i have a similar issue with my nitro v, the solutios was uninstall the intel 630 drivers from acer, and install again but from intel site
you have to take the coolboost plugin from the folder in the original installation who com with the laptop, save that in a pendrive and then when you reinstall the OS install the quickacces from the acer site, and then put the plugin who save in the pendrive in the quickacces/plugins folder, ur coolboost will work again.
and undervolt by -0.130 with Intel xtu
yeah, playing gta 5 almost all in high or very high, i use artic silver 5 and urder
Trata de desintalar los drivers de Acer para el gráfico integrado de Intel 630, e instala los directamente desde la página de Intel, re dirá que es mejor que uses los drivers del fabricante pero omite esa sugerencia y instalarlos de todos modos.
fíjate que este corriendo desde la gpu de nvidia y no desde el integrado de Intel, dale clic derecho y le das cambiar procesador grafico.
Just repast, I repast and undervolt and now my max temp in 74
<blockquote class="Quote"> <div class="QuoteAuthor"><a href="/en/profile/AvikDe">AvikDe</a> said:</div> <div class="QuoteText">Hi I used to have acer coolboost before on acer quick access options in my nitro 5. However after I reinstalled acer quick access,the coolboost option seems to be missing in the application. please…
<blockquote class="Quote"> <div class="QuoteAuthor"><a href="/en/profile/javierstuka">javierstuka</a> said:</div> <div class="QuoteText">Hola, compre una acer nitro 5 hace menos de 1 mes y ya me esta dando problemas, cada vez que juego me aparece una pantalla azul y se me reinicia repentinamente, diciéndome que es un error…
Hi I find the solution, when you install the quick access from the Acer site this don't install the coolboost plugin, you have to take off the plugin from the folder in the original windows of the pc, an then put him in the new windows, just search the plugin in the Quick access plugin folder, copy and then put him…
where i can find a custom copy of w10? and i have another question, what its the normal temp of this laptop? i was playing resident evil 7 in max settings and the gpu was 57 max and the cpu was 65 max without the coolboost, that temps are fine?
i do that and dont work :c