Netflix not working on Acer Iconia A1 810

morisn Member Posts: 7 New User
edited March 2024 in 2018 Archives


I pretty much looked into this in various ways, first with Netflix support, then 'Google guru' with no successful results.

So lo and behold, I am here where I should've probably come in the first place. I just thought that my issue would've been so common that I wouldn't have had to post one entry of my own.


Anyway, that was my introduction as I believe I'm required as as a new comer to Acer forum.


The issue is as follows:
I bought the Acer Iconia A1 810 a few months ago with the main purpose to view movies on Netflix. My BB Playbook did not support it and for the look of it after the release of the Z10/Q10 and their respective OS's it was not going to be supported so I decided to go Android, and Android did I go.


After purchasing a brand new Iconia, the experience was almost instantaneous, and in a good way. I had to learn the differences from my good ol' Playbook and this one but it was worth the 'learning curve'. I was, most of all, able to watch Netflix movies in the comfort of, ahem, well, I won't go that far explaining but I was able to watch it and all was good and 'dandy' (you can perhaps tell my age by my last word)

Anyhow, all was good and pretty until something happened: I noticed that the movies started to play well, but after a few seconds, the screen started to become distorted. By distorted I mean, it first started to show some sort of shade around certain areas of sillouets, such as people, the hair was all greyish and it refreshed when a drastict change in the video such as a different camera was used for similar scenes, but then, it went back again. I don't know how to accurately explain this other than saying it was really distracting. Sound was fine and Internet connection, the best for this type of video streaming.

I then noticed that the viewing area of the screen was split into two. The bigger screen and then a bar-like section on the right-hand-side of the screen. That portion remains frozen on the scene that was playing at the moment of the split. And then, all video started become really, unviewable.


So, I decided to contact Netflix to find out if they had heard of something like that or if they could give me an idea of what the problem could be but their support did all they had in their toolbox without success and apparently, never heard of my issue. True or not, I was only offered a pat on the back for my patronage and a thank you for having chosen their streaming service.

I don't want to go in details here as what was done because the list is long, but if you care enough to ask, you can shoot something and maybe that was not done... But to save you some time: rebooted=Yes, reinstalled Netflix=yes, Reinstalled and rebooted =Yes, Tried to use the factory Netflix version = Does not work anymore. After a window opens similar to the one you see after you log on, the screen is unresponsive. Changed Netflix settings = Yes, Changed Android settings or cleared cache = Yes... Reste my Android OS to the factory provided software, NO. Unfortunately and even if the main reason why I bought this device was for Netflix viewing, I already have other apps and settings that don't want to reinstall and redo just for one application, at least not now or while somebody tells me and proves that that's the only way to go to fix the problem. The list goes on...


Well, I then went to the broader network (google) and even if I found similarities, nothing was quite the same. Most people have problems with audio or video that cannot be played at all. I, however, can play video on VLC with no problems. YouTube, no complaints. So from other video streaming products stand point, things are OK. NEtflix seems to be the problem child.

Now, what I do remember is that I downloaded the lastes Andriod OS version which I think it's the current one:


Android version: 4.4.2

Kernel version: 3.4.67

Image version: Acer_AVOKO_A1-810_RV0BRC02_PA_CUS1

Build number: Acer_AVOKO_A1-810_1.032.00_PA_CUS1

Image P/N: FM.NLXA0.05N


Ok, not sure what of the above is necessary or not for the support team of whomever happens to take the time and thank you by the way for doing so, I know my post is long enough but I cannot seem to find a better way to vent my frustration, thank you very much.


Any ideas? Anyone kind enough to help before I through this little piece of hardware and change my current opinion on this tablet? By the way, I am in no way in a purchase bing. If you could read my first few lines and noticed that I mentioned I owned a Playbook and all was fine but the fact that it didn't play Netflix and did not get that I am in no way interested in buying the latest thing without trying first, has not really paid attention not cared enough to help (This goes to Acer support, not to the common user whose only purpose of being here reading my post is to earn brownie points)


Thank you very much for your support, in advance.



  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    Know issue on KK update, still waiting for a fix.


    PS: i prefer cookies with chocolate chips. Smiley Very Happy

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • lindapet2
    lindapet2 Member Posts: 2 New User

    I am having the exact same issue.  I contacted Acer and was told that my device did not support Netflix and that I had to go through google play and follow the directions to resolve the issue. Obviously this was not the fix to the problem.  I researched further and it seems that the Netflix update of late is the problem.  I am now on the hunt for a way to re-install an older version of Netflix.  Any help would be appreciated.

  • moidu57640
    moidu57640 Member Posts: 1 New User
    I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one having this issue (on an Acer Iconia A3). Despite all my researches, I still don't found the solution. Like lindapt2 i'm trying to install a previous version of Netflix but don't know how to do it (and if it's even possible).
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,676 Trailblazer

    I'm working under the assumption that Netflix will have an update fixing the problem soon... I just have no idea how soon. Smiley Happy


    Have you tried watching Netflix material through the web interface?

