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@TRAILBLAZER, I believe you didn't read it correctly.. As I said, I had this version (updated in PredatorSense itself), but I uninstalled it to install version 5.0.1341. Now I want to go back to version 5.0.1463, but I can't. My notebook is a PHN16-71.
@eGomes , o que seria esse acionamento do CPU TCC?
Hi! @Squishy_Senpai Where did you download this version of PredatorSense? 5.0.1463? I had this version (installed from PredatorSense itself), but to clear up a doubt about another problem, I uninstalled it to install version 5.0.1341. Now I want to go back to version 5.0.1463, but I can't. I looked for this version on the…