eMachines EL1850-01e Want to upgrade CPU

meterman40 Member Posts: 12 New User
edited March 2024 in 2020 Archives

The Motherboard inside the box (as far as I can tell) is an G41T - AD v:1.0

After looking up specs, I purchased an Intel core 2 quad... after trying to install it, I realized that I had looked at specs for the G41T - MD, and then found specs for the -AD. These specs stated (on multiple sites) that the board could handle up to a core 2 duo. I found a good deal on a duo and purchased it, but again, the CPU won't boot. 

I purchased the Core 2 Duo 3.16ghz/6m/1333/06 (which should have worked according to the spec sheet I had).


The error I get for the core 2 quad was successive beeping, the error I get for the core 2 duo is one neverending beep.  I couldn't find a spot that gave me insight into what those codes meant for this motherboard, so I am turning to all of you for help.


Is the Duo I purchased bad? Did I get an incompatible CPU again? If so, what CPUs will actually work for this motherboard? 







  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer



    Could you give me the first ten characters of the computer serial number (S/N)? Only the first ten.

  • meterman40
    meterman40 Member Posts: 12 New User
  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer

    Your motherboard is this one:

    MB.NBK09.001MAIN BD.G41.ICH7.WO/1394

    It supports all these original processors:

    KC.54001.DEVCPU P-DUO.E5400/2.7G/2M/800/R0
    KC.55001.DEVCPU P-DUO.E5500/2.8G/2M/800/R0
    KC.57001.DEVCPU P-DUO.E5700/3G/2M/800/R0
    KC.83001.QQ0CPU QUAD.Q8300/2.5G/4M/1333
    KC.83001.QQVCPU QUAD.Q8300/2.5G/4M/1333/95W
    KC.58001.DEVCPU P-DUO.E5800/3.2G/2M/800/R0
  • meterman40
    meterman40 Member Posts: 12 New User

    Thank you laurent_14!! I purchased one of those processors now. I'll give an update once I install it!

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer



    Be careful the original heatsink dissipates up to 65W. If you install a Quad Core of 95W, you'll need another heatsink:

  • meterman40
    meterman40 Member Posts: 12 New User

    The new CPU finally came inSmiley Happy Sadly, this one also does not work. I get a neverending beep with it. I have posted an image of the new one below. Did I mess up again? I could have sworn this was on the list of accepted processors and it isn't the 95w one (as far as I can tell).


    2.5ghz quad.bmp





  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer



    Do you have the lastest bios version P01.B3?

    SLB5W - Intel Q8300 - TDP 95W

  • meterman40
    meterman40 Member Posts: 12 New User

    I have no idea if I have the latest bios version. How would I update it?


    Also, since I guess my cpu is 95w, Is the heatsink you're talking about the one attached to the CPU fan? What would you recommend I get for a replacement?

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer



    1. You can find the actual bios version like this:
      Under Windows, Run box, type msinfo32.exe

    2. Yes. I already gave you the part numbers of the heatsinks with fan. Look for the part with the part numbers stated in my previous message.
  • meterman40
    meterman40 Member Posts: 12 New User

    I am having an awful time locating the correct files to update the BIOS. The only things I have been able to find are for 32bit systems and I can't find a way to contact AMI for the 64bit version because they will only support people with a "business email". 


    Is there any place you know that I can get the update files for window 7 64bit?


    Here is what the msinfo32.exe shows 



  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer



    I'm lost!Smiley Surprised... I don't understand anything anymore!

    1. Is it an eMachines EL1850-01e or an Aspire X1900?
    2. Have you replaced the mainboard (it's not the same board)?

    Remark: I see "System model: Aspire X1900" on your screenshot.

  • meterman40
    meterman40 Member Posts: 12 New User

    LOL! Well at least I'm not the only confused one.  Here are some pics of the PC and Mainboard, hopefully this can start clearing things up.  Nothing but the RAM has been replaced in this box.


