticeably dimmer?


    Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • jimmy222
    jimmy222 Member Posts: 13


    Tried it..Unfortunately no, the screen does not get any brighter nor dimmer.. What else can be done? Quite unusual for this to happen,isn't it?


    Nad KB.

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer

    >>>Quite unusual for this to happen,isn't it?>>>


    Not really.


    Before proceeding to any next steps with the software, do you know if the brightness controls ever worked BEFORE you started ">>>messing around with the buttons Fn+F6; which is to darken the screen. After a few times of testing it out, my brightness control just malfunctioned.>>>"


    Unless your keyboard is different, the Fn+F6 combo should have simply toggled the screen off and on, NOT darkened or dimmed it. The Fn+left arrow(<) key and Fn+right arrow key(>) combos should have dimmed and brightened the screen.


    Jack E/NJ


    Jack E/NJ

  • jimmy222
    jimmy222 Member Posts: 13


    Yes, before I played with the Fn+F6, the brightness controls were working fine.And you are right, the FN+F6 combo was to toggle the screen on and off. So is it a software problem?


    Nad KB