    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • morisn
    morisn Member Posts: 7 New User
    Yes, and it does not work. That was one of the first things I tried. What it does (no matter which browser you use, I have the one that comes built-in and chrome) it still launches netxflix app. Haven't figured how to open within the brwoser if possible
  • morisn
    morisn Member Posts: 7 New User
    It's interesting to see how a big company such as Acer is washing their hands off this. Netflix,in my particular case,it worked when I first used it. It did for a few good months. But then something happen and ithink it was the OS upgrade that messed things up.
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,676 Trailblazer

    morisn wrote:
    It's interesting to see how a big company such as Acer is washing their hands off this. Netflix,in my particular case,it worked when I first used it. It did for a few good months. But then something happen and ithink it was the OS upgrade that messed things up.

    A quick Google for "netflix kitkat" on my tablet shows a great many people having issues with all types of phones and tablets. Perhaps you should be railing at Netflix themselves instead of Acer? Although I suppose you could make a case against Google instead...

    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • Rudberg
    Rudberg Member Posts: 6 New User

    I have been runnig a older version of the netflix app since update to 4.4 so that work. But when the problem accured I searched google for a solution I ended up on Lenovos community. They have had the same problems with there tablets after upgrade to 4.4 but Lenovo solved the problem in a few weeks. So to blame Netflix is not the way to go. Perheps Acer would pick up the phone and call Lenovo and ask how they did it?

  • morisn
    morisn Member Posts: 7 New User

    That's why I think Acer should do something about it. How many complaints do they have to get to do something? I don't know, but if lenovo did something what does it take? I guess the next product selection, for now I'm stuck with two tablets, a playbook that no one gives a hoot about anymore even if the product itself is far better than many out there, and this one which sole reason for buying it was because playbook won't support Netflix and this one did at least for a few months... Waste of my money...

  • lindapet2
    lindapet2 Member Posts: 2 New User

    Thank you for the replies.  I too am resolved to having two devices.  I purchased my Acer for Netflix but now will have to revert back to a smaller screen with the Kindle.  Makes me angry but reading that I am not the only one with this problem makes me feel a bit better.

  • Rudberg
    Rudberg Member Posts: 6 New User
    I use this version, it fix the problem for now. Smiley Happy
  • morisn
    morisn Member Posts: 7 New User


    did you try this on the A1 810? I installed it and thought it'd work because it starts playing like a charm but after a minute or so the screen freezes, no matter what I do, what video I play, and reinstalled a couple of times doing reboot and the sort, anyway, not working for me yet...


  • Rudberg
    Rudberg Member Posts: 6 New User
    Yes have used it for a couple of months now on both my A1-810. Have one 8 gb and one 16 gb. The only problem I have had is in start up where I have to start It twice sometimes. Hope you find a version that work check out xda and search for an other version that might work.
  • morisn
    morisn Member Posts: 7 New User

    Hmm, that's odd, what's your OS version?

  • Rudberg
    Rudberg Member Posts: 6 New User
    Same on both
    Android version 4.4.2
    Kernel-version 3.4.67
    Version Acer_AV0K0_A-1-810_1.029.00_WW_GEN1
  • morisn
    morisn Member Posts: 7 New User

    Well only the acer version seems to differ, android and kernel version are the exact same, not sure if that would mean anything or not but thanks for the prompt reply... What bothers me the most is that I bought it specifically for Netflix and it worked fine for some time, I guess that unlike other products Acer does not (or that easily) provide fixes for third party products...

  • johnetx
    johnetx Member Posts: 4 New User

    I had the same Netflix problems when I did the KitKat upgrade this summer, searched and searched forums for a solution, and ended up uninstalling newest version and then installed an older version.  I can't remember where I found the older version, but it's 2.0.2 build 665 . I did a search for that version today, and I'm 95% sure this is where I got the download.  .  The post at the top of the page has a link, it opens another page with the download button from Dropbox.  Make sure you already uninstalled your current Netflix version, download the 2.0.2 version and install.  I just took a chance that it might work on KitKat, and have been very please with the results.  Only glitch I've found with this version is that it doesn't work with the Google Now launcher working, (it crashes before even starting) so I just stick with the stock launcher and all's well.  Hopefully Acer will get a final fix soon.  Best of luck!

  • johnetx
    johnetx Member Posts: 4 New User

    Well there was a new Netflix update available today, version 3.8.3 build 3955 . I just had to try it to see if the screen problems had been fixed. Nope.  Same as other updates the screen isn't clear and has jagged artifacts going on at top and bottom.  So I'm back on the old 2.0.2 build 665 version.  And it works fine.  I'm starting to wonder if ANY future update will work, and that maybe the newest versions just aren't compatible with this older hardware?  If anyone has an answer to this I'd like to hear it.

  • Rudberg
    Rudberg Member Posts: 6 New User
    As I have mentioned before I think the problem is acers 4.4 update not Netflix app. The same problem acured at Lenovo tablets, but Lenovo fixed it with a new update. So it up to acer to fix the video error maybe call Lenovo Smiley Wink
  • compdrm6
    compdrm6 Member Posts: 1 New User

    I have the same problem. Hasn't worked since at least July.

