Btw, I've tried "Save and shutdown" from the bios settings, that also doesn't shutdown (or well shuts down and then restarts)
I'm running bios 1.14, I'll check the USB wake option, but I think I already disabled it. Anyway, there's no USB plugged in.
Macht ja sinn, wenn man die efi partition dabei entfernt :)
Fuer andere die das hier eventuell finden, wenn ich F2 druecke um ins bios zu kommen, bekomme ich nur einen schwarzen Bildschirm und dabei bleibt es. Muss dann via power button resetten um ueberhaupt etwas tun zu koennen. Wie sich nach langem suchen herraus stellte, kommt das verwendete EFI Bios wohl nicht mit anderen…
The one with two coolers, with the big cut out or do you mean which specific model number?
So I did try to disconnect the cmos battery for an hour and switch the board to the other side then bridged G601 with a needle and a screw driver. But no change in bios behavior so far. Would not recommend that for people that have never handled hardware.
Your right, I just have the wrong side of the board. Not sure how to get to the other side.
It doesn't seem like those pictures match my board. Any idea where I can find a reference for my mainboard?
Did try to reinstall the keyboard drivers. Didn't help.
It's actually a 10 digit lock key. Acer Spin 5 SP515-51GN
So I tried that some weeks ago, I do get a lock key but entering it on the site unfortunatly only yields a partial password At the moment I'm hoping for another bios update that maybe fixes it...
Have you tried if it's slow with the power cable connected and without the power cable connected?I got that on my acer spin for some reason.