you should post the screen capture so we can advice which one :> .
Have you tried going to bios to see if this problem still occur or not. If it still happen, then screen repairing or replacement. Otherwise, just update the driver. Sorry for my broken English.
Video link : Is this the same model to your laptop. if it is, then expanding the RAM then probarly fix your problem
it's all about the thickness of the heatsink, you have to choose a slight thinkness heatsink for ssd in laptop. The 0.8- 4.0 mm thickness should fit inside a Nitro 5
Have you considered using a thermal pad and a light heatsink for your ssd ? The below video link show how to prevent your samsung mvne ssd from overheating with thermal pad
@Puraw Thanks for replying my problem, i had been worrying about the temperature because a lot of videos indicated that mvne ssd mostly under 40 celcius degree.