    Front PC.jpgSide Label.jpgSN Label.jpgMainBoard.jpg

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer



    Thanks for the pictures!Smiley Happy

    I see a white sticker on the motherboard near the cpu socket. There is a string of characters under the bar code. Are the first ten MBNBK09001...?


    Note: eMachines means enervating Machines!Smiley LOL

  • meterman40
    meterman40 Member Posts: 12 New User

    Confirmed. First 10 are MBNBK09001.

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer



    I checked again and it's the right motherboard. It must support the Intel Q8300.

    • Your actual bios version is: P01.A3 - 04/23/2010
    • Intel Q8300: Last order date is 08/26/2011
    • The latest bios version is: P01.B3 - 08/06/2011

    I advise you to flash the latest bios version under DOS (more sure).

    You'll find it on the eMachines support website: (L is only for Linux) - EL1850 model:

    BIOSeMachinesBIOSP01.B32.6 MB2012/09/12Download
    BIOSeMachinesBIOS for Linux
    1. Fixes press F4 key in BIOS setup, it will show the hidden item issue.
    2. Fixes boot block recovery function fail issue if the USB disk is formatted with FAT32 under Win7.
    P01.A4L2.6 MB2010/05/17Download
    BIOSeMachines1. Fixes press F4 key in BIOS setup, it will show the hidden item issue.
    2. Fixes boot block recovery function fail issue if the USB disk is formatted with FAT32 under Win7.
    P01.A42.6 MB2010/05/17Download
    BIOSeMachinesBIOS for Linux Revises BIOS option.P01.A3L1.4 MB2010/05/11Download
    BIOSeMachinesRevises BIOS option.P01.A32.6 MB2010/05/11Download
    BIOSeMachinesBIOS for Linux & FreeDOS
    Fixes BIOS security password does not support special char such as '*' '+', but support spacebar issue.
    P01.A2L1.3 MB2010/05/03Download
  • meterman40
    meterman40 Member Posts: 12 New User

    First, laurent_14, I would like to thank you for your time and the info you've provided. But we aren't out of the woods yet Smiley Sad 


    The bios update worked flawlessly, and msinfo.exe says we're on the right version now. When I put the processor in, I am still getting the same continuous beep. Do you happen to know where I can find a list of the "beep" codes for this motherboard?

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer



    But we aren't out of the woods yet Smiley Happy

    We have another french expression: "On n'est pas sorti du pétrin" (baker)


    More seriously:

    1. Have you load the default settings in the bios utility and save&exit after flashing the bios?
    2. Do you know the bios editor (Phoenix, AMI, Insyde etc)?
    3. I'm waiting informations from an Acer technician because you have:
      the right motherboard
      the right processor
      the latest bios ... so it must work.

    I checked and checked again from several data bases and all is good. Mystery.

  • Blayn-Acer
    Blayn-Acer Administrator Posts: 2,355 Community Administrator

    I can confirm that this model does share a motherboard with the Acer model, so it is the correct board in the system. I was also able to confirm that the latest BIOS is P01.B3, so you are running the latest BIOS. I do not have a listing of beep codes for this model. Is the processor you are installing new, or did it come out of another system? I really don't have any ideas as to what may be causing your issue at this point.

  • meterman40
    meterman40 Member Posts: 12 New User


    First, yes I did reload default settings and did a full power cycle after to make sure everything was loaded. 


    Second, I do not know the BIOS editor and have no idea what that is Smiley Happy sorry!


    Third, I hope the Acer guys can give you a beep code list. It would be rather annoying to find that I've had a bad processor this whole time.




    I bought the processor used off Amazon. I thought the constant beep might have meant that the processor was bad (I believe I commented about that earlier in this thread). I find it amazing that Acer doesn't have the beep codes listed anywhere, as that info is decently important. 


    I don't have another 775 socket to test this CPUSmiley Sad  Any other recommendations or should I just scrap the idea of upgrading the CPU?


  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer



    As you have an AMI bios, you can take a look on this document (standard beep codes).

This discussion has been closed.