Hello @Leostat, thanks for the answer. It worked with acpi = off and when i add modprobe.blacklist = amdgpu now the error appears in the image below:
Hi @Leostat tank you for the answer, but I managed to disable ACPI but still presented other errors that are in the images below. Regarding the BIOS version the most current for my desktop on the acer website was 1.13 and I upgraded to this most current version, however on the acer website they removed this most current…
I tryed but I can´t save and continue
Olá @egydiocoelho, obrigado pela resposta. Fiz tudo o que você me falou a bios já está com a versão mais atual, atualizei o firmware da câmera e desativei as opções de AMD-SVM e o AMD-IOMMU mas continua dando os mesmos erros.
Hello @Leostat, thank you for the answer, but where and how I add this 4 to the grub options?